Wow RedFox, after tons of evidence regarding some players and their game abusing, you ban chef... Imperials (worst clan that ever happened to this game) farmed HN for months, Chef took that away from them and bit them with bamboo stick in QD, made video about that, promoted your game... and you banned him. Insane...
this is a terrible idea.. WHY? putting space bar button on their program will be easy. and thats it problem solve.. but honest farmers will suffer manual looting those boxes .. only way to fix this is hire a gm that knows how to be a gm..Patrol ingame..thats how they solve bots issues on other games
Actually, it would work, yes. The autofarm would pick up all the junk, filling your bag with trash. It's not the ideal solution, but a temporary fix.
Most of the people afk farming there are not bots but the lazy ones who are taking advantage of the auto train system. No 3rd party program needed. If they are using 3rd party program, their surroundings will be clean from drops. Clicking 2 - 3x to pick up weapon boxes wont really hurt. Another suggestion is to make some changes on how aoe nuke works. Because atm, it only activates combat mode when used against opposite clan. If they somehow change it to activate combat mode when used against any clan, those autofarmers will be killing each other.
How about increasing the duration of pen combat time to 5m or above like sz? Afk, auto, will do crazy things in this time and ofc pkers got ** if not mind with it when kill peace/pve enjoyer player xD