Where have the skills gone???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by teebawbull, Sep 1, 2018.

  1. teebawbull

    teebawbull New Member

    Feb 12, 2017
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    I have returned to the game after being away for some time. When I loaded the game with my selected character, I found that all my skills are gone. LoB FD level character. I was wondering did something happen to the game to cause this? Was it because I was gone to long? It really sucks that at that level FD, having to retrain all my skills again. I know, FD isn't that high, yes people get to cap level in 2 days, yes I am fully aware of all this stuff that will be replied back to me. The main issue though is why is it gone to begin with?

    Anyway, thought I would ask, it might be a fluke who knows, but hoping it can get fixed. If not I may not return, yeah my level is FD but it will be like starting over all over yet a friggin again. Have a nice night, thanks for the replies ahead! Much Appreciated!
  2. Eroine

    Eroine Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    They introduce new skill patch for role/class balance in july 18 2018 so all skills were reset to all in game characters.
    You have to train all skills again, because now you get new ones.
    Phlox likes this.
  3. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    also no point in leaving lol...new skills are alot stronger at base...

    just find ve pots...or farm the dungeon gear for ve leech...

    or join a ve party...

    you won't even miss your old skills much...if you care about damage

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