NemoniX should add; Rumble Mode: Monster Raid [GAME MODE]

Discussion in 'Game Modes' started by GettAmped2, Feb 25, 2021.

  1. GettAmped2

    GettAmped2 New Member

    Feb 22, 2021
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    Anyone remember the Boss Raid game mode from OGPlanet's Lost Saga? Kinda similar...


    Room capacity will be increased to 16. 1 out of the 16 players will be chosen randomly to transform into one of the bosses in Adventure Mode and try to eliminate all other players while the remaining 15 players must attack the Monster player to eliminate them or survive for 3 minutes until the round is over.

    Transformed player's keys activate a different Boss Skill. For example: if the player transforms into Franky, the A and S keys (Exocore Morph buttons) will now perform Franky's Mecha Strike Spin (A key) and the S key will perform Franky's Thunder Stomp, with every other key (Z, X, C, V, B, Spacebar) being able to perform a different move while the movement keys remain the same and only allow the Monster player to move around the map.

    Monster player's recovery taunts/animations will be removed or sped up, this means the gorilla chest beating that Franky does after his Mecha Strike spin is removed and the jump-from-the-wall landing after Succubus's Wall teleport will be sped up. This is done to allow the Monster player to have increased mobility and have them string together Boss Skills faster.

    Monster players can summon Goons, 15 to 12 to 9 at a time. Goons can be summoned immediately but the number of Goons and their level depends upon the Monster's health. Monster players with HIGH Health can summon 15 Goons but will be low level Goons (i.e. Skeletons from Dark Monastery (Sejul) or Goblin Dogs) and while at LOW health can summon 9 Goons but of a Higher level (i.e. Verials). Pressing the [Shift] key will summon Goons. Goons summon cooldown will start at 30 seconds and increase to 60 seconds based on the Monster player's remaining Health. New Goons cannot be summoned until all other Goons have been eliminated. Any Goons left alive on the map 30 seconds (Low Level), 45 seconds (Mid Level) and 60 seconds (High Level) after initial summon will be sacrificed and have their remaining HP heal the Monster player.

    Bosses that have no movement cannot be used in this mode (i.e. DH-08 Boss and Vladimir's Castle Final Boss).

    If the initial Monster player is eliminated before the round ends, a different player is randomly chosen to be a random Monster but with significantly lower HP but higher damaging attacks while 30 seconds is also added to the round timer. New Monsters HP progressively get lower while damage progressively increases. Players who were monsters before or in a previous round will not be chosen again.

    Normal players will start with 0 Morph Gauge and build up from there.

    The maps available will NOT BE the usual maps you would find the Boss Monsters in (i.e. Sejul's Dark Monastery, the final room). There will be new maps created for this mode. Maps will feature interchangeable traps found in the various dungeons such as the flame pillar traps and megaton flatteners from Vladimir's Castle or the poison gas totems from Al Hata. Maps will have trap levers. Trap levers have HP. If normal players attack the lever, lever HP is gradually lost until the trap turns off. If the Monster player or Goons attack the lever, the lever HP will return with every hit until it is fully healed and the trap will reactivate. Traps will not harm the Monster player nor their Goons.

    Base Rewards upon all 3 rounds completed: Minimum of 1000 carats to Max of 1500 carats and Minimum of 100 medals to Max of 150 medals.
    (I am trying to think of more rewards to add to this game mode but I can't think of any that won't piss off NimoniX but at the same time keep players content.)

    Pressing the Goons Summon button while Goons are summoned will activate Follow Mode. Hold down the button to have Goons mimic your movement key inputs. Press the button again to deactivate it. In Follow Mode, all Goons will follow and stay close to the Monster Player when they move around the map but will start attacking other players if the Monster player begins attacking them. If the Monster player begins attacking a trap lever in Follow Mode, the Goons will also attack the lever they are closest to. Use this to relocate your Goons or save them from danger.

    Press [Left Ctrl] to make Goons enter Target Mode. Press again to deactivate. In Target Mode, all Goons will target the top 5 damage dealers on the enemy team. Hold down the Target Mode button to choose 1 player for all Goons to target. While holding down the Target Mode button, use the mouse to select the player of your choosing to target.

