There's a large damage difference in the weps. Example: Flying White Dragon Spear base damage is 4076 - 7457 Seastorm White Dragon Spear base damage is 5299 - 9694 Also they have very different wep stats.
The Mirror Stone thing is farmable through Ll dungeon and it will take st least 1-2 years or more to farm for regular player. Qbsolutely not benefitial. The seastorm stats should be at least double for all the huge effort it takes to get them.
Hi, You need this weapon in the next production line. It's not like others say : not beneficial. In the logic of the Korean update of Qingdao, you need this weapon to craft the blue weapon. It may take a few years to far,, but then we will probably have Qingdao.
As a side note, you can see that the materials for crafting the mirror is lower than korean server. Also, some people got the mirror from boxes.
I don't want to spoil more the surprises for the future in weapons, but K has two craft/production chains for the blue weapons, and they have different damage. Probably we will get first the low damage blue weapon, but we will see. I am not spoil the craft chain as I did it with Q.
Not really spoiling anything because we don’t get kr content here so most ppl don’t care about a couple of kr screenshots as it doesn’t reflect our needs. Besides RF will die before we get any of that.
For sure we will get the blue weapons, it is a matter WHEN we will get them and with what. The only thing left now in this version of RedFox as great need is UTs and how you get them. This should be resolve via some events.
You have to be focus on the next chains to know what to farm and keep after you got the top op items. Qingdao map will come in few years, before that are other chains from k we will get, the Kunlun ones. In order to farm Hainan and make sales, maybe RF will put some op gear in IM and relics. So, keep the eyes on new sales too. Many things can change on sales and players needs, the new weapon could be put in boxes too as repel if gets old or will be a need, but depends on RF. This does not exclude the fact, we must be inform with everything.