Some ideas

Discussion in 'Game Modes' started by oaBao, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. oaBao

    oaBao Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    What about the other ideas?
  2. ProfessorZtar

    ProfessorZtar Community Advisor (Rumble Fighter)

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I have a few ideas myself. :3

    An alternate Battle mode where everyone has 3 stocks/lives/whateveryouwannacallit. :3 Just for the sake of convenience, I'll call this "Brawl Mode". It would be a new mode for Rumble Mode, with access to -all- maps (except for the KOTH Dos maps.) and yes, that means a full-map version of the moving screen maps. Note: This is NOT arena mode. I repeat: NOT arena. You won't start with half health and full T-Gauge in this mode. It's pretty much just a Battle Mode with limited respawns and some extra little goodies.

    Rules regarding respawns in Brawl Mode:
    10 seconds to respawn.
    Your Transformation Gauge is filled up 25% per death when killed by another player (So no suiciding to get an early Exo and roflstomp at 30 seconds into the match) (This means you'll start with 50% T-Gauge when on your last life.)
    HP kills are worth more score than edge kills.
    Losing a life drains your score equal to half as much as your opponent gained. (Negative score becomes 0 exp at the end of the Match, just like it already does.)
    Lastly, getting killed by the same person twice in the same round puts a mark next to their name (the one floating over their head), so when you kill them at that point, you'll get a 2x score bonus for that kill. I like to call that the Nemesis System, ha ha.
    Scoring a Nemesis Kill will cause your character to use the "1stPlace_0x_y" voice file along with some special text in the text box "Dude defeated his nemesis, Man" or "Dude knocked his nemesis, Man, off the map". :3

    User Interface suggestions:
    An indicator for when you do / do not have a Nanmu to use.
    Dis-allow clicking through pop-up menus like the Friends Menu or Chat Box in the lobby.
    Remove the Plaza button and instead make it an option in the Menu tab (Where the Guild/Training/Tutorial etc. tabs are located)

    Training Mode Suggestions:
    Dying in Training refreshes your panic/nanmu, or add a selection in the Training Menu to refresh them.
    Close-up Camera toggle in the training menu.

    I think that just about covers it, other than "We want a real Trading System" and other such super-hard-to-make ideas. :v
  3. oaBao

    oaBao Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I really like the training mode idea

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