Great job ! 20 runs = 0 plate or other drop 6x bugged dung missing hyami so after 30 minutes i can relog GG very good job
Heals become redundent with all leech you get from relics. Why get role upgrade if you don't get skills better than heals? And you don't have time to stand and cast heals every 3 sec on those bosses/mobs anyways. I'm a healer myself with average gear and can solo green runs HG11. This is an MMORPG not some moba or fps game, it's ment to be grindy. Not insta succes like you want it to be.
Dear GM's, You should spam the dungeon to see the issues we are facing, you have reduced drop rate of passes in CCD Red, so it is hard to get those passes. Now while doing the dungeon, yesterday faced 6 times bugged ( left side middle room one of the fakes vanish as soon as you touch her) last boss *actual boss* vanish when going 2nd form and today same thing and last one she vanished mid-way on 3rd form at 60% health. Can you start really playing the game like us and face the issues and try to solve them or force the support to do their job? Been losing exp cards/item drop cards/time/exp wasted and not gained because of bugs. Done alot of runs so far 1 plate drop, using item drop card most of the time. Barely getting the red colored items and non of the plates, you already have issues with crafting as it SUX hard, played alot of games and i craft in all of them. This is the worst. WOW/AION/TERRA/B&S/PristonTale/Rift and alooooooooooot of other MMO's/RPG's cant even remember them lol WorldOfKungFu and other strange games, HAHHAHAHHA guess what happened now while typing this and doing dungeon. Found another player in one of the rooms, hahahhahhahahhha standing there killed the miyabi's (fake) now doing last boss. You really must fix this hahahhahaah. P.S: that other person not in my party lo0ol damn this made me forget what i was typing and foked up the line of thoughts i had. BAH lol
It`s because the dungeon is crowded. Same happend to GCM before. Sadly this game can`t handle more than 10 ppl in one spot.
Worst update i have seen in any game in a long time, i can solo the dungeon because i have gear but have come to realization this publisher only focuses on the END GAME players who have spent hundreds of dollars/countless hours into this game. This update should've allowed anyone above HG to solo Green run and anyone about HI1 to solo reds.
If not solo, then do it in a party of 2 or 3. But the reality is that regular players are dying to simple mobs, which are more than 10 lvls below their own.
LOL, what are you even saying? It doesn’t make sense what so ever? If healers were meant to be actual healers, they should and would have time to heal every 3 sec. And yea this is an MMORPG, thats exactly why every role should be able to do what they were meant to do. Take a look at WoW. I don’t want insta success or to level up in one or two days or even in a week. But here you can’t even level up in 1 month, from HG5 - HI12, now they are brining in even more levels. SMH. Let me guess, your average gear includes BBOFM, BOF, BLUE EXC, INNER SET AND KL EPITHETS, ETC ETC. am I right or am I right?
To do green you don't really need spectacular gear, altho having the extra leech from bof+boffm is pretty handy one can compensate with 30% hp pills that are really easy to get. Healers are infact strategists, a healer+warrior combo is pretty potent considering the massive bonuses a strategist can give to a party (or even solo for himself) hybrids and nukers both have their role and use, the fact that the game favors melle in pve and CK in pvp have made them less seen for some years now. KL epis are cheap as chips to buy, blue banner isn't that hard to make and can be made in more than just one way, normal bof has a pretty afordable price (at least for Tao) BOFFM and either inner set is either pay the price or wait for another event but they aren't something you can't live without. As for leveling in KL, HG 5 should be about 3 hours with 5x cards with really average gear on a 2x event. HG11 to HG 12 should be about 10 hours. So I am really sure an average player can do HG 5 to HG 12 in a month playing some considerable time every weekend but not become a zombie doing it. Also having a full PVE stat band will help alot.
The drop rates are good, my friends able to pick uo 15 marble for a day he run, none of my friends list are complain about the new srs. Everything in this life have a value please bare in mind, playing free without paying for sure u need more work to find stuffs, for faster buy undoubtedly. Before we play so hard and pay too much to get flag, banner, we grind constantly with effort for months to get good stuffs, now u pay 100kk gold can get flag, what do you expect here? You want to strong same as old player? Forget it please.
I would like to make clear to all and stop complaining please: 1) This srs update is good 2) If you cannot survive, just because your gear not enough so prefer you stay away because other players easy to complete red run within 10 minutes. 3) If you really want rising weapon, follow one person pick up a weapon, then buy material and upgrade yourself. 4) My friend success collect and create a bead, so confirm plate I, II, III, IV and V are droppable.
I think you are a staff redfox. This patch for payers and 24 hours no life grinders. These are my items and I hit 1% 1% 1% 2%