Hello GM Shinnen many of us are asking about next Update or Major Update coming. Any ideas if Level cap would be raised to God 8 or any new maps coming? We would like to know whats news coming from KR 12Sky2 Classic.
Give it some time. The population is still low and new players still need to grind to the current level cap. Now that TS2 Classic is on Steam we can hope to see some new faces now and then. We need to get some of the content that should already be here and fixes to things that are still broken. It would seem foolish to further expand the level cap without working on fixing and tweaking some of the stuff we already have first. But I hear ya though. It's nice to have further reason to grind. Hopefully things will pick up very soon.
Hello @Shinnen that's good to hear! By any chance will this content patch include a Valkey for Gods? Having M33s always take Hero Rank #1 is pretty unfair. Doing so would also in-courage players to reach max level.
any tips how to fix the game , I login , play exactly 1 min , crash , IMO this is because guard " that anti cheat shity program" , tried mayn ts 2 , works perfectly, OS: windows 10 64 bit. any tips how to fix it? played the game alot , years ago . this looks good and it's not pay 2 win. too it's no good if you have no player base because issues like this.
well like you said its because of anti cheat, you will have to go to task manager and close all programs that might interfere with it. programs like virtual machines are often cause of it.
Please consider adding accessory items to the item mall, preferably suits, like the servant suit, China suit, Japan suit, Assassin suit.
Yah, kind of a dur hur, but they do take suggestions to give to SGData , and that's kinda what I was going more after.
I had once Sandboxie installed and even the background service process cause it to close the game. You could try a gamebooster program, it will close useless processes for you while you play.
tho I have i7 6700k , gtx 1070 , I really don't care about processes , gamebooster idk if will do anything tho I might try it if you say it might work I tried , didn't helped at alot. smt problem
its not about your pc specs its just that anti cheat doesnt like on of your background processes so you have to close them. just try taskmanager and close everything you can. you can do that one by one if you want to find the right one.