They should just make 1 hsb and 1 labby that works for eu/ph time zones. The rest should be catered to the Americas since its an American based server.
Shinnen aside from your guys horrendous and terribly disgusting customer service through the ticket system and giving your customers the feeling like they are literally talking to machines. I'm glad you guys have said something, but anyways. This is a good step toward a solution for the population but the issue is focusing on your community, you have a mixed community. This server is accessible on a global scale. I think the best way to counter that and have everyone from your entire Twelve Sky 2 Classic gaming community happy is by having alternating times for each event. Meaning: First HSB of the week is in the morning EX: 9-12:00 First Labby of the week is in the morning EX: 10:00 Second HSB of the week is in the afternoon EX: 18:00-21:00 Second Labby of the week is in the afternoon EX: 19:00 Last HSB of the week which is a weekend should be night time EX: 19:00 Last Labby of the week which is a weekend should be night time EX: 20:00 As B4G it's once a week and a weekend so it shouldn't be to harsh. Maybe making it closer to the afternoon thought would help everyone so last just say 18:00 or 19:00. And FOLS hmmm, I like current FOLS time Aeria Games had a similar rotation for the major parts of the game (Labby/HSB) and I'd hate to have your population decrease due to you actually being a bot programmed to write 10 word responses to anyone who submits a ticket. Lets use our human emotions and do the best we can to cater to your entire community. The more, the merrier I'd assume all would agree on that. If you have rotating times then the best thing is if they can't make a Saturday HSB they can probably make it to the Monday HSB as it's a different time zone. Think about it, I hope your programming has it built in to evolve and adapt because with the way your staff replies to tickets I feel like that may be in the negative file.
they could also have labby 2 times a day with 12 hour difference but maybe i am asking to much i dont know i just feel there is alot of down time while waiting for the next war to start and thats main part of game that keeps me playing daily
There really should be some way to bring more PvP to this game. Of course we already have Yanggok which is dedicated to pvp and yet we choose not to go there to fight much other than during HSB which usually ends up in going into other maps anyways seeing that Yanggok shield is the weakest of all. Honestly for most people I think it's about the rewards from PvP more so than just the fun of killing people. If there were more frequent good drops for PvP in yanggok I'm sure things would be different but it's kind of sad to look at it that way because it should be the PvP experience that motivates people to fight more so than the drops and cp. Such a wasted PvP zone Yanggok is on here compared to TS1. :/
Lol, remember when this was an NA server . Oh well ! Not like there's separate versions for different countries (Mayn for Europe, WSP for Asia). Don't change the ******* times.
Based on this, I will most likely no longer be playing, Oh well my FL Term is over in a week. Thanks for making the NA server a EU server.
if new time takes affect I can no longer play here. This is a USA server, why are we changing times for outside countries? Just because you outside peeps destroyed YOUR versions' with hacks and spam, doesn't mean you have to destroy ours.
8 am PDT is 3pm GMT and 7 am in western usa and canada or 11 pm KST so from korea to EU most peeps are day time
You realize that most from the NA that play this game are grown adults with jobs and responsiblities meaning 80% of the RP buyers no longer have a reason to play this game when it's at 6 AM IN THE ******* MORNING WE HAVE JOBS. Why create an NA SERVER, and say **** all NA players for the foreigners who have their OWN based server. I offered a great median for everyone but red fox is set on ******* over their entire community and saying oh we did something. This is dumb if they make Labby and HSB in the morning I'm out of this **** sack of a community. I'm pretty sure 95% of the NA players are in the same boat as me. Meaning good luck relying on RP purchases from PINOY players RedFox. SUIT THE PEOPLE WHO PAY YOUR CHECK.
Must agree that the options 6-8 am shouldnt even exist As long as we need different times making the times sooooo soon for US is weird this is a NA server change the time but in a NA time.... Who the ** wakes up to play at 8am?
[GM]Shinnen i know its a little off topic put will you please watch the video below and let me know what you guys are planning to do to tackle these issue's and feel free to private message me if you need any further information Thanks Gaz3k
GM Shinnen, Its always better to create 2 servers one for EU and one for NA, If your main audience are for EU, then have a server for them, If having a NA server and to let the EU enjoy it., then you just screw up big time because you don't give a damn for the NA people who is also buying the RP daily for this game. Just like all of the other games RED FOX is running., you guys are having multiple servers for that main purpose. The main point of this post is to let you aware of what is happening. WHY TURN A NORTH AMERICA SERVER INTO A EU/PINOY server when your main target is for the NA players?
TimeTrado definition poll 1.a sampling or collection of opinions on a subject, taken from either aselected or a random group of persons, as for the purpose of analysis. 2.Usually, polls. the place where votes are taken. 3.he registering of votes, as at an election. 4.he voting at an election. 5.the number of votes cast. 6.the numerical result of the voting. enumeration or a list of individuals, as for purposes of taxing orvoting.
as there were 68 people who cared enough to poll at the time he took that data we have plenty of time to prove that there are NA players who would like to play labby and hsb. as it stands the current hsb and labby land at night for me (NA) and still no one bothers to show up. instead we haven't won labby in for ever since EU and SEA cant make it. there are plenty of times that would make it in the am in SEA and mid after noon for eu and night for na if there is truly enough people who care. i personally work a later job and don't mind doing stuff in the mornings before work.
if you run the damage calculation for skill damage + crit you will find you need at least 14000 ap and a perfect hit to kill someone with 50k health and only moderate defense. ill include the calculation below. calulation for damage is as follows (((Attack Power x skill multiply) subtract Defense ) times critical) so input the numbers (((14000 x3)-8000)x1.5) = 51000 damage now if your close to the server and running only 20ms ping, and using auto pill at 99% you have to have at-least 2 people with 14000 ap and perfect crit withing 20 milliseconds of each other to kill someone using a red bull and full vitality. You can have 50 people hitting a target all you like but if you never time 2 crits within the window of the ping it will not kill them. since most people are playing with 100+ ping it is almost impossible to strike with in a 20ms window. now if you use a sword like the dude from swaffelen you can sit at over 11000 defense. The down side to this is that you will have at best 10000 ap and cannot ever one shot anyone who is not a nuker and instead have to use your 20ms ping to let you time hits with other players to get kills. you dont need hacks you just need math and good internet. P.S. If you want the physical max and min on your hits multiply by around .09 then add / remove from your damage from above calculation. (this number is not a physical stat in game and i need more time to get an exact representation.) 51,000 x .09 = 4,590 making 14000 ap hit a max of 55,490 and a min of 46,410