Hey guys, It's been a minute since I've played (2015 I think is my last time) and I'm curious what has changed in terms of how I should go about my stat distribution & new gear I should be looking out for. This will probably lead to my suffering but I'm not trying to drop money on this game. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Well for the most part stat builds are the same between the classes. Only difference now is ck or melee. Dex is primary for everyone sense it adds both attack rate and dodge for both melee and ck. Gear however you can get fairly easy, the sets you can get from dungeons like CoF on up are actually pretty decent for starting out now sense you can upgrade them with some Jade from the respective map and GT/FS. The sets add stuff like +all stats, HP/VE leech, crit rate and crit dmg, some hp/ve. Overall its pretty easy to start fresh.
Question coming from a complete noob who played a long time ago and doesn't really remember much: What would be a good stat distribution for a melee hybrid? Dex and str? More dex than str? Should I also add some constitution?