I expect they drop from Hyami (not possible for 80% of players) but i can be wrong , because its very hard to make patch notes like : Mobs drops this items : ... ... ... Ayakashi drops this items : ... ... .. Hyamis drops this: ... ... ...
I mean Im HG8 HG5 +10 set Flag2 + RBK2, BOFFM, BOF Blue EXC, Blue norm banner Black EXC.... MCK set.. good opts +11 HG12 with very high +% add crit dmg... and I **** on dark blue lvl 210 mobs. On start os SRS 3 jump me I need to use 30% hp pills ...I got so much leech and i hit like 20-30K .... I guess people who patch these games just adopt and never play the game itself.. Some high spenders can probably make this dungen but for medicore noob like me it's totaly Impossible .... Now people at playred fox cant do **** about patches itself I really doubt Ahri even played 9d before... this update is totaly unbalanced for our 9d version...
True this update is complete trash but what is sad they don care about feedback they will just ignore it as ussual. Not those for Banner creation. There are new plates for Relic but probably only from last bosses witch let say its almoust impossible for most players
I mean asides from the SRS hat/Bead this update is pretty mediocre, i did finish green run quite easily, i noticed that the BOSSES inside the dungeon are actually easier to kill than the normal monsters. That makes no sense.
You must have good items then. I got killed by 3 spear men in 3 hits. and was doing about 3-5k damage. So, I am guessing either we have to have super good items to be able to generate enough leech and solo the dungeon, or try to survive by begging a healer to come with you to give leech/courage.
hmm, i am really trying to understand, but i cannot find the reason for this absolute random patch and revamp on this specific dungeon. after looking at the resource list, anybody would think that there is probably some other dungeons you are able to complete to get the listed bead set in the shown picture. but instead, they randomly started with the last and hardest dungeon dungeon to get a bead from which is utter bs, cuz logically you would start off with the first and lowest dungeon, in that case CoF. besides, after going in the renewed srs, its easy to tell that, where the game itself stands right now, it is not made for the dungeon just yet, cuz the first mobs(green lv210) basically kill u in 3 hits if u dont hp pill. that is kinda showing that the current gear of this version isnt made for this dungeon, come to think of it, only the op im deco takes u one step ahead to being able to clear that dungeon. that is kinda worrying. but the main point is that the order they are about to bring out all the renewed dungeons is ungrounded. also, these garbage gear and weapons, yea they are cool, but they wouldve been more helpful like 1 year ago. the only good things are the new ornaments and the yea, the bead. but that is the point, even getting the bead doesnt really matter too much, cuz they havent updated all the other dungeons to get the full bead set, yet they decided to start off with the last and highest one. this whole patch is far from complete and random as fock. i mean, couldnt you update all the dungeons, And Then bring out this patch as a whole? i guess not ? look at the slot expansion bs too, not only is it just a lil too pricey, it also, is incomplete. you havent even introduced the god damn level expansion, yet you rf experts randomly brought it out first. oh and yes, getting to even lvl 240 isnt too hard, i mean, you guys know. lastly, the garbage material to get the 4th item mall slot isnt even in the game, but you, again, decided to bring the expansion out anyway, incomplete. so basically, up until now, with this great expansion, you can get legit only 2 more slots in total out of 8, cuz lets be honest, getting the mats for the 2nd and 3rd item mall slot out of the garbage azz crimson box is pretty unlikely for a while, unless u're lucky. i was about to spent a good amount of $ into this game 1-2 days ago, cuz i actually like the game, but im so lucky. with this patch that you, red fox, brought out just now, you opened my eyes and saved me from giving money, not to the game, but to you, cuz ultimately : this guy isnt too wrong. back to blade and soul i go.
Courage doesn't work on normal monsters inside SRS, only on bosses lol. Weird i know but that is how it is.
I dunno about it being the hardest dungeon....i cleared it in 30 minutes.... so if you are complaining...go work on your gear.....refine some weapons...try to get +15's get better gear.... its waaay easier than potala, or even potala garden.... Redfox thank you for dungeon....Would'a been great if expansion items could drop at very low rate from dungeon chest......but thank you non the less... 4500cc is a bit steep for 1 slot...but....thank you...
Dungeons are teamplay place.. U do need healers and other parties to kill the mobs faster with shared xp..
All Case of Rising Dragons have the chance of dropping the following items Sun Stone Excellence (Physical, Low) Sun Stone Excellence (Physical, Mid) Sun Stone Excellence (Chi Kung, Low) Sun Stone Excellence (Chi Kung, Mid) Hiyami’s Shard of Tears (Low) Hiyami’s Shard of Tears (Mid) Premium Silk (Low) Premium Silk (Mid) Hiyami’s Shard of Tears (High) Premium Silk (High) [Level 1] Enhancement Stone [Level 2] Enhancement Stone [Level 3] Enhancement Stone [Level 4] Enhancement Stone [Level 5] Enhancement Stone [Level 4] Enhancement Stone [Level 5] Enhancement Stone [Level 6] Enhancement Stone [Level 7] Enhancement Stone [Level 8] Enhancement Stone [Level 6] Enhancement Stone [Level 7] Enhancement Stone [Level 8] Enhancement Stone [Level 9] Enhancement Stone [Level 10] Enhancement Stone Life Pill (Medium) Vital Energy Pill (Medium) External Wound Pill (Medium) Rising Sun Marble Chaos of the Rising Sun Flowstone (Low) Flowstone (Mid) Flowstone (High) A Piece of Steel Orange Jade of Rising Sun Blood Sorcerer Jewelry Box
I think its better. At Hi9 i get around .0.70-0.80% per red run. And thats not killing all mobs since time is not enough to kill all doing solo.
Ahri, just my opinion, those new weapons are GL/HM lvl and the monsters inside are at least lvl 210. So how can you expect GL-LM chars be able to attain them on their own? I can understand the clothe being binded to characters but at least have the weapon tradable or at least storable.
any chance of the black dragon jade or sleeping dragon jade dropping off monsters or dungeon kills? I heard you could also craft them in Korea, so curious.