Let's open Nangin Faction! Balance Factions Alliance System (Nangin/Guanyin Vs Fujin/Jinong) Character Appearence/Transfers More Maps, Boss Hunting, HSB Fun
Yes but I also want some of the content that is missing to be implemented as well. Like Odawa 3 for example? Also all stages of Abyss that should be there right now. Y stone? Also a few bug fixes. Kind of tired of getting dc'ed after dying in war or any where else I've had that happen. Not to mention I think people would like to see some of these non-transferable leets patched out of the drop system. Nobody wants them and with good reason. First I see LeeMinJosh get one and then poor Ash as well. So my point is we need a lot of things. But I would absolutely love to see Nangin open up. Game feels naked without it.
About thise buģged leets i feel like its only on god leets, there is no non tradable rare undr g1 so, maybe we are better farmig serps for the moment? Just a simple guess
There are ways even with bringing in Nangin that you can prevent everyone going nangin. First you may do a weekly open roster when people have to apply and only a certain amount of people get in, that way it prevents the flood of every high level player going Nangin and gives the other factions time to hate them a little bit in wars and such.
The only real question is.... does the game even have enough players for a 4th faction without killing the other 3? No one wants an empty town.
yea we need more player before open nangin... im very sure this game wil imbalace if you open nangin...
Unfortunately for you, nothing at all that exists needs to be changed. Thank you so very much for creating a poll.