Why I'm quitting Rumble Fighter

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by MasterAme, Jun 26, 2017.


Do you think Red Fox is actively trying to fix lag and similar problems in Rumble Fighter?

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  2. No

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  1. MasterAme

    MasterAme New Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Before You Read: I understand RedFox Games is all about fixing up games and improving them and you have done a little bit of that since Rumble Fighter has been acquired, a more recent example was when you made build up for all slots.

    The reason I am now quitting Rumble Fighter is because it is too obviously just a cash cow for red fox with little intention of making updates that improve game play, for example Fixing lag by reworking how players connect with each other, making more content that is beneficial to the user. I understand you must make money at the end of the day, but the reality is this game has not been improved since 2008 other than adding things that are purchasable with real life currency like Astros, RC, and CC. There are glitches that have been in the game since it was created that have never been fixed. I personally have bought enough currency for rumble fighter over the years to buy a car doing so I have obtained every item in the game only to have my money thrown away and the people who get it only create content that benefit themselves instantly, like more powerful scrolls/exo that make it much easier to edge someone or kill them. Some people may disagree with me, but it really is just to force people into spending more money. And don't think I forgot the most obvious one. Spenders, you purposely put very rare/desired items exclusively for sale for real money maybe not to be available to get permanently for a year or more, top 5 spenders get "Insert Super Rare Item here" those top five spenders typically spend hundreds and sometimes even up to $1,500 for that one spenders, and you still have not used any of that money to fix the game. There are too many other games with much better mechanics and updates/fixes that cost much less to enjoy. Yes you can be a carat only player and not pay a dime, but are you really having as much fun? Of course not because they advertise the RC scrolls to be amazing and other players that are good with them will make you long for that scroll.

    Honestly I wouldn't mind if you made a catalog of what items every player has and closed the game for a year or so and then reopened it and gave everyone their items they had back and with everything reworked and glitches fixed this would help expand your player base and help keep your current player base.

    PS: Shoot me an email when you fix the lag and start using some of the money to update the game. Otherwise I am sure sad to see another great game concept destroyed.
    Bengali and DeityPowerr like this.
  2. 271115

    271115 Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
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    on point

    oh wait
    they don't care.
    tamirtov likes this.
  3. TheDL6Incident

    TheDL6Incident Creator of Buki

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Let's make our own game.
    Inaros, tamirtov and BJJFromGJJ like this.
  4. Yeezus

    Yeezus Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Who cares, this was a waste of your time, go outside bro. Peace.
  5. TheDL6Incident

    TheDL6Incident Creator of Buki

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Well some friends of mine are gonna try making a game after they're done with school.
    I have some ideas, and I can proooobably make some designs but I can't code or script.
    BJJFromGJJ likes this.
  6. tamirtov

    tamirtov Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    cya next week
  7. RamboCreativity

    RamboCreativity Active Member

    Mar 6, 2016
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    It pains me to say this but I strongly agree with you.
    tamirtov and KanekiKen12 like this.
  8. KanekiKen12

    KanekiKen12 Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Someone is saying facts
  9. Exelon

    Exelon Active Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Facts facts and more facts
    tamirtov likes this.
  10. Nickelbawker

    Nickelbawker New Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Couldn't be further from the truth I quit in 2010 when I lost my account which I valued at $500 minimum in purely Astro scrolls and Exos. Not counting the rest of the stuff earned while playing. I'm back for a bit but yeah COD4, wow servers and similar games do multiplayer a bit better. It should not be too much more intensive than those games, and actually less than battlegrounds closer to WoW's 3v3 or 2v2 arena. They are a bit more generous with the gifts and starter stuff than OGP was so I'm going to give the game a full hard try but well see. Seems closer to Gem Fighter which I was lucky enough to get to play back in the day.
  11. DeityPowerr

    DeityPowerr New Member

    May 31, 2020
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    -Every Word Here Has A Meaning-

    -More and more new kind of events.

    -What happened to CA and GM players? It was fun fighting a staff member before. Was it called CA idk.. all i remember they were not normal players.

    -More advertising. Youtube has been doing pretty good but need more videos and advertising.

    - Make astro cheaper.. it's insane how the prices are so high man it feels like P2W game ( nobody likes P2W games ) even though it's not really P2W game but still.

    - More maps.

    - Maps where more than 6 players can join. Imagine having a 12-16 player rooms.. it would be insane. The battles would be more intense and cooler and that would make pretty cool videos / images and that would bring new players. Some of you might say playerbase isn't that big but i would still give this a shot. Starting from 8 player rooms to 10 player rooms to 12 player rooms etc.. Pretty good idea IMO.

    - Maps with monster spawns. It would be pretty cool if a random werewolf appeared to moonlight valley and decides to follow 1 player that is closest to it and follows it until he / she is dead. I mean players would definitely laugh at this haha :D of course it would be easily killed. Doesn't need to be summoned in every game though.

    - Bigger maps. What i mean by this that maps are okay sizes now. Since the players don't technically need super big maps ( unless moving maps ) but Rumble Fighter is such a game that has tons of potential to it. Imagine having elevators that move up and down? Imagine being able to jump to a pole that slides down the map ( sly cooper from PS2 for example who can slide all kinds of poles and ropes ). It's not impossible for RF to be honest. Imagine having wings that would allow you to fly in certain big maps for short amount of time? This would truly be wonderful and super fkin cool.

