Reviving the game

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kurama, Oct 28, 2020.

  1. Kurama

    Kurama Active Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    Everyone on forums/RF usually complain how dead the game is including me at times or saying how the community is toxic. Right? I took some time to think and I believe everyone is at fault. From devs to host down to community.. I believe redfox should create events that pulls new players in and keep the players interested. What I mean by that which have been done before..

    A Loading Screen Events every month - It's TOO many players or rather people that are very unique in drawing expressing themselves in art that could put inside the game given that it should be titles for that "Loading Screen Creator" or something like that with additional ccs. I like seeing new loading screens back then it gave that part life meaning its not just the Devs that has there imprints in the game but also the players.. how to go about it place a Vote system.

    Ad creator Event - have an event where people create certain Ads or sprites ,Etc for rumble fighter to be placed on websites that gains the most tractions. a Rumble fighter Ad on youtube or game sites.. just like so the person would be giving a title and ccs as well..

    juggle vids is also part of broadcasting rf..

    Everyone complains the game is this and that speaking on negatively ok. Say the game shuts down Tomorrow you may be like yes finally its shutting down or closing but in actuality you going to be sad that you wont be able to login, see your sets, class, maps, talk to players , boss mode, etc your gonna wish you could play it one more time which is why you see people who quit the game and come back years or months later because of something about this game that has way more potential then any other game out there. And in order to fix that it starts with the community & redfox itself because the Events now or bland I saw and been in way better events that was hosted in game by players that was fun and competitive. Use the different maps to create your events. but thats all ima say for now lol.
    Prizmo, tamirtov, HYTNANO and 3 others like this.
  2. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Well, it's RedFox's fault for not listen us. Its what they wanted we gave them were ddos, hack, abuse power, money, and more bullshit we can do bullshiting around.

    I can bet you. If I talk about the GM RedFox position job, then they would've delete your thread and mute me.

    And I can bet you, if I expose Nimonix, they will delete my account.
  3. Sasori

    Sasori Active Member

    Feb 28, 2017
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    You can’t advertise the game without fixing the game. New players will simply leave.
    Prizmo, tamirtov, jojack106 and 5 others like this.
  4. Kurama

    Kurama Active Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    Make a alt and Expose or a youtube video about it lol. im interested in behind the scenes since we've been kept in the dark of boat thats not even being steered.
    HumoLoco likes this.
  5. Kurama

    Kurama Active Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    Yeah I came to realize that while I was writing the post lol. And I mean when the game first came out it still had bugs and issues that's still a problem today in 2020. It's just now we have to be more welcoming. Give people a chance to understand the game. literally used to be beginner channel full with rooms all the way to professionals. So I feel like it's possible now they just have to do something with those boxes..
    HumoLoco likes this.
  6. ToulueVang

    ToulueVang Clean Up Crew

    Mar 7, 2016
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    Players were good at first. But then the ppl behind the game decided to milk the players and that's when the game went downhill. Look at all the updates so far, 99% of them are RC. Box rotating out biweekly and being label "update" lol.
    I was off for 2 yrs and came back for a bit of fun and the only thing that was new is air panic...
    The thing is, they are scare to code because the game is so old and they might f it up. Even heard they don't have a dev team....They probably copy and paste codes and call it an update. The only reason why game is still up is to milk players like Detsu aka Rasengan. Afterwards, they'll just sell the game off too another host and continue this rinse and repeat cycle. Probably won't even let us transfer, so players will spend money again for their stuff lol.
    tamirtov, Escha, Sasori and 1 other person like this.
  7. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    People wanna blame RF for not advertising while forgetting what happened when RFs steam greenlight became reality; idiots review bombed RF until its rating was so bad steam wont advertise it. Why do people want devs to make the same mistake twice for them?

