Update Hainan Island

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [CM]NineArts, Aug 18, 2020.

  1. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Swords of the Dragon Warlord - The Book of White Dragon Spirits

    For the past few decades, a great number of skilled warriors have been in search of 2 legendary artifacts called, Nine Dragon Jade Circle and Swords of the Dragon Warlords, scouring the land, whenever a clue presents itself.

    During their never-ending journey, many warriors from various clans have learned and improved their kung-fu skills exponentially by defeating evil deviants and members of the rival clans in their way.

    The legend of the Swords of The Dragon Warlords is proven by renowned archaeologists over numerous years showing evidence that this artifact is more than just a myth.

    The legendary Nine Dragon Jade Circle was an accessory, which belonged to the Thunder Emperor, a great legendary warrior. He carved his ultimate kung-fu techniques on the surface of a circle accessory and scattered it's 9 pieces before heading out to the final battle of the War of Nine Dragons.

    On the other hand, the tale of the Swords of the Dragon Warlords tells of how the swords were magically forged using 5 sacred elements, and the spirits of 5 Dragons sealed within. According to legend, those who acquire all 5 swords shall unlock the secret passage of the Treasure of the Dragon Warlord, which is has been said to be the key to achieve the status of Overlord of the Mighty Dragons.

    The Thunder Emperor had the chance to gain the Black Dragon Warlord Sword, one of the 5 legendary swords, and has achieved Super Metamorphosis, leaving a bloodbath in his wake.

    After countless years of searching, a secret room has been discovered in Potala Palace, during their most recent clan battle. What was so important in about the tiny room, that it had been sealed for decades? Even the elders and high councils of the palace had no idea of its existence. Within the dusty room lay nothing, but an old bookshelf containing the legendary Book of White Dragon Spirits. This was one of the greatest discoveries of the century, proving the story of the Swords of the Dragon Warlords was more than just an ancient myth.

    Without hesitation, the leaders of well-established clans rushed to Potala Palace in Tibet, in order to conduct an expedition to unlock and obtain the secrets of the Book of White Dragon Spirits. Countless souls perished during their investigation, but nothing could stop them from acquiring the precious book, as they paved the roads to Potala Palace with blood.

    The strongest 6 clans were no exception but realized that the battle over the legendary artifacts must be halted before any further expeditions could be conducted. Ultimately, the leaders of the 6 clans had an official meeting and came to an agreement to forge 6 copies of the Book of White Dragon Spirits, to be passed down to the successors of each clan head, putting an end to the surrounding chaos.

    After the forgeries of the Book of White Dragon Spirits were handed to the leader of each clan, leading scholars and archaeologists are gathered to decode the ancient text and reveal the path to become the Overlord of the Mighty Dragons.

    The decoding process was a very tedious and complicated process, uncovering the meaning of only 3 sentences thus far:

    Crimson Fog
    "Everywhere is filled with blood, smoke, fog, and corpses..."

    Scattering Souls
    "Difficult to perform techniques by scattering one's vital energy."

    Silent Fortress
    "There is no safe zone due to the surrounding delicate formations."

    Hainan Location
    Hainan Island is located on the southern edge of China.
    You can move only if you have an item called Hainan Teleport Scroll, which will teleport you to a random spot on the island.
    You can acquire the scroll from the Hainan Survivor, Masked Man in Hefei.
    The only way to leave the island is to ride on a boat at the shoreline to Liaodong. However, please notice that once you leave, you will have to use another Hainan Teleport Scroll to return.

    Hainan the land.JPG

    Character Restrictions in Hainan
    1. No Parties or Raid Parties
    2. Unable to move while in Penalty Status
    3. Unable to move to other areas while in dungeon
    4. Unable to move by using any type of Summon abilities
    5. Unable to move while in battle

    Hainan Function
    No Allies on the Island. Kill or be Killed.
    • No chat function is allowed except whisper.
    • Excluding Kung-Fu Skills, all other features, including weapons, clothes, accessories, and graphical effects will be disabled.
    • There will only be 2 types of character appearance based on their gender. (as shown in the image below)
    • The names of other characters on the island will appear as masked to hide their identities.
    • No Party, Master & Disciple, Hero Band, or Hero League is allowed. Remember, it is kill or be killed.
    • PvP results on the island will not be affected on your Combat record.
    • You cannot select to see the info of other characters.
    hainan appearance.PNG

    Mighty Traps and Secret Formation of the Hainan Island
    • 3 unbreakable formation traps are set on the island causing various debuffs.
    • The effect of the traps is set everywhere on the island.
    • Click "Hainan Island" on the world map to see further details.

