Some Questions and Concerns

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by yewgioh, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. Icynoob

    Icynoob Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    AND let everyone say!!! Burned.
    ihgyug likes this.
  2. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Actually the story is based on killing the AI enemies. There isn't a single part of the in game story that requires me to fight other players.
    If anything the in game story is based on the white and black clans trying to stay out of each other's way, while dealing with the evil AI enemies that have taken over in the absence of the Dragons. Which means PvP goes AGAINST the story.
    It's also not as if there are no aspects of the game that don't line up. It is called 9Dragons and yet... only 6 have ever made it into the game, for example.

    It's a feature that is not required to play the game, and it's uniqueness is irrelevant. Chat and Shouts are also features in the game, and I can turn those off if I want. So are hero bands and duels, and I can refuse requests for both.
    Your position is based on your subjective view that PvP is important. I say it's just another feature that can be turned off. The PvE servers prove me right. The game lasted what... 7 years was it? with PvE servers, which were always more populated than the PvP servers.

    "AND let everyone say!!! Burned."
    Cute. And wrong.
  3. ihgyug

    ihgyug Active Member

    Jan 28, 2016
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    There was a lot of pvp even in the "pve" server, but you don't even ask for a server with BP/loulan and CC pvp, you are asking for a turn off pvp button LOL.
    PvP is very IMPORTANT that actually 2 maps are based on it...oh wait, the WHOLE GAME is based on pvp or there wouldn't exist a white and a black clan...and they are even going to upgrade loulan pvp stuff ^^
    Anyway, won't reply you anymore since it's useless to reply to a useless suggestion, nothing will stop me from camping you ^_^
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016
  4. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Yes... A button. As in something that has to be pressed to be used. I don't recall saying anyone but those of us who want to use it, have to.
    I'm not telling you, you can't PvP. So why do you think you have a right to tell me I have to?

    WOW! TWO WHOLE MAPS! And? No one HAS to go there, except for that handful of quests for 2nd role. And those have nothing to do with PvP.
    The leveling system is based on PvE. I can get through the game without playing PvP just fine, you can't without playing PvE.
    Lots of games have opposing factions, and don't have PvP. So I fail to see how that means PvP is important to playing the game.
    They have also upgraded the refinement systems and plenty of others things, you don't have to use them to play the game.
    You don't even have to join a clan to play the game.
    The only thing you have to do in order to get further in the game, is PvE. Therefore PvP is just side content. And/Or it's a setting that can be changed, like the base XP rate. Either way, there is nothing special about it.
    Demanding that it be treated different, just because you think it should, is a logical fallacy called special pleading.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016
  5. Spite

    Spite Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    So.. for a person that hates pvp and has arthritis you sure:
    1. fight a lot
    2. write a lot
    itsthem, Icynoob and sain like this.
  6. Icynoob

    Icynoob Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    @Spite your just as bad as @Kazuki !!! just smile a bit more lol :]
    Spite likes this.
  7. Spite

    Spite Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Oh.. why thank you! ^_^ I smile more, I'm most likely more pretty than him and I also spam less ;)


    that's in opposition to our "genius" here on the forums :p
    itsthem and Icynoob like this.
  8. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    You're the one who hides behind insults instead of facing what I say head on. But what can I say? Punks like you are a dime a dozen, you're amusing for now, but eventually things will degenerate into a loop and get boring.

    Yes, yes, yes. You big bad meanie make Acidhedz cry. I swear you lot must get an instruction manual, because you all say the exact same crap. Are you capable of original thought at all?

    "So.. for a person that hates pvp and has arthritis you sure:
    1. fight a lot
    2. write a lot"

    1.1: PvP has nothing to do with fighting, it's more about ego stroking and trying to feel powerful. Open world PvP is about inequality, because if you were interested in equal competition, you would be happy with duels. So what you really want, is to victimize, or get a fake thrill out of fake danger when someone attacks you. Segue.
    1.2: It's not real. There are no consequences.
    1.3: I fight over things that matter. Games don't matter. When I play games, what I want is to play in peace. If you attack me without asking, you are imposing what you want onto me against my will. That does matter because it's a choice you've made, the game has nothing to do with it. You have chosen to treat me as undeserving of respect and consideration as a human being. It's no different than racism, sexism or the like. Saying "it's just a game" is nothing but an excuse to try and justify bad behavior. The psychology behind the behavior is the same. Hence the use of derogatory terms like "carebear". Like any such slur, it is used to dehumanize those it is directed at, making it even easier to treat them badly. They cease to be a person, worthy of empathy and consideration, and become just a "carebear."
    1.4: Here in the forum nothing is stopping you from trying to prove me wrong, or defending your PoV. But apparently none of you have a clue how to do it properly. Which isn't my fault, or my problem.

    2.1: Among other things I'm a writer, I type fairly fast.
    2.2: Keeping my hands moving doesn't bother me that much, it's keeping them in one place to push the same buttons repeatedly that starts to hurt. When I'm typing I can stop and move my hands around, I can't do that as easily while playing a game.

