Does the system work ont he server? and upon receiving combined pet is the chance of what (higher) rank ept you get random? can someone explain hadnt played ts2 thats had one working in a while.
Yes it works.. in fact xNelo just combined 3 pets level 1, and got a falc! which is awesome, i dont know, but this might be first in the server,, not sure. SS below P.S i've sold him the stone! so if you want to try, you better buy lucky stones from me
SO IS IT BY RANDOM CHANCE OR DO YOU HAVE TO MATCH THE STATS OF A CERTAIN PET TO GET IT ... caps was already halfways through the message
Lol! I am not an expert, but yea it is random.. you don't need to have (bee, relic & fang) to create a falc. it only takes 3 pets.. and sorry for the confusion, he actually used 3 M1 pets, not level 1 pets. I think you use level 1 pets to create M1 pet! something like that. << if someone knows please confirm
For the PET COMBINATION , all level 1 pet when combine will produce randomly ADEPT/MASTER LEVEL PET then for adept/master level pet when combine will produce ramdomly ADEPT15/MASTER15 LEVEL PET just like on 12sky2 HUNGAMES ^_^
i am currently trying to combine 3 m1 pets but it dosent work however it worked when I combined 3 lvl 1 pets. do all pets have to be at 0%?
It's a small chance when you craft an m15 pet for it to be a levi. So far, the only way to get one besides drops.