    Hainan traps.JPG

    Unable to verify location while on Hainan Island

    • Due to impending traps, all indicators including Mini-map and other Axis features are disabled on the island.
    • Wanted Status and Location Tracking are disabled on the island.
    • Huatuo's Panacea will revive the character in a random spot on the island.

    Ironblood Points
    • Ironblood Points can be acquired via PvE and Quests on the island. (PvP gains are disabled on our version to prevent Ironblood Points abuse)
    • A certain amount of Ironblood Points will be deducted if the character dies.
    • Ironblood Points can be used to purchase various items from the Ironblood Point Merchant hidden on the island.
    • The maximum amount of Ironblood Points that can be gained is 999,999.
    ironblood fixed.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2022
    Captainpack and Bankz like this.
  2. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Ironblood Items
    The following items can be obtained by trading Ironblood Points to the Ironblood Point Masked Merchants on Hainan Island.
    • Blood Essence of Thousands
    • Seal of Bloodsea
    • Ironblood Essence
    • Nameless Bamboo Scroll
    • Empty Stone Box
    • White Dragon Box
    • Executive Crest (Low)
    • Executive Crest (Mid)
    • Authority Crest (Low)
    • Authority Crest (Mid)
    • Black Cloud Talisman (Low)
    • Black Cloud Talisman (Mid)
    • Sunken Searock Yin [1]
    • Flaming Seastone Yang [1]
    • Tumbling Sky Soul [1]
    • Tumbling Sky Boxy [1]

    Collect Hainan Island Resources
    As the battle over Hainan Island unfolds, so comes a new set of resources to be collected from your foes that you can use to create powerful items to give you the upper hand in combat!

    Hainan Survivor, Masked Man in Hefei Resource List
    Masked Man Resource.png

    Hainan Survivor, Masked Man in Hefei Create List
    Masked Man Craft.png

    Sunken Searock Yin.png

    flaming seastone yang table.png

    tumbling sky soul table.png

    tumbling sky body table.png

    White Bead Talisman table.png

    Black Cloud Talisman Table.png

    Authority Crest Table.png

    Executive Crest Table.png

    Beiwei Village Chief, Hyun Cheon in Loulan Resource
    Hyun Cheon Resource.png

    Beiwei Village Chief, Hyun Cheon in Loulan Create
    Hyun Chean Create.png

    Dongcheon Seowang in Kunlun Resource
    Seowang Resource List.png

    White Dragon Weapon Box
    The following items can be obtained by opening the White Dragon Weapon Box.
    • White Dragon Eye
    • Bead of White Dragon
    • White Dragon Scale
    Guardian Box (High)
    One of the following items can be obtained by opening the Guardian Box High
    • [Rank 5] Blue Dragon Seal Stone
    • [Rank 5] Black Tortoise Seal Stone
    • [Rank 5] Double Smasher Seal Stone
    • [Rank 5] Black Witch Goku Seal Stone
    • [Rank 5] Eternal Nine-Tail Fox Seal Stone
    • [Rank 5] Queen Demon Faced Spider Seal Stone
    • [Rank 5] White Tiger Seal Stone
    • [Rank 5] Vermilion Phoenix Seal Stone
    • [Rank 5] Dark Kylin Seal Stone
    • [Rank 5] Blood Kylin Seal Stone
    • [Rank 4] Bead Blood Sorcerer Seal Stone
    • [Rank 4] Snake Blood Sorcerer Seal Stone
    • [Rank 4] Evil Blood Sorcerer Seal Stone
    • [Rank 4] Sword Blood Sorcerer Seal Stone
    • [Rank 4] Flaming Bull Seal Stone
    • [Rank 4] Singing Blood Monster Seal Stone
    • [Rank 4] Ninja Seal Stone
    • [Rank 4] Berserk King Liang Seal Stone
    • [Rank 4] Yakumo Seal Stone
    • [Rank 4] Hiyami Seal Stone
    • [Rank 3] Starving King Rat Seal Stone
    • [Rank 3] Blood Tiger Seal Stone
    • [Rank 3] Snow Leopard Seal Stone
    • [Rank 3] Snow Elephant Seal Stone
    • [Rank 3] Hiyami Seal Stone
    • [Rank 3] White Tiger King Seal Stone
    • [Rank 3] Snow Spirit Leader Seal Stone
    • [Rank 3] Snow Armor Escort Seal Stone
    • [Rank 3] King Liang Seal Stone
    • [Rank 3] Leader of Black Wind Seal Stone

    Unrefined White Dragon Weapon Box
    One of the following items can be obtained by opening the Unrefined White Dragon Weapon Box.
    • Raw White Dragon Sword
    • Raw White Dragon Saber
    • Raw White Dragon Staff
    • Raw White Dragon Gloves
    • Raw White Dragon Dagger
    • Raw White Dragon Axe
    • Raw White Dragon Wheels
    • Raw White Dragon Spear
    • Raw White Dragon Spade
    • Raw White Dragon Bracers