    Yes... Sarcasm. Perhaps you should try understanding the word properly before you invoke it.
    the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

    Nothing you said was sarcastic.
    And FYI, I was reading at a college level in grade school. So yes, I know what written sarcasm looks like.

    But then, you're SOOO smart and pretty, you certainly don't need ME to explain how sarcasm works to you. I'm just SURE your rapier wit is the envy of Eeeeveryone.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
  9. Icynoob

    Icynoob Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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  10. Spite

    Spite Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    An artist
    A writer
    A genius
    Just not very good with people, aren't you?
    itsthem likes this.
  11. LadyAngel

    LadyAngel Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    You know, for all this fighting you people do here in the forums one thing has become clear to me: No matter how much i have respected the fact that people prefer the PvP playing style in this game, i will never be given the same respect back for prefering the PvE aspect of this game.

    All i can do is wonder wether or not i should even bother to start playing this game now o_O
    sain likes this.
  12. fataljustice

    fataljustice Active Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    just pretend the pkers are map bosses hunting your ass down
    CheKong likes this.
  13. CheKong

    CheKong New Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    From nirvana to asura to yin to yang, one thing which I realized is that those spending money AND those whom are truly active (PvP & grind more or less everyday) players are what kept 9D alive.
    I've spent money as a PvEer, and I know many PvP'ers that have dump mad-cash (pretty much the only thing that keeps publishers interested in 9D), too.

    Whether a PvPer or a PvEer, the dedicated are what kept 9D alive---per capita-wise, there's just as many lazy PvE'ers as there are PvP'ers

    Although it took me a greater amount of time on Asura (bloody hard work it was), to earn it, even the most ruthless and selfish learned to respected me. A strictly-PvE'er.

    PvP'ers do respect PvE'ers, and visa-versa. I believe neither like hearing/seeing complaints or trash-talk about their preferred system.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
    Spite likes this.
  14. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    I'm very good with people who deserve it. I just have 0 tolerance for stupidity, or people who feel entitled.
    For example, the stupidity of how you just bypassed everything else I said and went right to an ad hominem attack. As if people skills have anything to do with being right or wrong. As I have tried to explain to many people, many times. I can be a jerk and still be right. They are not mutually exclusive states. Not that it matters, since your view that I am a jerk is subjective.

    "You make me want to get lobotomized."

    How would anyone tell the difference?

    "PvP'ers do respect PvE'ers, and visa-versa. I believe neither like hearing/seeing complaints or trash-talk about their preferred system."

    That might be true in regards to the casual PvPer, and I'm not talking either about or to them.
    I'm talking about the ones who have put so much emotional investment into PvP, that they've turned it into a psudo-religion. Like kazakstan up there.
    They are not rational, and will never show anyone any respect that doesn't conform to their way of doing things. They're extremists.

    I suggest a PvP toggle switch for people who want to turn it off, they act like I am demanding PvP be stripped from the entire game forever. Heck, they act like I'm asking the developer to make some radical change that undermines the entire game, instead of just asking them to allow me to turn off a feature I don't care to use, or want anyone to be able to force me to use.
    They sure don't have any trouble asking for the XP rates to be made high so they can level up fast. But that's because being low level is an obstacle to what they want. And they have no room in their heads to imagine that to some, PvP is an obstacle to what we want.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
  15. Spite

    Spite Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I will just ignore everything you said - again. You call it stupidity, I call it wisdom. It's like they say - 'never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience'. I choose my fights and you are just not worth my time :)
    itsthem likes this.
  16. ihgyug

    ihgyug Active Member

    Jan 28, 2016
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    I really enjoy the report button, I'm spamming it for fun hue.
  17. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    And that would prove what? That you're good at clicking your mouse? Good for you. Aint you speshul.
  18. Maxim

    Maxim Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    please stop feeding the troll:rolleyes:
  19. rwhitz

    rwhitz New Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    In 9D i am mostly a PvE player, I never really got into the PvP side of the game because I like playing healers, no further explanation should be required lol. Redfox may fix the balance issues, will be fun to see and if i can build a healer that can defend itself or even put up a good fight, i think i will enjoy PvP. But i think u can take a look at yin and yang servers if u want to know what "most" players would prefer. Yin failed first, then they brought the pkers from yin to yang and they ruined the community there and it fail too. This is NOT the fault of the pkers, its the fault of the unbalanced pvp system that prevents the victims from protecting themselves. PvE players come for the social aspects of game, grinding is what u do while u chat, so not a waste of time to them, we should all be able to enjoy the game how we want. :)
    Dromi and LadyAngel like this.
  20. rwhitz

    rwhitz New Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    Hi all, im a long time player of 9d, i started on Acclaim, Bardo server about patch 12 but have never been that active on the forums. I got a lil bore waiting for client so here i am :D Just want to say im excited to try this version of the game, I dont mind starting over, have done it lots of times before so no big deal. (HG4 healer on GC) I mostly played PvE before but i think the wanted system and other things too will make the PvP side of the game more fun/less frustrating. So I am PvP noob and easy pickins for all u experienced PvPers, but i will learn and am looking forward to kicking your *** hopefully some day. :) see ya on the battlefield :)

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