WORK IN PROGRESS WILL UPDATE REGULARLY STAR BREAKER Is a scroll that characterizes the TRUE essence of boxing, which is TO HIT AND NOT GET HIT. This scroll will have defensive maneuvers and traps that will keep opponents both frustrated and vulnerable to your counter punches! STANCE This Rhythmic Stance allows the user to be in position to defend against incoming attacks! STANCE SLOWED Slowed down to see more clearly. COMMAND LIST PPPP PPP(KG)P PK(KG)P PK[CHARGE] *Juggle Starter* KKKK KKK(KG)P KKP (KG)+K >>G P >>P *Juggle Starter* PPPP(KG)P TYPE: KNOCK BACK Upward Jab > Left Hook > Body blow > Sonic Fang The first punch of this combo has great speed and range to pinpoint moving opponents. The second punch is a shorter ranged hook that helps against drifting opponents since it has wider hitbox. Third punch is a body blow that helps close in the distance. And Finally we have Steve's singnature move The Sonic Fang, a quick viscous two hit combination that throws opponent into the air! *Sonic Fang two hits but is one input* KG P(DURING COMBO) EXPLANATION (NOT MEANT TO COMBO AFTER INITIAL COMBO ENDS) One of this scroll's very unique abilities is being able to evade in Key areas of combos! This feature was added to lure opponents into traps by appearing vulnerable, then punishing them with Steve's signature Gatling punch! The Gatling Punch will be registered as a grab but the properties will still be that of an attack, meaning it can be blocked. Like Kingpin's combo ender for example. This needed to be added so the opponent cannot trade with you if they try to attack you while your punch is active. This is so because Grabs make you invincible while active so this is an effective way of landing the attack clean. The KG input starts the Ducking animation which works like the other boxing scrolls, providing you with invulnerability. Punching directly after KG will initiate Gatling punches. If Gatling should land it will knock opponents away and over fences/rails but will not be a juggle starter. PK TYPE: KNOCK BACK This Combo will Stop opponents who's trying to trade with your Punch combo. Once they have your respect, sneak in a grab! Also this is great for getting a quick knock down. This combo is (KG)P Optional as well PK[CHARGE] TYPE: GUARD BREAK, GROUND BOUNCE JUGGLE STARTER PK Can be charged to guard break opponents and initiate a Ground ground Bounce Juggle starter! Special Effects When the P[K ]Charge is starting, there will be an Energy Star forming on the player's hand that about to strike. Upon landing the charged strike, the single star will explode into mini stars that lightly fall around the area. (Similar to the petal emote but the stars doesn't fall from as high nor as many as the petals emote below.) KKKK TYPE: KNOCK BACK Steve's Punishing combination Argos rush. This will be used to pressure your opponent into making mistakes. The first hit of this combo will be quicker than most kicks but it will lack range. Notice with each strike Steve closes the gap between him and Jin. KKK(KG)P TYPE: FRAME TRAP This Kick combo variant is used to lure blocking opponent into a trap. Remember KKK(KG)P is not a true combo so if you have successfully hit opponent with the combo it's best to finish the original combo. This Kick variant provides a mix-up when used against blocking opponents. The opponent has to guess if you're going to finish your kick combo or not. If they think that you're not going to finish your combo and attack you, their attack will miss and you can punish with gatling. This brings a layer of mindgames to the scroll that will help lead you to success! KKP TYPE:TURN AROUND KNOCK DOWN This move can be used as an alternate Punishing tool. Since this scroll doesn't have any traditional juggle starters this is a means to getting more damage for punishes. The final hit in this combo turns opponents around on their back, facing away from you,(Regardless of the direction they're facing) which forces a knockdown/tech roll situation that's in your favor! Why use this opposed to the Normal KKKK Combo? While yes, The full kick combo does more damage initially the tech roll situation will be more difficult to punish because the opponent's legs will be facing you. With this variant, you eliminate that problem altogether by turning them around which leads to more consistent Knockdown/tech roll punishes!! (KG) QUICK SPIN MOVES COUNTER CLOCKWISE This scroll's very unique KG command allows you to DRIFT Completely to the side of your opponent! This is also one of Steve's signature moves in the Tekken series that I think, will be VERY powerful in Rumble Fighter! This evasive maneuver will place you directly to the side of your opponent, putting you in a great position to counter attack! Why use this instead of drifting? Unlike drifting, this move will always keep your body facing toward your opponent. With drifting, you have to run to the side of your opponent and then face them to complete the drift cycle. With this Unique maneuver, it cuts out the running and automatically faces opponent. This is just faster, cleaner, and more efficient!! (KG) K TYPE: STAGGER This attack is the follow up to the Quick Spin maneuver. Once your opponent's attack misses you, use this to Stagger opponents! (Stagger as Hunter's guard break does) >>G TYPE: GROUND HIT This scroll has a unique ground hit that allows to jump over opponent's wake up Kick attacks!!! This will make the opponent think twice about attacking you! >>G P TYPE: KNOCK BACK If you successfully Jump over the Wake-Up Kick input Punch and you'll Punch them back down!!
>>P TYPE:JUGGLE STARTER This juggle starter holds true to the theme of the scroll which is punishing opponent's mistakes! Use this to punish Opponents who's trying to Roll away from you! Remember KKP? KKP Will set the stage for the Dashing Punch Juggle starter! since they're facing away from you, it'll be likely for them to try to roll way from the pressure. Use >>P to stop them right in their tracks! GRAB (Z+X) TYPE: GRAB This scroll's grab is very unique in the sense that it doesn't cause a hard knockdown. Instead, you will slightly push your opponent off base, keeping them right in in front of you. Also the grab attack itself doesn't cause as much damage as traditional grabs. This may seem that this is a terrible trade off, but I assure It's not. The advantage to this grab is that it places the user at FRAME ADVANTAGE. (That means simply put that it's your turn to attack. If the opponent mashes an attack, your attack will come out first, interrupting the start up of their attack, beating them to the punch.) This is fantastic for keeping pressure on opponent, encouraging them to make mistakes!
Will Have The scroll Finished soon guys! This scroll will be a treat for Hardcore Fighting game players!!
bruh i support this! i already have gentleman shoot and og boxing , and stinger i need more boxing scrolls for 1v1! what's the pros and cons?