Description: This exocore combines Jester strength, kitiroyang skill and Toki speed. It's said that these 3 are on a mission to annihilate all The Dragon Scrolls and Destroy The 4 Beast. Will their actions bring about an Apocalypse? Made by Jester, kitiroyang, Ikka and Toki. When you exo. Your set will change to the person that's on the right. Stance: Floating in the air without the drones. Weapon: The weapon will be a new pair of shoes.the Effect it will have when you have the shoes on will be this but your standing straight up and it's going up your legs Punch Combo. Will be the basic punch combo of the scroll you're using. Kick Combo K K K K K K. 12Hits. Each Hit is a range attack and 2nd GIF will be what you fire from range. The wind of Black Dragon PPK but just the K and it will be fired side ways. Knocks them not too far back. Enough for you to ground hit. KG. Ground hit and If they are standing juggle laucher. Replace the lighting with the tornadoes I used for the kick combo. V Skill. Does 1hit everything else is an effect. Is a dash skill and it does 1203dmg. Cool down as long as 7 knights throw Dagger skill. The dash skill is fast enough. That if you use a scroll that has a punch combo stun. You can dash to them without missing(Can't be blocked) B Skill. (The Hits Depends how close they are to you[Max Hits Are 7 Per Person ] Damage will be Like 257 each hit.). This fires 3 Tornadoes in the same way as the fire ball GIF shows. The range will be as long as Flame Buster. Cool Down Will be Just as long (Can be blocked) !IF YOU PRESS THE EXO BUTTON AGAIN. YOU WILL TRANSFORM INTO THE OTHER PART OF THE EXOCORE! WHICH IS DOWN HERE. Stance. Your Set will change to Weapon: PPPP: 4Hits PK(KG)K: 6hits. This is a stun juggle launhcer Kick Combo. (Will be whatever kick combo your scroll has) B Skill. When you throw the dagger skill. If it hits it does a multi hits and then knocks them back (at any range), If the skill is blocked it won't do the multi hits. (Similar to Black tortoise bow B skill). B skill takes 75sp and has 7 sec cool down. (Can be blocked) V Skill. 12Hits The Effects the Blue Slashes will have will be this.V skill takes 45sp and has 5 sec cool down (Can be blocked) !The Last Part Of The EXOCORE. WHEN YOU REACH 30% HP (IF YOU STILL HAVE YOUR EXO ACTIVE AND EXO GAUGE. YOU WILL TRANSFORM INTO THIS SET! THAT'S HERE! Stance. Every 5 seconds while standing still he will point out his sword. Weapon. Also the Holder for it. Cloths. When you transform into this part of the exo. PPPP 4hits Juggle launcher. Make this as fast as the fish swordsmen exo Kick Combo 4hits This Combo is not automatic. This is a knock back. Jump Punch. Jump Kick. Knocks them down like the last hit of Red Rock. Counter P. Juggle Launcher. KG K Fence edge. Knocks them up into air and and pulls them. like Chain Massacre dash skill. DON'T make it as slow as the GIF KG Z. This is a KG cancel like Yellow Dragon KG cancel. DON'T make it as slow as the GIF KG P. Ground hit DON'T make it as slow as the GIF V Skill Does 6hits (PER PERSON) walks to anyone who is there way. This is also a Stun. That you can juggle off of. You can not be hit while your walking. All the way through are frames(Can't be blocked). 100SP and 10 Second Cool Down B skill. 3hits (Can be blocked) This is a stun BUT you can't juggle off of. You attack from range with 3 clones of yourself. 45SP and 7 Second Cool Down
Seems like a really unique exo, However, The first two transformations seem a bit excessive in the way you described it, I think an exo based on just the 30% hp part would be better. Making 3 exo's into one seems really unnecessary, and probably wont be made. But I do like the idea of implementing the Phantasm walk animation in an offensive way rather than defensive, making you walk through people rather than them walk into you. Plus the stance looks sick with the sword.
Thanks. This exo is mainly a friend exo. Like 3 Best Friends Put into 1 exo. Each of us had a part in making it since the moves and skills and etc would be so different. I did not want Rumble Fighter to make a exo that has Multi transformations. Just so I can be like "Oh okay it's okay for me to do this now" I wanted it to be unique because I would get bored if it was just the sword alone. My friends said my part was too "op" so I put mine last. I wanted to make this before they make it. Just so I can have my idea out there anyway. If they do end up making it though they might split it up into 3 exos. It really depends on if it does get a lot of votes. How would they go about making it. This is just a suggestion for it to have 3 transformations in 1. Gives you a little more to work with. You can use this is almost any situation if your fighting a scroll/exo.