Better effects

Discussion in 'Etc' started by SkullKandy, Apr 28, 2016.


If you have a question please put it in the reply section and ill try my best to get back to you

  1. good idea i want this to be added

    5 vote(s)
  2. This is a bad idea and i dont want it added

    0 vote(s)
  1. SkullKandy

    SkullKandy New Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Some scrolls have special effects such as mach knuckle or abyss. My team and I have thought "what if we were able to buy a box and that box would contain a special color for scrolls only that have effects" for example:
    Abyss, mach knuckle, Redemption, Another serpent, electro, lightning, white fang, metatron, darksider etc
    A new box would be in the store and you buy that box for 950 R.C (look at pictures down below of what the boxes would look like and how they would change color depending on the colors its cycling through) Desktop 04.29.2016 - Desktop 04.29.2016 - Desktop 04.29.2016 - Desktop 04.29.2016 - Desktop 04.29.2016 - Desktop 04.29.2016 - Desktop 04.29.2016 -
    As you see by those images that is what the boxes would look like the scrolls would have the effect. The scrolls can have more than one effect. An icon would be next to the scroll and you click on the icon and a small page with different colors would appear on the screen color thing.jpeg some colors would be locked so they would either have a lock on them and grayed out or just a white color. Its possible to get the same color more than once. Once applied with the color you want on the scroll (scroll must already have an effect already like a default effect)
    it would look like this ---> Desktop 04.29.2016 - and ---> Desktop 04.29.2016 - (sorry for the bad effects) But each scroll would have their own color: green, blue, orange, yellow ,pink, black, purple, gold,sparkle,water,fire,lava,(those last two i just thought would look cool) It wouldn't add any damage but rare effects would, such as: poison, lava ,slowness a (purple-ish color) and hp down (deals a little more damage color would be a light red mixed with orange) These effects are very very rare a 10.4% chance of getting these. Selling the scroll would mean you are selling the effect to so you would lose the effect and the scroll! *GOING MORE INTO DETAIL*
    If you get a blue effect from the box you can select it on only one scroll such as abyss that scroll would have the blue effect only( its permanent until you change it to a different effect you still have both effects)
    BloodNinja and TobyBryant like this.
  2. BloodNinja

    BloodNinja Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Nimonix said no graphics updates and this is kinda rc exclusive so maybe u should set it up like gemstone generators where u can get 10 generic colors from a box for 10k

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