Update Pet Expansion Update: Four Guardians Pet

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [GM]Ryu, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. [GM]Ryu

    [GM]Ryu RedFox Games Staff Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    We are glad to announce there will be 4 New Guardian Pet as part of the Pet Expansion update. Make sure to log in and check out the new Pet Expansion Updates! Be the first to get these 4 Guardian Pets

    Refine Guardian Pet System
    • There are 4 Guardian Pets: White Tiger, Great Turtle, Red Sparrow, and Blue Dragon
    • 4 Guardian Pets can only be used G12 – Rebirth 12 Levels
    • The New Refine Pet System allows players to get a Guardian Chest(Elite) which contains 4 Random Guardian Pet that has randomly generated base stats that are set into 5 types for each of the 4 Guardians.
    • Here are the 5 different types of the 4 Guardians Base stat chart:
    • Refine combining 2x 200% Growth Elite Pet + Fahrenheit Jade = Guardian Chest (Elite)
    • Make sure you are willing to lose 2x 200% Elite Pet to receive a Guardian Chest as there is no way to get these back once it has been refined. It also has to be 200% Growth for the refine
    • One you have a Guardian Pet you can also refine it + Fahrenheit = Guardian Chest(Elite)
    • Make sure that you are willing to essentially exchange your Guardian Pet for a new Guardian Chest upon refining as it will have randomly generated base stats
    Add Ability Guardian Pet System
    • There are 4 main types of Ability Stones that add or remove additional abilities to your Guardian Pets: Wield, Cymophane, Brilliant, and Oblivion Stones
    • The Wield Stone, Cymophane Stone, and Oblivion Stone(Normal) can be acquire via PVP random drop.
    • Stones can be combined individually with the Guardian Pet via Beggar_NPC> Add Ability option
    • Once the Ability Stones are used it will randomly add specific stat values to whichever the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Ability
    1st Additional Ability: Wield Stone + Guardian Pet will add 1 additional regular ability stat increases that varies base on the stats type and value: Health Increase, Spirit Increase, Damage Increase, Elemental Damage Increase (Attribution Damage) Elemental Defense increase (Attribution Defense) Attack Rate +Evade (Note: Attack Rate +Evade Description too long so it will show up as Blank____:100)

    2nd Additional Ability: Cymophane Stone + Guardian Pet will add 1 additional Skill base stat increase: Heaven's Repulsion, Heaven's Shield, Heaven's Flow, Nirvana Soul Explosion, Heaven's Flow, Garuda's Prayer. Note: 2nd Additional Skill Stats will range from values: 1 - 3

    3rd Additional Ability: Brilliant Stone + Guardian Pet will add another 1 additional ability stat increases that varies base on the stats type and value: Health Increase, Damage Increase, Elemental Damage Increase (Attribution Damage) Elemental Defense increase (Attribution Defense), Critical Increase. Note: Values like Health Increase (HP): 1200.0 is 1200 with a decimal point.

    Oblivion Stones and Types:
    Oblivion Stone(Normal)
    + Guardian Pet will take away Only the 1st and 2nd Additional Ability with just the Normal Refine use and not the 3rd Additional Ability(need a Brilliant Oblivion stone to take out the 3rd Ability).
    • Once the Oblivion Stone(Normal) is used it will take out the 1st and 2nd Ability and cannot be recovered so make sure you are willing to remove the 2 abilities
    Oblivions Stones Types:
    Wield Oblivion Stone, Cymophane Oblivion Stone, Brilliant Oblivion Stone, and Brilliant Stone(Normal) can be acquired via randomly generated Heaven Jade Chest(Mar)
    • Other Oblivion Stones Combinations will take out specific 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Ability.
    • Wield Oblivion Stone + Guardian Pet = Takes out the Wield Stone Added 1st Ability
    • Cymophane Oblivion Stone + Guardian Pet = Takes out Cymophane Added 2nd Ability(Skill)
    • Brilliant Oblivion Stone + Guardian Pet = Takes out Brilliant 3rd Added Ability
    • Once Oblivion Stone types are used it will take out the specific ability and cannot be recovered so make sure you have the correct Oblivion Stones and is willing to take out the specific ability.
    • If you do not have any abilities to remove the Oblivion Stones will not work.
    • Any use of Refine and Add Ability Stones will solely be up to the players, so make sure that you understand how each works as we will not be responsible for any type of user error and we do not have any function that can restore any ability as stated. Details are subject to change as new details emerge.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2021
  2. Emporioz

    Emporioz Active Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    Could you tell us the max stats we could possibly get when making those guardians? like 4k all?
  3. [GM]Ryu

    [GM]Ryu RedFox Games Staff Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    We will need to get the Guardian Base Stat charts which are are set stats with at least 5 different combination stats for each 4 Guardians meaning there are 5 White Tiger with different base stats which makes it unique to the other 4 Guardians, but to answer your question 4k all base stats is not possible.
  4. Emporioz

    Emporioz Active Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    I really want to see those charts if possible, would appreciate it.
    blahblahx likes this.
  5. xRampage

    xRampage New Member

    Aug 22, 2016
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    You should have really added those charts to patch notes so that players know what the max stats are. Otherwise they’ll just be exchanging pets with no knowledge of what they should stop at lmao. At the moment there is a lot of confusion surrounding this.

    also the max stats for 1st and 3rd ability would be great also
    blahblahx likes this.
  6. JNasty

    JNasty New Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Can you confirm whether or not Farenheight Jades have been enabled in PVE/PVM again or not? It seems like with the uptick in farenheight usage and the low availability it would have been a smart idea. I spent 150 dollars and got 1 jade from HJC.
    Vicenza and blahblahx like this.
  7. khuromkong

    khuromkong Member

    Jul 13, 2017
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    increase the fahrenheit jade's drop rate
    blahblahx likes this.
  8. [GM]Ryu

    [GM]Ryu RedFox Games Staff Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    Ok we added in the base stat chart for the 4 Guardians and have ensure the stats were accurate in game
  9. Emporioz

    Emporioz Active Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    Thanks alot!
  10. Emporioz

    Emporioz Active Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    As xRampage said earlier, is it possible to add the "add ability" charts too?
    Like what def/hp/ele is max for 1st and 3rd ability.

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