Arcane Gauntlet (AV)

Discussion in 'Exocore' started by ProfessorZtar, Sep 8, 2022.

  1. ProfessorZtar

    ProfessorZtar Community Advisor (Rumble Fighter)

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Arcane Gauntlets (AV)
    [Android version of Arcane Gauntlets]:
    Exocore Description:
    While the Arcane Gauntlets were being researched, someone slipped a copy of the schematics
    to the Android. After a little bit of experimentation, the Android figured out a better way to use
    the exocore. Making full use of the her superiour strength and jet boosters, the Android can fire
    the plasma orb faster and further, and can dash into her opponents and slam them down making sure
    they take the full force of the blast.

    V skill - Same orb projectile move as the original gauntlets, but with less start up time so you can
    combo with a stun scroll (but not itself), moves faster and further, but deals less damage overall. The
    orb, when it connects with an airborne opponent, or a stun-launched opponent, should not count as a
    first-hit for juggles, but should NOT reset the 3-first-hit rule, just like the flames from Sage Master.
    Damage Values: 384 (229 airborne)
    SP use: 60sp
    Cooldown: 124 frames (i.e. same cooldown as the original Arcane Gauntlets)
    [This basically means the travel time is the same, but the speed is faster, so it goes further.]


    B skill - A dash-forward grab-hit that works with airborne opponents, like the >>G on Agni.
    When it connects, the player grabs the opponent by the face and jumps forward to then slam them
    down onto the ground. The slam has the same AoE blast from the original gauntlets, which will deal damage
    and a small knockdown to any opponent nearby who didn't block it. It is still a ground hit, but will rarely
    be utilized due to needing to grab an opponent first. The dash's animation should finish only when the
    player touches the ground, so it takes longer to finish and moves you both further if you take the
    opponent off a ledge. The opponent should be placed on the ground directly in front of the player after the dash finishes.
    Damage Values:
    Dash - 315 (315 airborne)
    Slam (Grabbed opponent) - 618
    Slam (other opponents) - 526 (315 airborne / ground hit) [Same values as normal Arcane Gauntlet's uncharged slam.]
    SP Use: 50sp
    If it misses, 24 frames (Same cooldown as other dashing exocores when they miss)
    If it hits, 162 frames (counting from the frame the animation starts)



    Both moves are blockable. The change to the B skill means the player loses the more reliable ground
    hit and the charged version in exchange for being an Android Dash-grab exocore. The change to the
    V skill allows for a player to do some really cool, fancy juggle combos if they get really good with them.
    A basic combo would be as follows: Player uses a stun launcher or Meriken's KKP, then follows up with
    the orb skill, and then follows up with the dash skill. You just gotta remember that it does not reset the three
    hit rule.

    All damage values are based on Android's base strength stat of 24, with full HP, versus the
    training bot.

    A default android can use and miss with the dash skill 3 times in a row without overheating, but will
    overheat on the 4th use if they don't wait a moment to recover. If you land the dash point blank, you
    will recover all your SP by the time you can dash again. They can use the Orb 3 times in a row without
    overheating, but will overheat on the 4th use if they don't wait a moment to recover.

    The cooldowns on both skills should make the exocore not feel too spammy, despite having infinite SP with
    the Pink Dizzy set. After all, you can't fire another orb until the other one disappears, which takes the same time as the original, and the dash is similar to that of other scrolls, but has a significant cooldown when you actually land the hit.

    I mainly made this suggestion just because I felt like it, but also so there would be an idea out there for Nimonix to use should they want to make Android versions of "All-class" items that Androids can't normally use.
    Draygashi likes this.
  2. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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  3. ProfessorZtar

    ProfessorZtar Community Advisor (Rumble Fighter)

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Honestly didn't expect this to get [Pending] since no one has commented on this suggestion. Really came out of left field to me. I appreciate it, though. :D
    Makes me excited to be able to grab people and take them off the map with me in style, ha ha.

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