No lifers guide to money making F2P

Discussion in 'Game Guides and Tips' started by Manaphon, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. Manaphon

    Manaphon Active Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Hello everyone!
    So recently there's been popping up new players on the forums and old aswell, with the age old question:
    How in the hell do I as a F2P farm gold in this game?

    Well from my experience and testing on my new warrior I've concluded these methods are the best way to farm gold for F2P.

    First method and requirments: Tibet weapon farming.
    First requirment is you need a character (preferably a warrior) at H8-12 to be able to farm the first monsters on the map. Second requirment is you need a level 5 band that has 100% drop rate increased buff. Third requirment is it needs to be on a weekend which is the time when most players are on anyways.

    The first monsters in Tibet will be dropping Crying weapons and Flamming weapons, 500k and 720k to NPC. Last weekend with x2 and band drop buff I managed in 10-12h make around 300m gold, 2 of those hours I was grindning in Icy to make lvl H8 and made 30m gold from Icy weapon drop.

    Now the only downside to this is you need a level 5 band and it needs to be on a weekend, but if you farm for 30h, 10h/d fri-sun you will be making approximately around 900m gold on the weekends.

    The second method: good old GCM.
    The requirments to farm this dungeon is you need passes, which is farmable through Liadong map or you can buy materials from other players. You need atleast HM/LM to solo it, preferably you can have a high character as possible since it will go faster.

    On my HI1 healer it takes me about 25-30min to complete it and loot the chest rooms. So higher level == faster farming time. 1 stack passes nets you about 510mil, that's 85 runs per one stack, and with an average time of 25min to clear it it would take 35h to finish 1 stack, but that is on my healer which is a super slow farmer.

    But the pros with this is it's not event based since you will get 6mil/run either way, so you can run it at any time. The downside is lack passes.

    Third method: Liadong letter farming.
    So to be able to do the second method you need to farm secret letters of yakumo to Craft GCM passes. Letters are droppable from all the monsters in Liadong, so you can farm there from CS-GL and either use the letters for your self or sell them off. Prices IDK never checked since I use them myself. Last I saw was 10m YIN, was a long time ago.

    So in conclusion with method 1 and 2 combined, for the whole week of farming it would net you 1,4b gold. That would take you 65h to complete. As I said this is a no lifers guide to farming gold.

    But surely CCD is the best way to far for F2P?
    Since CCD is kinda dependent on it being event weekend I don't Think it's a good way of farming Money, since A it has to be event weekend, B you have to find players willing to buy those BEs from you. That can take more time than what you have to spenf farming GCM or Tibet. And with the lowered prices on BE stacks it's less Worth it than it was Before.

    Well I hope this thread can lead to a discusion amongest you players and what you Think of it.

    Chingo singing off o/
    KaMiguel likes this.
  2. Domingo

    Domingo Active Member

    Jun 10, 2018
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    Hi this is very helpful for new player. I take COC red run for Gold. I can earn 80-100mil per hour and i am happy about it

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