How to saves Rumble Fighter and make Rumble Fighter great again?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HumoLoco, Mar 7, 2019.

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  1. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    The HumoLoco teach that RedFox asked themselves to go Nimonix to save mankind.

    Then they agreed with themselves and volunteered themselves to themselves to offer themselves.

    Then HumoLoco impregrented a redfox staff as themselves, with themselves.

    HumoLoco prayed to himself and glorified himself repeatedly.

    HumoLoco strengthened himself and talked to himself.

    Finally HumoLoco forsook himself and sacrificed himself to prove his loyalty to himself.

    While dead HumoLoco resurrected himself so he could exalt him above himself.

    Then HumoLoco sat at his own right hand and waited til he placed his enemies as footstool.

    Finally RedFox's forces defeated, HumoLoco would turn his kingdom over himself that all things would become everything to himself.

    Y'all missed me, didn't y'all? :>
    lll111123 and BassBreaks like this.
  2. Lephantis

    Lephantis Active Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    Again? Did I miss the first time? From what I recall, the game was always pretty cancer. Nimonix itself is and always was cancer by way of never listening to the community. Been asking for a trade system since what.. day one? Never happened. Instead we had to initiate bootleg trades that would more often than not end with someone being scammed. Scammers were never perma-banned, so really no one gave a ****. Boxes always been a thing, and these days, are damned-near everything. And somewhere along the way, the scroll with the sickest named in the game lost its "Barrage" part and now sounds cringe af. We don't even get real martial arts anymore. Everything is some player-made scroll with the most random made up words for names LMFAO! And the flow of cash in the game is so damned bone dry that they hardly come up with new ideas at all. Just cut up old scrolls and merge some different animations together into some kind of chimera of bull ****. And throw back into the shop some bull jive that we've already bought 12 times before. I swear it's 20 people funding this server, out of the maybe 50 that still occasionally play. "Great" my ass. Need to invest in some gat damn DDoS mitigation. And even fixing all of that won't have a fountain of youth effect on the game. ****'s like 13 years old. Never EVER will there be a rush of 1000+ new cheery-eyed players excited to hop on RF just to get rammed off the map by some tryhard in the first 2 seconds of round 1 because of stupid spawn point placement. Exhibit A: The far right end of Moonlight Valley. Alright, I've said my piece. I'm going to schleep. "Great again". Humo, you are a character.
    HumoLoco likes this.
  3. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Exactly, that's my point af. but dont you realized this thread is based on Trinity theory?

    Nimonix never listen us for almost 11 years.
    OGP listen us, but they are the dirty business.
    GC tried their best to shet on us, yet broken.
    RedFox banned Humo, now we will never trust RedFox due to banned Humo cuz they admitted us that they learned a great lesson from the Humo once in our lifetime.

    And go on, Nimonix never listen us the rest of life they just continue to poison us slowly dying like so good shet yet they are still milking us to dry us up.
  4. Awaky

    Awaky Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Bruh it's not just that they got lazy so lazy that they had to ruin traditional event Halloween BM used to fun and exciting when it came to October.. now Halloween BM comes every 2-3 months same with Xmas bm

    Even the boxes lost all there traditional spirit by spaming then every patch like black Friday boxes in March?!? That's like a black Friday special everything lost its meaning in this game

    I remember back in OGP there was a tournament for a specific scorlls the best of the best will the title Ex: Rage master now they put that **** in spenders

    Everything lost its meaning we can't have that holiday spirit we use to have

    No one can show off rare sht cuz they will just bring it back

    Tell me 1 item that was in the game that a few people earned legitimately... Nothing
    You want BM armor you don't need to grind a specific difficulty for every part
    You just do daily mission and earn medals then buy the armor form the medal shop

    HumoLoco likes this.
  5. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    That's because they are f**ked up
    Awaky likes this.
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