I also will be inviting any void members left in league so pm me or join Chosen they got bigger league buff if that's the only thing you care about. MissyTouka - Band Master of Wutang Lexaaa - Band Master of League of beggars Wasabipea- Band Master of Shao If you want to join pm either one us for invite.
Hi Missy ^_^. Miss ya. Hope all is well. Hehe, I like the league name. nom nom sushi...what's your favorite sushi though?
gqflex247New Member Sushi league look for new or returning active players on server Tao. if your looking for friendly helpful league we might be the right choice for you. We grind, raid and have fun together. Our main goal is to have fun, enjoy and experience the world of 9 Dragons together. Message us if you need more info. Server: Tao League master: MissyTouka Leaders: Wushue, Arzlaan, April, Lexaaa
Hi there.. this is Bartok.. BlackFairy mentioned that the Band has events during the weekend.. Please let me know PST time for these events Thanx in advance B