    - Relationships. Yes you heard me right.. we all want friends on online games, but marriage too. Most games already have marriage system and it's been working great for many years. Imagine being able to buy a ring to your spouse and fight together. Imagine having your own private room together where you can decorate things. There's no point in video games if you can't truly progress in other ways too.

    Private / public Houses / rooms. Just like Club Penguin. You could join other player houses and chill or party there. You could decorate your own house and it would be way cooler than that stupid ( most boring ) place ever= the plaza or whatever.. super boring.

    - Better Guilds System. I think Rumble Fighter has one of the worst Guild systems ever. Are there Guild rooms or Headquarters? No. Take a look at other Guild systems around the video game world. Guild is one thing that could create some playerbase. Maybe if players could choose which Guild to join at level 1 just like most games could be cool. It would bring players together too

    - Rooms that require no '' Ready '' function. Maybe entering your desired room and just simply joining up the game or leaving whenever you want? Time limit or not.. the fights would last forever ( or with time limit.. only room master can change this ). This idea was on other very popular game but i forgot that video game. But it has been working pretty good. Nobody likes waiting. And sometimes in Rumble Fighter you have to wait for some time just to fight. This could maybe fix most of the connection issues but i'm not sure, i just have a good feeling about this. Btw.. this function doesn't have to be for every map. Maybe you could choose if you want a ready up function or not. Room Master can always toggle thi

    - Fix lag / teleport issue. I downloaded today TuneUp Utilitiies 2011 that has a strong PC booster and also a WindScribe VPN and connected myself to canada. Fixed over 50% of my lag / teleporting issue and most players said i lag WAY less and it's not serious anymore. I was very happy european player. Maybe redfox could open a free VPN server or something.. there must be a fix for connectivity issue, many video games have already succeeded on this.

    - More goals. Yes we talked about relationship, guild, housing etc.. but maybe something more? I have an idea.. PETS. Why don't we have any cool pets here? I would definitely want a cool dragon pet who would follow me around or give me certain buffs or what ever.. Saver, Assassin or Mount up your pet for certain time? I would go for mounting up my own pet lol. Just imagine this.. it would be super cool. Imagine instead of halos or wings you could have a eagle or dragon pet saving you once or twice if you fall down. Use your imagination !! You could also level up your pets and every level or 2 your pet would grow up. Imagine having pet battles.

    - 3D Rumble Fighter? I think this is a bad idea but maybe allowing a certain button toggle the camera to other directions? Releasing this button would reset the camera back to the way it was. No hard feelings. But it would definitely be super cool lol

    - Weathers. We need rains too bro.. we need snowing. It would be very cool feature indeed. I don't know if this is already in game but i haven't seen weather changes in any game i've been so far lol

    - Cooler items / functions. Imagine instead of popping up a HP potion you would toggle a snowboard and slide down for example stairs? Imagine if we had snowy maps it would be super cool to slide down and attack enemies. Imagine having rope on certain maps and you could use it by jumping and grabbing on it? WHY doesn't RF have this function wtf?!

    - Underwater swimming. Or maybe underwater fighting maps? If you can already do super cool things in RF why can't you swim? Why aren't there Atlantis maps or something? Why aren't there moving ship battles? Or maybe sinking ship battle? Imagine a sinking ship and you have to fight yourself to the top or otherwise you would drown? Consider at least this please.

    - Better music. RF has the worst music in gaming history ever no offence. Same old stuff it's boring. Imagine having club / party rooms where you only party and players could put their own song and everyone would hear it.. **** i would never leave RF again lol

    - More items. Well there are many ideas for clothing and perhaps making them carat as well? We all love fashion but sometimes RF is so frustrating some players can't afford **** even after playing for a long time and eventually quit.

    - Maybe better graphics? Nothing dramatic to be honest.. maybe improve the background? I personally love how players and items look here but maybe that ugly moon needs improvement in moonlight valley map haha i mean backgrounds are pretty ugly here despite how beautiful map platforms / players / items are lol

    - Voice emotes. Such as toggling your exocore you could choose from a list what your character would yell. Whether it's Bankai, Shazam, Power up, wanna dance or anything.. maybe something funny?

    - Funnier exos. I mean most exocores look pretty badass tbh but has anyone thought of a banana gun? Shooting bananas and throwing banana peels to ground? I mean simple idea but use your imagination. Buying certain funny exocores would bring more laughter. Players already laugh a lot here but still humor brings players together.

    - Forum Chat. Yes it would be awesome and has worked greatly on many other video game forums.

    - Rumble Fighter Character Chat. You could invite a player / players to your chat and you could see themselves inside the chat. I mean the current RF chat is very very bad.. and super boring. Seriously i mean it.

    - Cheaper items. Not super cheap but not overly prices either. Not everyone can afford 1000+ astro scrolls. **** i would be broke if i bought everything i wanted. Maybe lowering the prices 30-50% would be a lot better. Or maybe more carat items man.

    What should i write? As an Aquarius i can keep this list going on since i have ideas. This game has such big potential and i've heard this from other players too and even in youtube.
    Bengali and NeoStrayFox like this.
  12. DeityPowerr

    DeityPowerr New Member

    May 31, 2020
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    EDIT: I quit RF last night. Had few good games with maybe 1 player lagging but 99% of the time i see serious lag and serious DDOS. I was dumb to come back because this has been an issue since like.. forever. I thought the lag would be somewhat fixed but it's worser than before. Toxic community, lag, DDOS, no new updates. **** i regret spending my 10 bucks looool
  13. youngbuckkid

    youngbuckkid New Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    i feel need to fix that lag ****
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