Request for Block IP Vietnam to clear the game.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by robytgv, May 12, 2016.

  1. robytgv

    robytgv New Member

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Hi everyone!
    For whom may wonder NO i'm not racist in no way i am just requesting to the manager of the game to be the first Company managing the game who block Vietnam and clear the game making it much more fair in all points of viewing.
    So...Let's start a vote with who agree or not and please comment on this post with Agree or Disagree and Hope RedFox GM's will take it in consideration.Thank You for attention!

    MMMMMMMM Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    The game population is to low for an Ip block of viets. Not to mention not all viets grief or hack, so how will it be fair to those players? Plus, if you banned all viets who is there to pk? The game community works basically like non viets vs viets. If you take away the viets then you will have 1 league dominating the game and no one fight back. Banning viets will just kill the game more. If anything, they need to fix wanted system so griefing does not occur
    Monkhi likes this.
  3. Monkhi

    Monkhi Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    o_O Define your view of: "clear the game making it much more fair in all points of viewing."
    How is it fair for the ones who get ip banned eventho they did not cheat?
    And why only VNs? There are lots of other countries that cheat individually.
    You might not be racist, but you are clearly discriminating a nation over few individuals.

    Imo, those individuals who cheat should get punish, and not their nation.
    The punishment could be determined by how much they cheated. If its some light cheat, like making lots of accounts for daily events solely, suspend for 7days and erased cheated items are kinda fair. The heavier the longer suspend. 3rd time would be perma ban or 1000years suspend xD

    Otherwise, I only have a few questions. Would this game still survive if all those VNs get ip ban?
    Would the market be the same if these farmers were suspended/ip banned?

    Isn't shabbies good example for it? They were 100k each back when people could start doing the daily Q at around GC8. But after the patch, its 200-400k. Lets say the Ip ban happened, i wont say half of the population would be gone, but probably 1/3 of it. Wouldn't these shabbies go skyrocket to 500-800k each? Cause lesser players, lesser shabbies.

    I made a new char and grinded with my beloved Normal lv4 deco and sometimes my fine deco lv1. The new players were curious how i got it. I told them how they can make it, it kinda made them hype for it, but until they knew the price for it. It became kinda "ehh gonna take long till i get it, or will i ever get it?".
    Gladly RF had Golden Fragments on sale, which brought lots of players to get their Shabby lv4 and Normal lv4 decos. If only that sale would be perma or more in the future, that would be nice.

    To add it up. In few other topics. People are being harrassed or griefed by players (Mostly VNs). There are people who are competitive, and without the VNs, there aren't many players to fight. Not to mention some might even spend their money to be competitive, even VNs. Which would extend this game for few more (months?). Anyway, without these suppliers, players, farmers, pvpers, griefers, friendly peoples, trollers. The game isn't THE 9dragons that people used to love.

    Most people who left this server isn't because of VNs or cheaters, it's because of the:
    -Low exp on skills
    -Low communcation between players and GMs
    -No "hype" content
    -Bad system (Wanted)
    -Bad community
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
    MMMMMMMM and bxmap3 like this.
  4. bxmap3

    bxmap3 New Member

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Well said Monkhi.....we need better contents and game play...... PVP will be fun IF everyone can get access to the same level and gear HG killing Hermit or PS is not cool and we got lots of missing contents still and bugs is part of 9D
  5. Hoangnam

    Hoangnam New Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    The idiod thread.This game is global sever and what reason do u complain to band us?
    If u said that we hack, bug or do something harm the game u can check all other country player.almost of us wanna fair play and do u sure the other player from other country no hack or bug?
    If u said we harass any one u very Wrong , we not harass any one without Leaguage War. U can ask all sever that Akash , mad man alway pk low level of all leaguage and no let them grind.
    finally , we love this game as u do or maybe more than u,bro and we only want to play and enjoy the game.So give up your mind about Band any one of us.
    GamesCampus likes this.

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