Ign: SuperBuu Skill Items : Samurai (Ver. Summer Festival) (Exo) Elec-Prince (Exo) Hondon (Scroll) Clothing : Street Wise Dark (Hair) Romantic Eyes (Eyes) Refreshing Smile (Mouth) Blackstar Top (Top) Summer Skinny Jean (Bottom) Fresh Blue Glove (Glove) Skull Head Sneakers (Shoes) Medusa Eyes (Back) Fesh Necklace (Neck) Lollipop (Mouth) Headphones Downwards (Ears Accessory) Urban Street Glasses (Eyes Accessory) Forstfang Tail (Waist)
Secret Agent "Black Canary" IGN: Medusa Clothes:2029 Combat Top Black (F) Biker Bottom Biker Gloves Spiky Stocking Wrestler Sunglasses Black Adventurous Belt Black Dirndl Braid Steel Pearls M-14 Scroll: Vale Tudo Exos: Marionette and Solider (Grey)
IGN: BloodyMary "A HOT MESS" Cosmetics: Blue Bang Star Eyes Refreshing Smile Clothes: Seductive Maid Top Life Sorceress Bottoms Shadow Hunter Boots Baedal Gloves Accessories: Life Jacket Twinkling Pouch Basket of Mugwort and Garlic Sentry Goggles Briar Pipe Baseball Bat Exos: Plunger and Stone Golem Gauntlet Scroll: Aikido Extras:EMP Bomb Firestarter SPD Bomb
The Dambe Warrior Scroll: Dambe Exo1: Gauntlet of Karak - Right-Arm Gauntlet Exo matches Dambe's right arm only style. Exo2: Devil Shadow Hair: Short Style (Black) Eyes: Exhausted Eyes (Shaman) Top: Wolves Pack Bottom: Summer Skinny Jean Gloves: KOD Gloves (M) - KOD Package was once in store Shoes: Karate Shoes Neck: Outlaw Bandana Back: AK-47 -or- RPG-7 Hip: Snack Bag High Demand Items Devil Shadow, KOD Gloves (M)/(F), Wolves Pack, AK-47/RPG-7, Gauntlet of Karak, Short Style (Black) Theme In traditional Dambe the fighters always wear a right-arm wrapped glove and KOD Gloves are the ONLY thing that resembles that so it would give players an easy chance to "look the part" so to speak. --- The GC Throwback Scroll: Abyss* Exo1: Blazing Enforcer Exo2: Magma Destroyer Hair: GC Cap Eyes: Powersuit Eyes WH - I swear the powersuits were in the shop once in the past! Mouth: Refreshing Smile Top: GC Tee (M)/(F) Bottom: GC Jeans Gloves: GC Gloves Shoes: GC Kicks High Demand Items Everything because this whole set (minus scroll, exocores and smile) is pretty much pseudo rare. Theme GC throwback. Also Abyss/Fearless + Blazing Enforcer's V Skill + Magma Destroyer's B Skill = Rock Howard from Garou / Fatal Fury. --- Master of the Tengoryu Dojo Scroll: Tengoryu Karate Exo1: Martial Arts Soul (not BF LE) Exo2: Golden Lion (not BF LE) Hair: Black Raiden Top: Shadow Merciless Top Bottom: Dark Samurai Bottom Gloves: Fist Tape Shoes: Foot Taping Face: Tengu Mask Temporary Neck: Rosary Perm Back: Sealed Red Scroll High Demand Items Tengoryu, RC Clothes, Rosary Perm, Sealed Red Scroll for the +LUC during BMs Theme Mr Karate, Raiden, my sets in general
Scroll: Redemption Exo1: Flamebuster Exo2: Invincible fist Hair: 08' Racing Cap Eyes: Odd Eyes Top: Bloody Muscle Bottom: Bloody Merciless Bottoms Gloves: Ninja Gloves Shoes: Polar Bear Threads Back: Barbarian Sword
IGN: TagYourIt Scroll: Vermillion Phoenix Exos: Shuriken-jutsu and Raven Fang Hair: Gentleman Hair Eyes: Determined Eyes Top: Street Denim Shirt Bottoms: Black Boarder Pants Gloves: MC Mic T-rex Watch Shoes: Gentleman Shoes Accessories: Pocket Watch Retro Beard Magnifying Glass Detective Glasses A Modern Day Sleuth
