After FL's have been picked go Saigo For Sale Event

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SaikoSkillz, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. SaikoSkillz

    SaikoSkillz Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    After the new FL's have been chosen lets all go to saigo an with the help of the new FL's shout Sale event in saigo. Sale event in saigo is to boost sales for anyone that is trying to sell or buy things from other clans and less logging onto alts to buy or sell what u need proxy's making most lazy atm lol if we can make this happen whatever it is ur tryna find or sell it'll be a big advantage for u and everyone that comes if we leave saigo dead and you wanna go on a lvl 1 alt shouting in general chat sometimes u may or may not get what u need cause most ppl dont pay attention to lvl 1's atm due to high increase of scams and if GM Neko can help with having proxy's enabled in saigo that'll be AWESOME cause like i said proxy's making most lazy atm lol cause no one wanna stand afk with one or nothing sold in their store but anyways hope everyone can make this happen lets do this lets flood Saigo on 1 day or if possible everyday if this works out
  2. dididigit

    dididigit Active Member

    Oct 22, 2016
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    They are looking to adjust proxy's to work in siargo they realize this will help player growth and bring the community together i am sure they will make this a thing once they start putting some of the things that are wrong with the game right
  3. Mr0blivionz

    Mr0blivionz Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    THIS means really a lot
    Proxy in saigo will balance prices within factions, communication, open the market so u dont search for stuff just on ur faction and would be a better reason to buy proxy shop since we dont sell that much just inside our faction, hope they bring it out faster, having to go discord all the time just to comunicate between factions is boooooring...
  4. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    Hi guys, so we pushed for the implementation of Proxy Shops in Saigo Temple and unfortunately, we reached the conclusion that this idea will not be possible, at least not anytime soon. Sorry to bring you this bad news but results showed that this feature is not compatible with our version of the game. While it may be possible to develop, achieving it will consume a substantial amount of time and resources, which is time and resources that are not spent developing new content updates and events. Once again, we are sorry for not being able to bring this idea to fruition. Thank you all for understanding.
    SaikoSkillz likes this.
  5. SaikoSkillz

    SaikoSkillz Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    Regardless of the bad news everyone lets go to saigo and buy and resell things and we can come up with mini events or maybe help one another out with upgrading, enchanting etc maybe even give pointers the reason why im pushing for this is because why waste ur time logging off to find what u need in another faction when u have timed buffs thats 1hr+ gone to waste just to get say a sup pill or what not cause ur faction not selling what u need for low or maybe out of stock guess where u can go saigo as more ppl acknowledges this the more it'll be a habit to just go saigo instead of logging off to hop on an alts to search other towns I'd like to see ppl shouting, vending and hold conversations in saigo lets make this happen lets mob it to saigo on the day FL's are chosen and they've selected their afl's we all go to saigo lets make this happen
  6. Mr0blivionz

    Mr0blivionz Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Quick question not sure if you can answer or not, is the developing tools all on SGData or they gave you any freedom to create stuff?
    The reason about the 1st question is just because you guys seem to lay too much on SGData tod o stuff, like the g12 drops update is taking sooooo long and it is either you guys didnt do it or they arent doing just wanted to know who's fault was it and why you guys seem to not have all the power over the game atm.
    Also I can see 2 options for the saigo problem either create 1 new proxy shop and remove the old one, really make a no restriction proxy if we can manage we could even set it on another faction town(this would make everything easier to create the proxy since no restrictions), or either just get inside the game coding and edit the current proxy to allow it to do that.
    SaikoSkillz likes this.
  7. SaikoSkillz

    SaikoSkillz Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    Reason for pushing for Saigo is because of the pros and cons of buying and reselling and some are competitive and wanna meet their rivals that t-
    bag us in war etc. LOL so we can have a friendly duel of some sort or maybe even an all-around faction event i'll think of a mini-event on that day lets see whats up
  8. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    Hi Mr0blivionz, we are not at liberty to disclose the details of corporate operations to users. We know you may have questions but please understand that we have no intentions of 'pointing fingers' or 'directing blame' to any specific company, individual, or entity. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for understanding.
    christiandummy likes this.
  9. Mr0blivionz

    Mr0blivionz Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    No sorry if i missexplained myself i didnt wanna blame any1 just wanted to give any idea on how to do it, the question was just to know if it was perhaps something you guys could do or would require asking SGData
  10. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    Hi Mr0blivionz, thanks for providing the clarification. To answer this question, yes, we make suggestions and recommendations for future content. For the last few weeks, most of the suggestions have been extracted from player feedback so hopefully, we can bring you guys some good content that the community can appreciate!

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