This update is really an amazing improvement you've ever made. But I don't quite agree with discarding the 30d banner. You have made an impressive update but do not take away the fun. This update prevents multiple accounts users to do what they'd been doing. We had been using 30d banner all along before you removed it, of course, it left a big impact on us. I'm sure some of the players here agree with me as well. You have made an impressive job but don't remove everything that was good in the past. 30d blue banner helps a lot in this game, please consider putting it back.
Both servers on Normal.. Woah xD... if you go on like this you may fix the population problems ;p Anyway I thought it was needed to be online 3 h in order to get the x5 XP card, instead it seems to be that you have to pass through all items (about 10.30h?) for that. That means that for the banner *ahem, the blue box* it would be about 260h?? Is that correct? I hope not... ;p EDIT: BTW, is anyone having problems with log in? Because since today I have to do many tries before I manage to log in.
3 hours to get all the daily rewards. 250 hours total to get all monthly rewards. The most you can get this month is MCG I think.
a little off topic, but that would be the last Tuesday of the month because Tuesdays are maintenance days.
I think the question i need answering is does the monthly get reset on the 1st of october? i already have 40 hours logged since the start but will this get reset on the 1st of october or carry on for the month?
Nice, thanks for bringing this back!!!!..... Daily gifts got a huge buff but monthly gifts are terrible. Most people will get nothing from their chests, but I guess 'get them hooked and they will buy more' is the plan. Also, like mentioned, careful which toon you claim your fruit on.
First off this new attendance is awesome u have pleased all who truly appreciate it! Second golden box not useless can get dragons blood for cloth refine for one Third 30 day banner coupon is a crutch to weak minds who lack discipline! don't just want to have a banner or weapon or whatever ... go get it through trial and effort if ya in it for the adventures and awkward socialism's u will eventually get everything 'quote unquote' to me it all just pixels ...but wat u went through to make them wat they are that brings meaning Lastly stop being do dependant on temp banners they are a treat and shouldn't be guaranteed with how easy it is to make them now!
Sorry i didn't see your question, but yes Monthly Accumulated Reward hours are reset on the 1st of every month.
yep...elitism at its finest....its is not 'quote unquote' easy to get or make a banner..... everything in game is a "treat" since they can stop game anytime.... You are just being selfish... G-luck playing game alone....since according to you lower levels should not have the privilege to taste the banners...
GM can You be so kind and make a litte rewamp of Accumulated Event? For example what do You think about: Daily: - remove Honor Student (2x) from 4th place - move Honor Student [Event] (5x) from 8th to 4th place - add Dragon Blood into last place Montly: - remove Jade Separator from 1st place - add something related to Guardians there - remove Golden Dragon Box from 4th place - move all others 1 place down - add Tear 1x at 7th place
I`m not demand JS should be removed, even if I personally have around 200 JS. It`s up to GM, but who saw a new char last days? Also [GM]Ahri said: "We can handle the Accumulated Event without the developers support" so it's easy to change something or change it more often. I can say more: if so, then GM can treat Daily like Event to give away something special for a short period of time. All you have to do GM, is want it to happend.
lol you do not support any $ for this game and you want free marketplace item ? if you want DB and Tear add cc and buy it, do not request like a beggar . also GM you do not need to be kind him. he want everything free from you .
I get CC from time to time but would like to see the dailies switch up every now and then, not just with events. I remember when we had the daily calender which changed slightly every month (if I'm remembering correctly)