    Pre-COV19 advertising wasnt even a hard thing to do at a local level. Just arrange with an anime con to setup 2 or so laptops/computers for people to come up and play RF on accounts set up for the conventions which is easy if you make an account and ghost it for the comeback packages or set it up w medals for rentals. Small/medium sized cons will actually be super grateful just to have a little extra.
    tamirtov, Sasori and HumoLoco like this.
  8. Kurama

    Kurama Active Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    I've not even thought about the ad at a anime con lol. It would grab many new comers attention off the fact it very well give off that anime look. a New comer may also see all these items in the game and think that it has variety of things now. At that part its up to the community & Dev. Have i been across toxic players or a**hole players back then when the game was a breath of fresh air yeah thats gonna be in every game. but the Devs were always updating adding new items and different events. Over time it became stale now the "toxic" players realized that and just took it upon themselves just to be toxic all around and I don't blame them especially at the state we are in now where no one really cares. I wish someone could buy the game reconstruct it for a whole year or 2 i do not mind the wait and comeback with new better looking mechanics.

    kinda off topic but It would be cool to also add weathering in maps. Rain, Snow, and each weather setting would have a pro and con too it
    tamirtov, Escha, Tengu and 1 other person like this.
  9. Kurama

    Kurama Active Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    If they dont have a dev team it really make since then to why its literally boxes in then boxes out WE deadas didnt even have Halloween items in the store wasnt any halloween loading screens like lmao.
    HumoLoco likes this.
  10. Kurama

    Kurama Active Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    LMAO damn thats tuff
    HumoLoco likes this.
  11. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    For sure indeed
  12. Sasori

    Sasori Active Member

    Feb 28, 2017
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    If most issues were fixed and Nimonix actually cared about their game we would have more players. 3 pro league of legends players played rf before and they actually said it used to be a good game. The community would be less toxic and a toxic community wouldn’t stop new players from joining if the game is good. They could advertise, but they won’t make any money and you know why.
  13. Sasori

    Sasori Active Member

    Feb 28, 2017
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    That was really stupid how some players purposely gave the game bad reviews and yet they play the game 24/7.
    Tengu and HumoLoco like this.
  14. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    The concept that "the game used to be good" is an illusion that people convince themselves of similar to how the MAGA hat crowd convince themselves of a romanticized idea of "what america used to be". Or the Smash Melee community people that think melee is the "perfect smash game" is another great example. It's blind nostalgia. The games ONLY gotten better, scrolls in the early days were basic/boring as f*** (big list there) and/or very unbalanced (Shoot, ZTKD, DHN). Devs gave us a LOT of what I myself and many others have suggested/requested (within reason of course, trade system has always been a bad idea in RF's model) up until a few years or so ago when every "Whats New" thread got 90% or more comments all **** talking "recycled content" (dont make me bring up SF's dojo clones, MK's recolor ninjas or Smash's echo fighters) and blatantly telling RedFox/Nimonex to "stop making new content so you'll stop ruining the game".

    And here we are, nearly two years later and the only new content we've gotten is a Cloud Set, an All Might Set, and a COVID hazmat set. They're giving us what our masses demanded; no more anything. :/ I try to do what I can to help the game but people would rather wallow, i.e. Ive had a tournament posted since early Oct that I'm paying the prizes for out of pocket but I only got 9 signups.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2020
    Sasori likes this.
  15. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    See but even if we could do that now I doubt any new players would stay because of how unwelcoming the community is.
  16. RGMBu

    RGMBu New Member

    May 12, 2017
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    Events, promo, and new content will for sure bring people to this game again, but the small errors nimonex can’t fix/won’t fix seem to be the leading problems on RF.

    People complain a lot about getting D/C, server lag, specific glitches that have been around since 08, and I can agree. Complaining about new content in all angles is unrealistic, you need traffic for more content. There’s barely anyone new on RF.

    BUT with all of that being said, I’m gonna start to hosting RC events again, back in OGP there was events almost every day, if it wasn’t from ogplanet it was from the players. I’ll also launch some YouTube videos to promo the idea of how fun RF can be, not videos shaming other players calling them “Ez” then we wonder why some players don’t come back lol. If anyone is down to get RF up and moving on a fan level, add me on RF (Kinoomae) we can get something situated.
    Escha and Tengu like this.
  17. RockLee

    RockLee New Member

    Oct 20, 2016
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    Please fix the game!
  18. Lephantis

    Lephantis Active Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    The fact that people make 8-man rooms, ss for 10 minutes for one person, then just bs chat with that person unreadied for another 10 minutes, is reason enough to say **** this ****.
  19. Escha

    Escha Member

    Sep 17, 2017
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    I'm probably going to still play this game for a good 10 years.
    Rumble Fighter is a good game. I'd hate to see it die the way it is right now.
  20. sheeran

    sheeran Clean Up Crew

    May 17, 2017
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    This game will go nowhere with NimoniX in control.
    Lephantis likes this.

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