IGN: Yusei Hair: New Flash Hair(Black) Eyes: Violet Yellow Top: Rumblin Crewneck Bottom: Grey Samurai Bottom Gloves: RF Blue Bout Gloves Shoes: Blue High Tops Glasses: Dark Gauze Mouth: Black Ninja Clan Mask Head: Phaira Head Deco Back: Shuriken Neck: Ninja Muffler Black Waist: Grey Racoon Tail Scroll: Ascended Scroll-Dark Haze Ninjutsu Exocore 1: Gaiters Of Kris Exocore 2: Devil Shadow Item 1: Panic Attack +1(7 Days) Item 2: Firestarter(60 Uses) Item 3: Eye of Critical Damage
IGN: Shara Hair: Spiky Cap Eyes: Star Eyes Nose: Bandaged Nose Mouth: Pout Top: Dirty Top (F) Bottom: Dirty Pants (BL) Gloves: Street Cotton Gloves Shoes: Classic High Tops Face Accessory: Blue Rockstar Neck: Dirty Headphones Waist: Golden Fox Tail Exocore 1: SL Infiltrator Exocore 2: Rusty's Flask Scroll: White Fang
IGN: DEVILIvIAN's "Make your own fisticuff" sets! Ice Cold Baby Items Shiny Idol Hair[Hair] Hell Shade Top[Top] Fresh White Pants[Bottom] Hotshot Ring(Black)[Glove] Polar Bear Treads[Shoes] Thoughtless Eyes[Eyes] Sickly Nose[Nose] Poker Face[Mouth] Accessories: Booger Bubbles[Face] Blue Halo(200uses)[Face] Valhalla Amulet(90Day)[Neck] Demon Teen Idol Wings(Azure)[Back] Blue Mong(30Day)[Back] Exo&Scroll: Marionette[Exo] Ice Age[Exo] Vale Tudo[Scroll] Inventory: SP potion(30 uses) Snow Ball(300 uses) Spiked Nade(80 uses) Special Scroll For this Week: Savate only WINNERS in Fisticuffs will be entered to win the special scroll for this week, no raffle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit-man Items Black and Spiky (Hair) Nine Tails Top (Top) Leopard Bikini Bottom (Gold) *Bottom* Black Satin (Glove) Spiky Stocking (Shoes) Mac Eyes (Eyes) Accessories: Revolution Eye Patch (Black) *Face* Over-the-top Piercing (Face) Chain Piercing (Face) 90Day Ninja Muffler Black (Neck) Sniper Rifle (Back) Golden Fox Tail (Waist) Exo&Scroll: SL Infiltrator (Exo) Storm Punisher (Exo) Persona (Scroll) Inventory: Firestarter (60 uses) SPD-Down Bomb (80 uses) Panic Attack +1 (30 Day) Special prize For this Week: Pencak Silat only WINNERS in Fisticuffs will be entered to win the special prize, no raffle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yakuza Boss "The Black Dragon" Items Black Raiden(Hair) Hanbok Men's Black(Top) Arcane Bottoms(Bottom) Evening Spring Gloves(Glove) Taekkyeon Shoes(Shoe) Accessories: The Hollywood(Face) Revolution Eye Patch*Black*(Face) Shuriken BR Earrings(Face) Rosary(Neck) Scimitar Sword*200uses*(Back) Exos&Scroll: Doutetsu(Scroll) Demonic Spear(Exocore) Gauntlet of Karak(Exocore) -Please change Berserker for gaunlet Inventories: Firestarter*60uses* Snow Ball(300 uses) Panic Attack +1 (30 Day) RARE Special scroll For this Week: Black Dragon only WINNERS in Fisticuffs will be entered to win the special prizes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Rainy and Chilly season) Korean Street Wear Items Hair: Knit Beanie (Green) Eyes: Default Mouth: Default Nose: Default Top: Greenline Hoodie Bottom: Bright Boarder Pants Glove: Apprentice Gloves Shoes: Earth Rockers Scroll: Extreme TKD Exocore: Magician Exocore: Medusa Back: Froggy Umbrella Neck: Orange Scarf Face: Demon Teen Idol Earrings (Azure) Inventories: Firestarter *60uses* Spiked Nade *80uses* Panic Attack +1 *10uses* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items Hair: Dreadlocks Eyes: Default Mouthefault Noseefault Top: Adventurous Top (Black) Bottom: Fireproof Bottoms Glove: Rocco Gloves Shoe: Orange High Tops Scroll: Plum Ninjutsu Exocore: Arcane Gauntlet Exocore: Alpha White Face: Passionate Sweat *60days* Face: Wrestler Sunglasses (Blue) Face: Spiky Beard
