A more comprehensive guide for a newbie

Discussion in 'Player to Player Support' started by Hennesy, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. Hennesy

    Hennesy New Member

    Aug 19, 2018
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    Hello community.
    It's been a long time since i played this game. As the time passed and everytime i got back to it i advanced from max lvl sm to cs to hm at most in the past years. Now it's the 1st time,thanks to the yang event server, that i reached hg2 on an lob healer. This time i'd like to play because i don't feel that i will be left behind anymore. The only question is now: i've never been in this almost end game content and i don't know what to do or where to do. I learned some basic stuff as grind in red gcm,the collection stuff but these are petty things. Is somebody willing to guide me through this new content that i am facing? When/where to grind, how to obtain weapons/clothes, how to buy/sale at acceptable prices,knowing the market, how to farm gold,where to farm gold and stuff like this basically. Every advice would be highly apreciated. I can also be reached ingame if you feel like. Yang server,name Whiskey. Thanks everyone in advance for your time and patience of reading :D.
  2. Eroine

    Eroine Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    I can, no problem, just type what you want to know or pm me on forum.
    I play on Yin so at fusion you can add me and I can help you out more.

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