The new Master & Disciple system can be accessed by clicking the Pupil tab after pressing the F11 key. Master and Disciple Conditions Master and Disciple relationships can only be formed within the same Clan. This means that if you are in the League of Beggars, you can only form a Master and Disciple relationship with other Beggars, Shaolin, or Wu-Tang. Characters can become a Master by completing the Master and Disciple quest line in Hefei, which is available after reaching Heaven’s Gate 5(Level 221). Any characters that are Heaven’s Gate 3(Level 219) or lower can search and request discipleship to any Registered Masters by using the Search Master feature. Note: Vagabonds cannot become Master or Disciple. Searching for Masters and Disciples New Masters, and characters that meet the Disciple requirements can register themselves to be searchable by pressing the Register button. Masters can search for Disciples by clicking the View Disciple button and clicking Search. Disciples can search for Masters by clicking the View Master button and clicking Search. You can also search for a specific Master or Disciple by entering a character name in the search bar and clicking the Search button. Requests and Registration Info You can view the character info of those you have requested Discipleship or Mastership from by clicking on the Requested Button. You can view character info of those requesting Discipleship or Mastership from you by clicking on the Received button. Masters can view info of both Requested and Registered Disciples. Master and Disciple Gifts Master’s Gifts can be given once daily, by clicking the Master’s Gift, which is received by both Master and Disciple. Disciples can receive the Master’s Gift by clicking the Receive Gift button. Rewards are also given when a disciple officially leaves the Discipleship by clicking the Graduate button, which will appear upon reaching Heaven’s Gate 4(Level 220). The value of the gifts received, depends on the number of disciples which have received gifts on the previous day. Master and Disciple Gifts can be received in the Event Window, by clicking on the gift box icon on the right of your screen, or pressing the H key. Note: Rewards will not be granted if a disciple leaves the Discipleship voluntarily before reaching Heaven’s Gate 4. Other Functions Disciples can call for help from their Master by clicking the Call Master Button. Masters can teleport to their Disciples by highlighting the Disciple’s name and clicking the Visit Disciple button. Characters in Discipleship can invite each other to a party by clicking the Invitation button. M&D Chat can be used to chat with all members of the Discipleship. Pigeongrams and Whispers can be sent to all members of the Discipleship. Notices can be posted by a Master in the Master and Disciple window by clicking the Notice button. Additional Notes: The old systems will no longer be available. All previous Master and Disciple data will be reset. Registry list will be reset on the last week of each month during maintenance.
what are the rewards for master and disciple? are they the same ones? does disciple and master have to be online at the same time?
how much contribution you need for 5>>>4? cause I have +100k and still says I cant do it cause Im not 3rd lvl or something like that
Not going to lie, this update is very bad, I expected some easier way to get points so that masters could get some of the temporary relics, instead, all of that went away and got replaced with very bad gifts. Alongside that, the usual text bugs, the game feels CHEAP, CHEEAAAP !! It seems like some junior developers/translators are handling these updates.
I'm at my clan base but I see no quest. Is there a npc to talk to? (Yes I have done the first quest in Hefei to become a master)
Koreans updated the system in 2 parts, first with ranks 5,4,3 for master and the second patch included the other 2, so that's likely how we'll get it too.
So: - once per day we can get one 30-90 min buff - Master can free teleport to Disciple location - Disciple can get mysterious rewards when reaching HG4 Did I forgot something valuable ?
Bot and SF have a visual bug... clan are inverted in list (name clan only). I will post 2 photo by imgur: