Formerly known as "Chosen", the newly-formed Apocryphal Hero League is recruiting active White clan players on Tao server. We are a large PVE hero league that's five bands strong, with friendly and knowledgeable players to help new and returning players start their adventure. Contact one of the following people in-game to join Apocryphal today: Augur (Shao) WarTen (Shao) CherryMoon (LoB) Lexaaa (WT) Misterious (WT) We look forward to welcoming you to Tao's premier White clan hero league: Apocryphal.
Yes, Apocryphal is indeed a PVE league. With that being said, we do not condone PVP from league members. All of our members understand and abide by this rule when they join our league. If you have an issue with WarTen, please refrain from attacking his credibility on the Forum. Contact him in-game to resolve the issue in a civil manner, instead. Thank you.
Yea most people smell bollocks seeing "newly-formed" and "premier (league)" togeather , but thats none of our business
We never claimed to be "the first white league" or anything of that sort. Apocryphal has members who possess alts in other leagues, such as Sushi, and we do not care to start "completing [sic] for members". Members are free to come and go as they please, and if they decide to leave, we wish them all the best and welcome them back if they return.
I did not realize you spoke on behalf of "most people", Czezry. You are certainly entitled to your own opinion regarding our promotional material, but it is not an opinion that is shared by "most people", given the fact that a large number of people have joined Apocryphal league already. Ultimately, people will come to their own conclusions about our league based on their own experiences, and this is something I highly encourage.
Yea , we can argue all day if my oppinion matches "most people" or not but its just a figure of speech , if you didnt notice. I said its none of my business and that it, i dont have any good or bad stuff with you guys, stop beeing so stiff and enjoy life man.