    Low Level Goons: 15 can be summoned. [HP: 3000, ARM: 40, SPD: 80, STR: 30] They have the highest movement and skill activation speed amongst the levels and Increased chance for evasive maneuvers when threatened (they will use their evasion moves more and activate panic attacks more).
    1. Skeletons (Dark Monastery) - 9 Skeletons are guaranteed to be summoned. They will always attempt to move behind players and attack them from the rear, evading players if they come face to face.
    2. Goblin Dogs (Al Hata) - Normal behavior.
    3. Dark Goblin (Dark Monastery) - They will use superior speed to keep away, and use evasive back flips if the enemy is too close, only attacking a player if they are attacking a different enemy.
    4. Ogre (Al Hata) - Normal behavior.
    5. Goblin Thrower (Al Hata) - They will constantly keep evading if players get too close and try to keep as far as possible from the Monster Player while spamming rock throws. Will throw rocks at levers if they are ignored for too long.
    6. Goblin Guard (Abandoned Mine) - Normal behavior.
    (will edit and add more soon...)

    Mid Level Goons: 12 can be summoned. [HP: 6000, ARM: 80, SPD: 60, STR: 60] They have Increased movement speed but are not as fast as Low Level Goons and increased skill activation speed and Increased chance for evasive maneuvers when threatened (they will use their evasion moves more and activate panic attacks more but not as much as low level Goons) Have higher HP than Low Level Goons. Can also consume HP and SP items that appear on the map and will actively pursue those items if they are close to one or after incapacitating a nearby player (if they knock them down or off the map or transform them).
    1. Necromancer (Dark Monastery) - 6 Necromancers are guaranteed to be summoned. If a food item is within their poison pool, they will ignore all players and prioritize retrieving it.
    2. Gunner Android (D-H-14) - They will constantly keep evading if players get too close and try to keep as far as possible from the Monster Player while spamming machine gun fire from a distance.
    3. Drill Android (D-H-14) - Normal behavior.
    4. Goblin Shaman (Abandoned Mine) - Damage increases when inside the Necromancer's poison pool.
    5. Spider (D-H-14) - They will spawn at the farthest reaches of the map, keep evading if players get too close and try to keep as far as possible from the Monster Player while spamming rockets.
    6. DK2 Type-C (D-H-09) - Normal behavior.
    7. Goblin Sapper (Abandoned Mine) - They will remain at mid distance from the Monster Player and hurl bombs in the Monster Player's direction. If any normal player approaches them, they will quickly set a landmine under them and then retreat.
    (will edit and add more soon...)

    High Level Goons: 9 can be summoned. [HP: 12,000, ARM: 160, SPD: 40, STR: 120] They have increased movement speed but are not as fast as the Mid Level Goons and increased skill activation speed and Increased chance for evasive maneuvers when threatened (they will use their evasion moves more and activate panic attacks more but not as much as Mid Level Goons). They have the highest HP amongst the levels. Can also consume HP and SP items that appear on the map. They will focus on trap levers if the levers are closer to them than a player is. They heal trap levers by a significant amount with one blow.
    1. Verials (Vladimir's Castle) - 3 Verials are guaranteed to be summoned. If their HP falls to 1/3, they will ignore all players and focus on the closest trap lever. Upon death they will spawn 5 Low Level Ghouls (Vladimir's Castle). The spawned Low Level Ghouls will ignore normal players and make a beeline for the Monster Player where they will then begin hurling vomit at the Monster Player.
    2. DK Missile (D-H-13) - They will stay in mid distance from the Monster player and spam missiles at the Monster player even if normal players are not attacking the Monster player.
    3. Magnetic Android (D-H-13) - They will shadow a DK Missile and will never leave their side, only initiating their attack once an enemy player gets too close to either them or a DK Missile.
    (will edit and add more soon...)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
  2. GettAmped2

    GettAmped2 New Member

    Feb 22, 2021
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    Place Holder for more info...
  3. Hercule

    Hercule Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    cool idea but the game gets buggy when too many bots are spawned! check out harlem defense hard/hell or destroy pirates hard
    GettAmped2 likes this.
  4. GettAmped2

    GettAmped2 New Member

    Feb 22, 2021
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    I have seen this bug in Destroy Pirates where if you knock down a Cannon Barrel Pirate, they have a whole 3 seconds worth of invincibility frames on wake up and that is the only bug I have seen between Harlem Defense and Destroy Pirates. Zombie Mode was released almost 12 years ago and even back then there could be at least 30 Zombies on the map (the map was a Subway Train back then) and I don't remember there being any bugs in the mode at that time.

    I don't want that many bots spawned at one time because the Monster Player would have too much power when controlling the Goons and would give normal players a hard time, (at most there will be 15 Goons on the map) that is why if one wave of Goons (bots) are summoned, more cannot be summoned until all the Goons from the initial summon are eliminated and I added a cool down on the summon ability (I changed the cool down time to min: 30 sec and max: 60 sec) so normal players won't get overwhelmed too quickly and the Monster player is forced to use their resources strategically instead of just spamming the summon.

    What bugs do you encounter that is caused by too many bots being spawned in Harlem Defense and Destroy Pirates?
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021

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