Brave Falcon Description Created by the renowned Dambe champion Brave Falcon during his time on the Guardian Council, this hybrid style's high risk attacks and cross-up aerial maneuvers can turn even the bravest of foes into grounded prey. Be advised! Guardian Council urges Shamans to limit usage of the 'Max Falcon Shot' due to the immense strain it places on the user's spirit. By Tengu Class Shaman Only Price 1000rc Particle Effects All projectiles shoot a blue energy bird like the one below. PPP PPKKP KKP{P} KKPKP K(G+K)P kG >>G P >>G K The Dambe Bird of Prey Stance -Similar to Dambe but higher posture and occasionally clenching left hand. Skull Peck PPP Stun Launcher (4 Hits) -Dambe's 1st punch -Multi Hit 2nd punch -1st multi hit is very weak but fast, 2nd multi hit is Dambe's 2nd punch Note: 2nd Punch Left Arm Attack & Real Dambe In Dambe the left arm/hand may be used to clench grab, palm and swat at the enemy to open them up for a right punch. Wing Rush PPKKP Pressure Combo (7 Hits) -7th Hit can turn / can be angled similarly to White Tiger's Kick Combo Falcon Shot KKPP Short Knockdown Projectile (5 Hits) -Dambe's 1st kick (Ground Hit) -Multi Hit Punch -2 Hit Projectile -Audio: Short Bird Caw / Screech Max Falcon Shot KKP{P} Guard Breaker Projectile, Far Knockdown (7 Hits) -HP DOWN's the user -4 Hit Projectile -Audio: Bird Caw / Screech (Loud) Rising Falcon Shot KKPKP Projectile Fencer (6 Hits) -2 Hit Projectile -Enemies hit by Projectile rise upward with it -Audio: Short Bird Caw / Screech Talon Smash K(G+K)P Low Bounce Launcher (2 Hits), Fencer (3 Hits) -Enemies bounce low so the punch can connect Sudden Peck kG Bounce Launcher (1 Hit) Soaring Flight >>G Leaping Stance Swooping Wing >>G P Bounce Launcher (1 Hit) -Blue energy on attack -Audio: Short Bird Caw / Screech Falling Talons >>G K Short Knockdown (1 Hit) -Blue energy on attack -Audio: Short Bird Caw / Screech Note: No bounce back / hop back! Falcon Arrow G+P Dambe Counter G+K Short Knockdown (Dambe Counter) Falcon Shot Hurricane Nanmu 1: N PPPPPPPPPPPPPP -14 Inputs -1st input is a multi hit -Air Spike final hit -All Projectiles are 2 hits -Work in progress 5/22/23: Combos Finalized.
Whoa there i made this in the last 24hrs and I work a lot lol if you wanna do that tho ill pay / compensate