Scroll Database (easy implementation)

Discussion in 'Scroll' started by M4cropod, Dec 25, 2016.

  1. M4cropod

    M4cropod Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    I want to make a little suggestion in this thread. I for myself am a huge fan of stats and info in general. In that regard, I believe that we are really missing a database for scrolls (and also other stuff like clothing and exos). If you play Hearthstone for example, you know about the site "" and similar ones providing dedicated pages for each "item" (in that case card) of the game.

    In RF, we don't really have such a thing. So why not make such pages, too?

    In fact, it would be enough for starters, if every scroll gets its own page with a brief overview of the scroll - description, pricing, combos and their damage and maybe even preview videos. Also, I think that having a rating and commenting system on each page could spice this all a bit up. So, let's say we have a rating scale that goes like this:
    S Tier - A Tier - B Tier - C Tier - D Tier
    or how about
    Game-breaking - Very Good - Good - Average - Below Average - Bad

    Every user would be able to vote once for each scroll, therefore contributing to making a "popular" tier list.

    So much about that - what do you think about this idea?
  2. tinythe2ndplace

    tinythe2ndplace Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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  3. M4cropod

    M4cropod Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2016
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    I know that one and I love it although it is old - but that database lacks some things for me...

    I, myself, would be very happy to see an updated database. It doesn't need to have (subjective) ratings actually - a rating system and all other things I listed above would be enough for me...

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