OX QUIZ MAP Process Step 1: Event Concept1. OX Event Process Flow: The OX Quiz event announcement will begin 30 minutes before starting, and users can enter the Quiz Zone. You can access the Event Area via White & Black Clans Portals. You can access the Quiz Zone via the Entry Guard NPC in the Event Area. The upcoming event schedule can be viewed by speaking with the Entry Guard NPC. OX QUIZ MAP Process Step 2: State Examination Begins!2. OX Quiz Event BeginsAfter the event begins, you won't be able to enter the Quiz Zone to participate in the event. The event Area is open to all players when the event is not on. The quiz will be displayed to all players in the Event Area. Thus, users that are not participating in the OX Quiz event can watch/solve the quiz off the record. OX MAP Process Step 3: Set the Questions!3. Time to pull out the questions! When "A question has been given. Please move to the O or the X." message appears, participants must move to either O or X zone. A timer will begin, so users must decide which zone to enter. If anyone is not within a zone when the counter ends, their score will be recorded as "Meh~" Standing near the zone won't count, so "Get in a zone!" OX MAP Process Step 4: Correct Answer Announcement4. Time to Collect the AnswersAfter announcing the correct answer for the quiz, users with correct answers will continue to the next stage, while participants with wrong answers will be kicked from the OX Quiz Zone. Users will receive rewards based on how many stages they've completed. Please click the green gift box icon on the screen's bottom right to claim your gift. OX MAP Process Step 5: Quiz Type5. Quiz TypeTrue and False (O/X) and multiple choices questions. (Note: Please click on the correct answer for multiple choice) OX MAP Process Step 6: Dice Roll6. Dice RollParticipants that pass the final stage will receive a reward for Winning. A dice roll will determine the grand prize if there is more than one finalist. The player with the highest dice roll will get the grand prize. Note: This post is subject to change.