Hello ! Is there any1 who want to 1v1 a noob ? My record : Idk prob played 10 real 1v1 in my whole rf career,so pretty good 1 game per year xD (Dont ask me if I've won or not cuz I rlly dont remember ) If someone wants to 1v1 me ,add me IGN: Dino and PM me on a forum so imma log on Btw if you could tell me rules of 1v1 ,would be pretty nice Thanks . Btw I'm EU so be prepared for shtty connection #MakePlayerToServerConnection
Ey @Maomi accept my request "Dino" and hmu at weekend cuz hell naw I'm not wasting time on rf after work af
I'm actually out of town right now, but I'll definitely accept you when I'm in a place I can open my laptop. @Pasha