Definition of Wanted This system allows you to set an opponent who has killed you in PvP as “Wanted”. A fee must be paid in order to activate this system, and those who became “Wanted” will have disadvantages for a certain period of time. The wanted system will apply towards Nanchang, Hangzhou, Liaodong, North Sea, Tibet, East-West Shrine, Mansion of Golden Coins, Kunlun and Qingdao. Definition of Self Defense This system protects characters who has been defeated by an opponent. The default status of all characters in any PvP areas is set as “Self Defense.” However, inflicting damage to other(s) will turn Self Defense status off for 3 min regardless of Class achievements. During the Self Defense off status, the character name will appear in Red and no disadvantage will apply if other characters (in Self Defense status) attacks them. Self Defense status will return automatically after 3 min. Self Defense system will not apply towards Storm vs Storm areas in Nanchang & Hangzhou or Charge War Areas in Liaodong and Loulan. WANTED Wanted Request: PvP Begins (Player A & B) Player B dies in PvP. After reviving, Player B will receive a pop-up window with ‘Wanted Request’ & ‘GPS Request’ options. Player B has the option to pay 100,000 gold to make Player A’s status as “Wanted” Wanted Request options window will not appear if “Self Defense” status was off when the character died. Wanted Request window will disappear if Wanted Request is not made within 5 minutes. Requirement: Must be Level Raising Light 12 Cheng (60 Lv) and above to utilize Wanted Request system. Wanted Effects The effect of Wanted status will last 6 hours. There are 2 Stages of Wanted status and the effect will vary depending on the # of requests against a player. Wanted Frequency 1-2/Wanted Stage 1: Character name background color will turn Black. Self Defense status will be off Other users will recognize him/her as Deviant Clans. Unable to wear any Mask. Unable to perform Lightfoot or join a party. (Will be banned from the current party automatically) After 30 seconds of the death, the character will forcefully revive on the spot where he/she has died. Limited messenger Function Usability (will appear as offline) Limited chat: Whisper, Hero Band, Guild, General and Master/Disciple chats will be inactivated) Unable to send Carrier Pigeon Unable to use Spirit of The Conqueror The current location of character will appear as a black dot in a red circle (won’t display if zoomed-in) Unable to use Summoned Spirits / Character itself can’t be a subject to be summoned Unable to enter Training Dungeon Wanted Frequency 3/Wanted Stage 3: Additional effects alongside all above Wanted Stage 1 effects will apply for Stage 2 as listed below: Unable to use Courier’s Guild Transport Pass. Can be attacked by guards When arrested, Sent to jail with Restraint buff The Wanted effects will be removed upon death during PvP or after 6 hours of being logged-in. If you receive another Wanted while already being under the Wanted status, this will reset the countdown timer back to 6 hours. Below message will pop up if any character(s) with Wanted status come nearby: “Character with Wanted status has been spotted nearby!” If the player under Wanted effect gets killed by normal status player, the following message will appear: “Player X has arrested Wanted player A!” JAIL If a player under Wanted Stage 2 is arrested, they will be sent to the jail located in Hefei. <Restraint Order> effect will activate and will remain for 1 hour of logged-in time. < Hefei jail location > <Status: Restraint buff applied> PROBATION Upon ending of <Restraint> ends, the character will be sent to the center of Hefei market and <Probation> buff will be applied for 24 Hrs. Wanted 2nd Stage will activate if a character under Probation receives any Wanted status again (regardless of # of its Wanted occurrences) Wanted Manager NPC Wanted Manager NPC will display the list of available Wanted and who have already being caught. NPC LOCATION Hefei, Shimei_Village at Hangzhou, Yushan_Village at Nanchang, Fengtou Village/Fengwei Village at Liaodong, North Sea Small Palace at the North Sea and Dragon Gate tavern at Beat clan. Wanted List Once you become Wanted, the info below will display in the Wanted Manager NPC window: Your name will disappear from the list if Wanted status is removed. Arrested List Any Wanted who are arrested will appear on the Bulletin board and will be removed after 7 days. Rewards for Those who have Caught Wanted The below rewards will be distributed upon arresting a Wanted player. Note: Arresting the same player with Wanted Status repeatedly within 2 days (48 Hrs) will not be counted or be eligible to receive rewards: Wanted Criminal’s Tag. Wanted Criminal’s Tag It will be distributed automatically to those who have caught Wanted. (Must have an empty slot in your bags to receive this reward. Cannot receive this item if you fail to receive once.) Users with this Tag can proceed with the quest related to Good/Bad Karma via Chief Constable or Member of The Dark Society 9Dragons Official Document Arrestment Rank will be determined based on the # of arrest being made within the recent 14 days. Qualifiers will receive Dragon Official Document 1 ~ 5 items depending on their rank. Select “Gift Box” icon of Wanted Manager NPC menu -> Click “Gift Box” icon located at the right side of its Winner Bulletin Board -> Receive “Dragon Official Document” Arrest List will be reset every 2 weeks (14 days), so the qualifiers must claim “Dragon Official Document” before the new Arrest List releases. Dragon Official Document will not be recovered if did not claim within the given 14 days. Any rewarded Dragon Official Document 1 ~ 5 that are not used within 7 days will be discarded automatically. < Dragon Official Document Receive Window> Dragon Official Document 1 ~ 5 can be traded with Wanted Manager NPC You will obtain a special Title/Epi that lasts for 2 weeks upon using those document items