IGN : LEEJONGSEOK ★ Purple Rockstar ★ Hair - KT Blue Eyes - Star Eyes (Shaman) Mouth - Kitty Smile Top - Purple Posh Top Bottom - Tomboy Shorts (PR) Gloves - Rocker Gloves (Perm) Shoes - Beach Sandles Face - Sentry Goggles , Headphones (Downward) , Black Ninja Clan Mask Neck - Ninja Muffler Pink Back - Rocker Guitar Waist - Arctic 9-Tail Tails ExoCore - Dionaea , Destructive Staff Scroll - Ice Breaker (Ver.Summer Festival)
"Wake Up, Ichigo" IGN: Capcap Hair - Black Heart Hat Eyes - Dark Eyes Mouth - Kitty Smile Top - Original Soul Top (Soul Fighter) Bottom - Original Soul Pants (Soul Fighter) Gloves - Fist Tape Shoes - Foot Taping Face - Chain Piercing (30 Day), Booger Bubble, Prowler Mask Neck - Ninja Muffler Black Waist - Nitoryu ExoCore - Black Dragon King, Black Taurus Scroll - Black Out (Summer Festival Version) If possible, it'd be great to get the Phantom Soul Shorts (Top) and Dark Soul Pants instead, as I own the Original Soul Top and Pants <3.
IGN: TsunaSawada Face Hair: Spiky Cap Eyes: Omni Eyes Clothes Top: Red Rider Top Bottom: Red Fire Shorts Gloves: RF Red Bout Gloves Shoes: Adventurous Shoes (Black) Accessories: Face: Jawbone Mask Back: Sniper Rifle Neck: Ninja Muffler Red Waist: Adventure Belt (Black) Scroll: Xinyi Liuhe Quan RE Exo: Invincible Fist Exo: Chain Massacre
" Alice in Wonderland, The Chaos Demon" IGN: Takamura Face: Hair: Retro Hair bun Eye: Wise mudang eyes Clothes: Top/Bottom: SoS Rescue suit Shoes: Red High Tops Accessories: Neck: Retro Scarf (red) Face: Dark Guaze Face2: Merry Antlers Back: Ak-47 Waist: Golden fox tail Skill items: Scroll: Vermilion Phoenix Excore1: Attack Booster Excore2: Gauntlet of Karak
IGN: Dank06iX "I only wear yoji " Jobs: Soul Fighter (M) Hair: Taxi driver cap Eyes: Exhausted Eyes Mouth: Evil Smile Clothes Top: Monarch Playa Bottom: Dark samurai bottom Gloves: Fresh pink Gloves Shoes: Fresh Shoes (M) Accessories: Face: The Musketeer, Retro Glasses, Devil wing (Head) Back: Sealed Red Scroll Neck: Ninja Muffler white Waist: Nitoryu Scroll: Doutetsu Exo: Ifrit and Devil Giant
Finesse - Most expensive items from each category IGN: draf Job: Striker (M) Face: Hair: Taro Mask Eyes: Thoughtless Eyes Nose: Roman Nose Mouth: Evil Smile Clothes: Top: Skinny Muscle Bottom: Shadow Merciless Bottoms Gloves: RF Red Bout Gloves Shoes: Japanese Black Geda Accessories: Back: Magnifying Glass Neck: Power Spaulders Ear: Devil Wing (Head) Glasses: Detective Glasses Mask: Briar Pipe Waist: Blockrock Tail Skill items: Scroll: Plum Ninjutsu Exo 1: Relentless Mace Exo2: Medusa
Dirndl Braid Radiant Bunny top Tiny Sailor Skirt Fist Wrap Bridal Shoes illuminati Eyes Evil Smile Bubble Gum Retro Glasses Merry Antlers Dog Tag Snow Bunny Tail Redemption Attack Booster Chain Massacre IGN: Lula