Field Maps Kailan Fortress Gocheon Island Bajodi Flatlands Ziming Plains LingChi Fortress Yinjou Falls Shangu Valley Migong Valley Ronyan Fortress Daoba Forest Lujong Plains Mogui Valley Huni Cave Kipaku Fortress Abiano Tomb Koumori Cave Hisakata Caverns Nikusu Tomb Keno Ruins Aiyoku Shrine Houka Caves Jaw of the Dragon Gate The Abyss (Stage1) Kusimono Cave Rojiko Caverns Sumizo Palace Chikurin Ravine Shirani Path Reisuto River Ikusa Mountain Kagirina River River Shima Goyu Village Tegowai Maze Bikou Caverns Akumo Hall Dori Cavern Meiyo Fortress Kaitsu Cavern Sakuran Maze Togata Fortress Lijoma Caverns Moku Moku Fortress Temple Shiko Itamo Hall Liang Hall Genzong Hall Shonsa Hall Daseba Temple Midori Oasis Solemn Grounds Odawa Cave 1st Floor Odawa Cave 2nd Floor Pungun Hall Marolo Island Ancient Island Cardinal Island Infernal Island The Abyss (Stage2) Chunwha Island Battle Maps Yanggok Valley Swordwind Castle Castle with 4 Gates Docase Grounds Castle with 4 Gates Labyrinth Proving Grounds Outpost Ruins (L70-112) Outpost Ruins (Master1-33) Circuit Valley (G12) Note: Error message 002 means that the map is not available in this version.
M33 war is coming in the next patch? Also I keep getting DC'ed from your server. My connection is fine and firewalls off. Any idea why Shinnen? Thanks
Not at this moment. Sorry to hear you're having trouble with disconnections. The best thing you can do is contact Customer Support; they will be able to help you troubleshoot the issue.
When can we expect updates? And THANKS for returning to forums. People are freaking out as well as I was that you guys abandoned the game.
fix Docase Grounds for m21 to m33 please its so boring in m33 level.. no war no hype useless getting into m33
Why is there g12 battle map when max lvl is m33 Abyss 2 is deactivated with the 002 error kinda doesn't make sense in regard to your post or does version mean will be available with future patch?
Will you add the other Stages of the Abyss? Because, if not, then why do people fight for Yanggock Formation? Just for CPs?
Oh cmon. Either with or without that, we can manage. That is really not so important when you get exp pills and time reward. The cave would be much more important for at least 2 reasons: 1.You make money faster 2.The drop rate should be higher
when do u fix the cave in yanggok to get the yaogual stone in the 2nd map? or u better destroy the yaogual stone...
Can you please provide me where are this maps? We have been asking you to give us Daseba Temple for like 2 years and here you say we already have it, can you show me how to get there please?
do some better in this server some players spend some time and money what are you doing GM just send ticket and 5 days nothings happen