Dear Gms, reguarding advice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MMMMMMMM, Apr 17, 2016.


    MMMMMMMM Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Please stop changing the buffs. Just stick with one. It is very annoying that u buff the server with 2xp buff then i relog to perserve the buff. Then a few hours when i log in and use card you change the buff, thus wasting my card and money. In addition, you should annouce when you are hosting these buffs, so then players can log in and enjoy it. Your doing a great job with the buffing concept but your downfall is organization and communication. Many players have left this verison because theirs nothing to do, but to camp for a 2x GM buff and we need updates for missing content and fixed glitches before we can have new content. Idk whose fault it is but the community is in need for missing content: such as fragments of conqueror. Their is a large gap between non cash shoppers and cash shoppers in pvp/pve. I get 1-4 shotted by a dude who is my lvl just because he put money into the game. If you put in missing content i will have the ablitiy to farm stuff and compete, but that is not the case in this verison. The game has been opened for about 1-2 months and it is not close to the KR verison. You or jongwong have provided us with false info and advertisement. For example you said that all costume materials can be found ingame. I do not see golden fragments anywhere besides item mail. Another example you said this is full KR, but its not. We need updates on missing content now! The current state of the game is now a ghost town and its not because its pvp but its because pve players cannot gear themselves to fight back because of missing content and then they rage on forum that the game should be pve. Not to mention it is impossible for new players to play this game because it is filled with bugs and glitches. You have to be a veteran to enjoy this game because they have the capacity to keep going reguardless of the state of the game. The more you procrastinate the more the damage. The state of this verison is so bad that people are replaying 9dragons subagames. This is just sad because this is suppost to be the "upgraded verison with full KR content". Also I feel so bad for GM ahri. This game literly feels like its being runed by only 1 GM. Their was so many GMs at the start, so where are they now? This is absolutely ridicolous because this verison has so much potential and all it needs is fixed glitches/ missing content added/communication/organization. Now i understand that Redfox is not incharge of bringing this content to life, but you have the ablilty to request jongwong to add the missing content. We do not need new content until you patch the game by removing exploits and adding missing content. This is how you can improve this game and allow players to return. Everything is in this post and all you have to do to make these come to life or else the game will die. Anyone who has advice(no post on preventing pvp related), put it here so that the GMs can read it and or send to jongwong. Their is no excuses for this broken game. Some sort of fix should have took place now.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
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