    Hainan Bosses
    hainan bosses 2.JPG
    Daily Quests
    New Hainan Daily Quests have been added to help you gather it's precious materials which can be taken in Hefei NPC Hainan Island Survivor Masked Man, in addition to having a new epithet added to his create list. (Updated 3/2/21)

    Wide Collection (Daily)
    Defeat Deviant forces of Hainan Island
    • Sealed White Dragon Box
    • Hainan Teleport Scroll

    Wide Collection 2 (Daily)
    Defeat Elite Deviant Forces of Hainan Island
    • 500 Ironblood Points
    • Sealed White Dragon Box
    • Hainan Teleport Scroll

    Hainan Island Survivor Masked Man's Create List
    bloodmist formation table.png
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2021
    Captainpack and Bankz like this.
  3. Bankz

    Bankz Active Member

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Woot update!
    This is a bug right?
    2020August19 00-09-05.jpg

    214 White Bead Talisman (Mid) doesn't sound or looks right when compared to the other orns.

    2020August19 00-09-18.jpg 2020August19 00-09-29.jpg
  4. TraDaViaHe

    TraDaViaHe Member

    Apr 28, 2017
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  5. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    Stats pic plz of the weapons??
    Captainpack likes this.
  6. ninhho

    ninhho Active Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Captainpack and GBKen like this.
  7. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    That is definitely a bug! We've added it to our bug report to be fixed. Thank you for letting us know!
    Bankz likes this.
  8. Captainpack

    Captainpack Active Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    Thank you :D
  9. TraDaViaHe

    TraDaViaHe Member

    Apr 28, 2017
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    Let's go to the Sea :) 2020August19 13-20-04.jpg
  10. Ozbud

    Ozbud Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Good to see those months of working on hainan were well spent lol
  11. BirdbrainX

    BirdbrainX Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    FYI, the Hainan map debuff attributes you posted are not matching up with what is listed in the game map menu.

    Example A: Your pic shows Scattering Souls debuff to be Res-611 and YYBS dmg-5,600, but the game map menu lists it as Res-752 and YYBS dmg-6,800.

    Example B: Your pic shows Silent Fortress debuff to be Crit Rate-13,650/10,000 and Stat-544, but the game map menu lists it as Crit Rate-16,800/10,000 and Stat-640


    Edits: Nevermind, I just noticed that there's a debuff timer saying that it is "changeable". Would have been nice that this was mentioned in the patch notes too. Oh well...
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2020
  12. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Cool. It would be nice to extend the backpack/storage too.
    Enoch7 likes this.
  13. Enoch7

    Enoch7 New Member

    Aug 15, 2020
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    book mirror.png

    What's the purpose of this item? Anyone know?
  14. Yasumori

    Yasumori Active Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Definitely well spent to deliver a content where you can't kill anything and 90% of drops are useless.

    And quests with no rewards!
  15. renatokpz

    renatokpz Active Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I would assume that this was the first update of many to come...
    Items that you cannot do Resource / Create...

    A lot of things were not added as in the KR version of the game.
    @GMs, do you have any further plans to let us know on what to do with 90% of the items that drop in Hainan?

    Many thanks in advance!

    P.S.: Thanks for the Hainan update! Two mixed feelings came with it, good (for the update) and bad (for the things that it brought to us -- nothing special)
  16. kenyz0r

    kenyz0r Member

    Sep 18, 2018
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    I am confused. Wasn't Hainan update supposed to bring farmable UTs into the game?
  17. ninhho

    ninhho Active Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Hi GM, I see that on your post the Authority Crest (high) got mismatch with the in-game one.
    Anyway, as long as the in-game item is correct, so it's okay. Just in case you need to update the post to avoid further confusing. Thanks.
  18. ninhho

    ninhho Active Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Just imho that book is used as mcg in Seastorm White Dragon weapons creation list. Looks like the icon of the book is similar as those mcg ones. But maybe it is not.
  19. Enoch7

    Enoch7 New Member

    Aug 15, 2020
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    Yes, I thought of that also...that the book is like an MCG for crafting the White Dragon Weapons. But it's a bit insane...knowing that you have to farm for 2x Heavenly Golden Mirrors (that's crafting 625 mats (7% craft succes) for 1 piece of mirror) ...takes over 3 years of farming. LOOOL. Isn't that a bit insane?
  20. teokisss4

    teokisss4 Member

    Jan 28, 2020
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    • White Dragon Eye
    • Bead of White Dragon
    • White Dragon Scale
    • WHAT IS USED FOR....?

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