The Chaos of Rising Sun operates like the MCG. We will correct the description from "refine" to "create".
What about to increase drop rate of SRS ? Getting some items takes ages not mention that there is a lot of failing . Or this patch is again for IM pazzes ?
YYBS are activated in Superior Dungeons while the Normal Dungeons isn't. We noticed players don't run Normal Dungeons to farm anymore. Therefore, the revamped for Normal Dungeons is necessary. We will renew Death Valley and Valley of Hell next. At the moment, we are working on Class Balancing, which will be implemented in Patch 138.
I have 1 important question about warior when you mentioned class balance. Tell me why there is not working deff smashing ? Lets ask people who is using smashes? I don t know ppl who do maybe for PVP but for pve those skills are completely useless same as some Skills YYBS buff only for YY mobs other buffs recast around 20-30 minutes what is insane ... And that deff smash ? You can use it till Tibet then its pointless doesn t work in Dungeons KL, LL etc. If there is skill witch is decreasing deffence it should decrease deffenese and without exceptions Players don t do that because its waste of time . They drop nothing there epithets are worthless and even if there is something drop rate is sooo bad that its just not worth to spend time there. So revamp is just great idea you had big plus from many players for that but please don t make it again impossible for 80% ppl or with incredibly low drop rate because it will not increase interest about that.
It is not 100% but not too low rate, you can success between 1-4 attempt but problem is hard to get these plate
GM doesn’t know... That’s the answer! And as always stated in their customers support emails, they are reaching to developer...That’s why there are no word from GM on that matter. Anyway, nice new content and good events lately, PLEASE keep up with good work. Have fun!
@[GM]Ahri, is there any correlation between it's being activated YYBS with the new changes' setting? it's only bosses that has YYBS stats anyway, and CMIIW, so apart from the bosses, it's hardly any differences between the normal one and the superior to raise a problem in applying the setting of the new changes (the drops, the level, etc) into superior levels. As to why people don't farm normal level (or any level tbh) dungeons anymore, I think because there is no reason to do it. With the BE drops removed (or toned 'waaay' down) from SRS and the normal Plate of Rising Sun (IV, V, and VI) needed for creating banners from loyalty can be made from Loulan's resources, the same for other dungeons, the elixirs and other things from boxes on normal level being removed might be the reasons it's became pretty useless to the point that there are no reasons to farm in the dungeons anymore. Again, just my two-cents. peace.
You think that now they will do it ? many runs durring x3 event with x2 drop card x2 from band x2 from clothes relics its like 6x drop event and got nothing 0 Hyami plates zero 1000 ornaments zero rising marbles. This is motivation to play those dungeons ? and i am not telling about playing out of event ...
Well, this makes making srs weapon completely obsolete. The only reason people capable of doing green / red srs would want it, is if it was possible to make it all the way to +18 without risk of failing. If Chaos of Rising Sun can't help with refining, then you may well remove those weapons, since nobody will spare a glance at them.
Sadest thing is that you can t even sell them to NPC so its better to not even pic up because then you have to delete manualy that weapon .... But you know as ussual they forgot use brain with patch
Yes ppl are not doing normal dungeons and start leaving even farming bosses its pointless even if you get jades and mat then you are only failing on creation this is stupid...
You are not the only one with these questions I find it very stupid, noting you can use some others should be able to make use of but locking these items out of our acc's make them useless even to us who find them
The changes have been implemented a while back. Feel free to read the discussion in the post below.
I think you probably didn t get the point. We know that it was changed . And we are asking why because its has absolutely no sense and its tottaly stupid without any logic.... And may i ask you pls to answer another quoted questions ?
Hello, do not expect too many thing on the update. The srs gave us tons of exp was good enough, also the relics was nice. We enjoy the srs run for exp and relics, that's all.
I think having the cloth stuck in your bag is foolishness, no toons at or around H12 to low HG can run even green SRS so far only the hat is useful making all the other non-trade-able gear and weapons useless i would love to give that stuff to my farming toon but
Please consider requesting renewal/update on Kunlun map as well. We are missing many bosses that the KR version has added. An example list of some of the mobs we don't have: 성난 주작 탁기에 물든 주작 성난 백호 탁기에 물든 백호 성난 현무 탁기에 물든 현무 Hopefully we can get that update now since the KR version has a new map releasing at the end of the month. Thanks for the information, it's great to know what is upcoming next .