Ty MORT3, Tas and sandrew for the experience! Sorry for not uploading the video yet of helping Athena, but my 1TD Drive is having issues and I can get to that vid just yet. I hope that I can get it to working and can show that run as well. I am always here to help or teach others things they may not know or understand.
Been a while for me. I've been playing 9D and Destiny 2. I've been having a blast in both. This is me and someone I wont name unless he says it's cool, but he plays 9D on Tao Server.
Just a vid of my healer going from 100k to 120k Dmg (Phys). Dungeon was a lot easier and took less time.
I will do it now and ty for watching. I think I can only make it to round 30 or 31, but l'll do my best.
Featuring - TrueWarrior, BrownieMunch and ]SandesH[ and myself ]Prophet[. Ty all for the help and fun!
Infinity Dungeon with my Healer ]Prophet[. I'm sure I could do better, I don't do this dungeon enough to know how to do it faster. I am sure I made some mistakes or something.
Kunlun Black Dragon Dungeon "Weekly Quest". Showing my HP Pills and KG settings for a successful run. % to set yours to will vary, this is what I've found for my setup and works in all dungeons so far.