How good is the average Rumble Fighter?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Windstorm, Apr 29, 2022.


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  1. Windstorm

    Windstorm Glacial Master

    Mar 3, 2016
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    So you might think you're good. Most players are decent at the game, and if you know mechanics, you're definitely flashy, but bending the rules in the game for an unfair advantage to slip in more dubs is a pretty trashy thing to do.

    Below is a tier-list style spreadsheet rating every scroll based on playability. If you find success, enjoy playing the scrolls you have, and find them majorly grouped in a certain column, this may define you as a player. All feedback is welcomed.

    Last edited: May 7, 2022
  2. Windstorm

    Windstorm Glacial Master

    Mar 3, 2016
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    this was fun to make
  3. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    A few errors/suggestions:
    • Bajiquan RE is purchasable perm in stores, so therefore should not be colored black.
    • Valentine Agent & Wing Chun are missing.
    • Linked Scroll Hondon-Doutetsu is missing.
    • Linked Scroll Gungki-Dowul is missing.
    • Dirty (BK) is missing.
    • Blood Wind Ninjitsu has the BF LE version with it. You should just make the BF LE entry separately, since it's not sold in stores.
    • Telos & Dark Haze Ninjitsu's ascended scroll versions are in stores, so it also should not be colored black.
    • Marang Ninjitsu was sold in stores when it was originally released, so it is a bit in the middle and you may want to make that distinction.
    tamirtov and Windstorm like this.
  4. Windstorm

    Windstorm Glacial Master

    Mar 3, 2016
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    @Starberry thanks, will edit
    also for Marang's case, the legend includes event only; like the Summer Festival scrolls, they're only gonna be in shop for a limited time before removal.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2022
  5. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    street so brainedead.
    Windstorm likes this.
  6. TimeSplitter

    TimeSplitter Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Saw Telos in the pro list and immediately left the thread.

    Edit : Actually came back

    Where is Capoeira?

    Volador should be put into braindead, the scroll is just a powerhouse under every angle.

    Volt and Red Storm should also be moved up to either braindead/unskilled.

    Shadow Ninjutsu should just be put in the braindead tier or at least the unskilled tier.

    As for Combat Taekkyeon, that scroll claps. Insane range that is almost on par w Zin K's first kick and you can literally drift away using the combos since the scroll moves you so much. Easy counter that pushes 5 meters forward. And I haven't even started about the KP. Should probably be moved up as well.

    I wouldn't even put Shootboxing in the braindead tier. Only people struggling against the scroll just struggle with pressure/countering/1v1 in general and would struggle against other scrolls. Honestly, the scroll belong in the average/easy at best, with the new scroll meta.

    That's all for now, too high to continue, but there are a lot of flaws on this.
    Last edited: May 5, 2022
    xSpanda and Windstorm like this.
  7. Windstorm

    Windstorm Glacial Master

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Thanks, forgot Capo.

    Telos is weak, and all of its combos are very linear. Wonky movement patterns make it hard to stay on target. The guard-breaker nearly takes a whole 2 seconds to charge. The inputs come out fast aside from the kick combo. The recoveries aren't too bad, nothing can angle, weak damage and poor hitstun. But it has a grab and omni which send you forward, which is (imo) the only real shining part of the scroll.

    Volador would be but it doesn't have a slide kick. It's a really good scroll, so many options but no real gap closer aside from jumps.
    Red Storm is really short ranged, weird hitboxes and amazing grabs. The mixed kick combo is buggy, so juggling with it doesn't work. The hitboxes are linear, and you can angle the last punch on PPPP and they still fly forward.
    Volt is fast, flashy and short ranged. It doesn't do a lot of damage, and you can't really spam anything to victory.

    Shadow Ninjutsu is incredibly broken in terms of hitstun, range, and having insane knockback/fence edging potential.
    It's downside is all of it's combos have dogsh*t recoveries (except K K+G). If you don't land the first hit of anything, you're going to hit air and/or leave yourself wide open. The grab can't edge anyone, and the counter is a suicide option on edge maps. Ironically, it does take skill to use.

    Combat Taekkyon is great. I don't disagree with much that you said here, but it moves you so far forward that it's takes some control to use. It deals hella damage, but if you can't control it's movement, you're going to be hitting a lot of air. Most unskilled scrolls are choices that don't leave themselves wide open / can't punish itself for using it.

    Shoot Boxing is legendary for it's hitstun. If you can get close to someone with it, they can't really do much until you finish your combo. The kick combo that is. Such a simple scroll that deals so much damage, good hitstun, good recoveries, great knockback, good delays--and to my surprise--an advanced nanmu off a full punch combo juggle. It's so good that I avoid using it or else my brain will rot.

    Appreciate your opinion.
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
  8. Crescendo

    Crescendo Active Member

    May 3, 2019
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    So I feel like you didn't consider how well the pilot uses the scroll, or how well the opponent knows the matchup. Like, sure, Rage is strong against a weaker opponent, but try that nonsense on someone who knows how to block. Same for Zin Karate. It's easy to find your range with but the angles are doodoo.
    Last edited: May 6, 2022
  9. Crescendo

    Crescendo Active Member

    May 3, 2019
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    Also, scrolls like Red Storm it depends on the map. Red Storm is super difficult on btop due to short combos and limited combo mixups but godly for an edge map.
  10. Crescendo

    Crescendo Active Member

    May 3, 2019
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    Hung Gar!? Those hitboxes, mixups, block stuns, hitstuns, startups and recoveries are all wild. Not to mention the infinitely long nanmu.

    And Wing Chun mastery requires excellent fundamentals overall... difficult juggle, stiff & wonky inputs/timing, and some pretty unsafe options. Granted, the okizeme with counter and pressure are great, you'll never get them off without outstanding footsies
  11. Windstorm

    Windstorm Glacial Master

    Mar 3, 2016
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    This whole post was to judge average scroll users, not scroll masters. Which ties into scroll matchups strongly; this isn't for a specific 1-on-1 scroll cross examination, but for scroll x into every scroll.
    Which would mean that strong scrolls that hardly punish the user for mistakes would be difficult to judge the user as to if they are a good fighter or not.

    Additionally, from reading what you said about Hung Gar, I moved it up to Easy. I sincerely forgot how good it was. Simple to use and no difficult inputs, good range and speed, forgiving but not invincible. Well rounded rare.
    Wing Chun's damage output is solely reliant on pressure. It can hit confirm easily thanks to its range, and it's not too slow nor too fast.
    Crescendo likes this.
  12. Crescendo

    Crescendo Active Member

    May 3, 2019
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    Wing Chun is easily top 5 least seen scrolls for a reason though. It's Pro.
  13. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    @Windstorm Choy Li Fut shouldnt be under Unskilled bc performing it's secret nanmu in fact takes a lot of skill for the average player to perform. Ignoring the nanmu tho it's placement is pretty apt bc it's combos are very generous/forgiving in almost every way with exception to the kG.

    Really like this list by the way.
    TimeSplitter and Windstorm like this.

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