I passed the dungeon 5 times and killed the bosses. But never saw a drop for the plate. I was always under the drop card.
It will be like King Jin "very rare ...." . We need check with event but my guess is x3 drop + x2 drop card and 1 plate per 10 runs in the best case
What the heck these mobs. I have 41k hp, 7500 def, 20k attack and they killed me 5 hits. I killed 1 about 4 minutes. Sorry guys im out
This patch made me realize that GMs do not play this game, otherwise you would have made changes to what the Devs sent you. Leave alone the PvP aspect, in order to fully enjoy the PvE you have to use heavily the IM. I'm ok to pay for gaming because they provide a service and it is normal to pay for it. However, 30 bucks a months is not enough to make you handle the game correctly. There is nothing wrong to use a lot the IM because those players are the ones who maintain the servers running. However, i feel like i am being forced to use IM if i want to have fun once you reach a decent level. All the previous publishers failed to run this game and i don't see RF as an exception. The stamp and the Events (too rare) are awesome but it is far from enough. I don't think this business model suits me but don't get me wrong guys. Despite his age, 9dragons is awesome !!! I'll wait for 9dragons 2 ! it might take 10 years again tho. Have fun grasshoppers and btw Mandate Of Heaven for life !
For starters, Healers to actually be able to HEAL properly. Not some lame ass 400 hp every 3 sec for 15 sec crap. How can that keep up with massive 20k mob, boss damage? lol. Second, everyone should require to have a full party or close enough to be able to complete the dungeon. Now people with top tier gear can finish the dungeon, not sure if they can with red, but they can with green. But if you have only lets say BoF and only HG5 set for your leech source, then forget about soloing the dungeon. So, there is that. Tons of other things, I can keep ranting on about
Hi 7 and red is easy, even HI 4 is enough but 3rd form hiyami will wreck anyone under HI 7 unless 50-60k hp and many EW pills. Leech helps but anyone can compensate with 30% hp pills since they are beyond easy to get from CC dungeon. IM deco helps of course but I can solo the dungeon without it since I don't spend money. Difference between red run and green isn't much, probably more chests in red but you could count the extra boxes on one hand I think. The dungeon is pretty neat, probably cause most can't get past the dificulty they see it in a bad way, the extra slots from the patch is crap tho.
This dungeon is not for noob, low level or average gear guys. This is an advanced dungeon for high class rank char only to be able complete the run.
Nice update love the new content having t the Japanese content updated was nice even though we are fighting them lol. but: Cons offevent 1. Weapons should be tradable or at least raise the lvl on them but this topic still needs some experimenting. 2. Green run the mobs hp should be lower you can't really solo it till around hg 10 and higher and with that heavenly deco. 3.no new epi for it or update epi 4.only things worth farming for is the hat chaos of the rising Sun and bead. Since its pretty clear that this event favors pvp players again. Pros off event 1.mats drops are good for off event farm (not marbles and plates). 2.set upgrade is nice with the stats Add ons (imo) The sea deco would have been nice to have with lvl upgrades the deco could have the yakumo effect. Back in the day it was only sold for a short time in the mall and I was a kid back then wasn't allowed to use the item mall lol. But yeah I'm sure everyone would love to have that deco I would farm for it myself and I'm a pretty lazy player
I started playing 3 months ago and I really enjoyed it. Currently im lvl.HG 5 The last SRS update is killing me. Im 11 lvl's above the mobs. I have a HG 5 set, 4 banners, Flag RBK lvl 2, Bead of Frost and they kill me in 3 seconds. So for me the dungeon doesn't exist anymore and I invite all players to boycote the new expansion slot system. Its embarissing. Bye to all and happy grinding
Get some important points first... Last time i was in srs(purp), was a while ago we had HG hyb and healer, to do it in time, some 60- 80 leech +11 dusk weaps, none of the really good relics, solo hg was too slow how much do u need for srs green now? can imagine that its faster now whole f1cking problem is the 2nd floor corridor, and the 60 mob kills needed to open the door
Green is 210-220 and red is 230-240 so for anyone having trouble clearing it, get a tons of physical defense at least 12k-15k to get to Hiyami Leech pt dmg only works on bosses so you can skip through mobs and go straight for them. Hiyami will be tough if you don't have sufficient physical defense and levels at least 5 below so prepare a lot of EW pill for her.
even the purple pass kills you??? at immortal 11 purple pass was a joke.... heck now I am hi green and red pass are a joke... well maybe not red... but green feels like nothing has changed....lol... Maybe its the +14-15 weapon that helps...or you need to work on some relic options, add damage on crit...that is easy enough to get
maybe try flag+ rbk w/e level, blue banner, white banner, boffm, event blue, both icy banners, maybe might work better.... I use those and it works just fine for me... but I do have a +15 weapon then again my main w/e I use works since I out level green by far, and red well if I am going by green..should be easy... so maybe leveling might be the answer...as with everything in this game...
THX its all the gear man... i didn't get any good relics till i got to like HG4, even king jin was impossible for me after that i got a loot of leech, and bosses got ez mode...(#someofthem) whit good relics ppl solo farm dogs in KL at like PS