Introducing 'Slappy d's' a scroll ive been working on for 12 years I've finally perfected it

Discussion in 'Scroll' started by Calvis, Jun 12, 2023.

  1. Calvis

    Calvis Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Now please keep in mind, I am still working on this scroll since its not perfected yet. I will be changing things.

    The Dark Guardians were fooled into believing the revival of the Dark Lord would bring upon them a new age of ruling. The multiple attempts to revive the Dark Lord have failed, and the Guardians always managed to crush the Dark Guardian's plans. Out of desperation, Gloam decided to draw power straight from the Dark Lord himself, betraying his comrades. The darkness controlled Gloam, and manifested itself into the power of Umbra. Created by Jazz.

    NEW AIR PUNCH MECHANIC - Forced down
    One of the new mechanics that the scroll boasts. Usually, a jump punch will just kinda either make an airborn enemy just popup a tiny little bit, or act as a regular punch stun on a grounded enemy. However, Umbra's jump punch forces the enemy down, meaning they directly drop to the ground. This happens on both airborn and grounded enemies.

    NEW AIR KICK MECHANIC - Lifted knock up
    [image coming soon]
    Traditionally, the air kick just lifted an airborne enemy a bit or just hitstunned an enemy on the ground. In Umbra, the air kick lifts both airborne and grounded enemies just a bit, enough to raise somebody over the fences of moonlight valley. So if the user and enemy were in the air and the Umbra user air kicks, not only would they land first, but they have time to set up for some type of combo.

    Combo legend:

    Punch combo - PPPP
    Combo description: It is the scroll's standard punch combo with no new mechanic or feature to it.
    Punch one: A swift chop; fast animation and recovery. Low damage.
    Punch two: A subsequent swift punch, fast animation and recovery. Low damage.
    Punch three: A spinning knuckle; moves the user forward a bit but has poor recovery. Moderate damage.
    Punch four: A side fist. Normal knockback, average knockback range. Higher than average damage. Poor recovery.

    Kick combo - KKKK(kk)
    Combo description: The kick combo is supposed to be high-risk for high-reward, meaning that once the fourth kick is inputted the user must commit to the next two kicks to come. The high reward comes from the stellar knock back and great damage, however the poor recovery makes it something the user should be weary of.
    Kick one: A moderately fast round house kick. Poorer than average recovery.
    Kick two: A forward moving back kick. Poor recovery.
    Kick three: A forward moving spinning back kick. Poor recovery.
    Kick four (and five and six): The fourth input button commands for three kicks. Think of its functionality similar to blood wind ninjitsu's KKPKK combo. It takes the user forward and the opponent is knocked back of great length. Extremely poor recovery.

    Mixed combo, launcher - KKKP
    Combo description: Not a new, but invited mechanic. It is an AoE juggle launcher which has physics similar to the android exocore Magnet's knockup on it's V and B skills.
    Kick one: A moderately fast round house kick. Poorer than average recovery.
    Kick two: A forward moving back kick. Poor recovery.
    Kick three: A forward moving spinning back kick. Poor recovery.
    Punch four: The final punch acts as an AoE knockup. The knockup behaves similar to the android exocore Magnets

    Two-hit kick combo - K(K+G)
    Combo description: Just a standard two hit combo.
    Kick one: A moderately fast round house kick. Poor than average recovery.
    Mixed kick two: A kick of swift speed which results in a knockback. Poor recovery.

    The grab is really flashy! I think it is a unique grab in the sense that it pushes the user backwards, which I do not think any scroll can boast. This can save you from cluster situations (or harm you in tight spaces). So the user and the enemy essentially get knocked back from the point of origin.

    Just a flashy counter, nothing special really.


    Nanmu sequence: Punch 2, Punch 3, Punch 4, Kick 2, Kick 3, Kick 4 (5, and 6), kick 2, Kick 3, Kick 4 (5, and 6), Running special, kG special.

    The last two hit of the nanmu is the running special and kG special, meaning that the user could either walk through the opponent if they decide to terminate their nanmu prematurely or they could commit to the standard nanmu and knock the enemy back. The possibilities are endless!

    kG special
    One of the new mechanics I would like to see in the game. The Destroyer scroll already had a projectile, but this one takes it a step further. Umbra's kG special will have the same speed and distance as Destroyer's kG special, however once the enemy is hit, the user will teleport behind them and knock them to the user's opposite side. If this is blocked, the teleport does not happen. It has TERRIBLE recovery.

    Running special
    A running special which instantly knocks somebody down when they come into contact with the user. The user is able to go through the enemy whether it is blocked or it damages the enemy. If the enemy blocks, they will not be knocked down. The running special has no block stun, so if they enemy blocks the user's running special attempt, the user could be heavily punished
  2. Comoros

    Comoros Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Who is Gloam?
  3. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Is this a joke or..?
    Prizmo likes this.
  4. Comoros

    Comoros Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    i dont know man it seems like a solid suggestion to me
  5. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    No, the suggestion IS solid... It's just the NAME and the CREATOR I'm inquiring about
  6. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    4 cups of coffee deeps, lets take a crack at this;

    -PPPP feels way too plain, would benefit from the same particle orb effect as the KKKP but one-handed.
    -KKKK needs an element / particle effect attached to spice it up / make it stand out.
    -KKKP feels too much like a white fang combo, only flaw there.
    -K(G+K) could be spiced up with a K(G+K) P or K follow up attack, currently very plain.
    ->>G feels like it should just be a long dodge, maybe with input option(s) after to compensate for how simple the scroll is. Otherwise its fine, just a trip version of Black Dragon's >>G.
    -Counter could be a (G+K) + P so the 360 counter is optional, can be counterbalanced with a long recovery.
    -Nanmu should have a move that distances the enemy so the finisher couldve been the kG.
    NeoStrayFox likes this.
  7. Calvis

    Calvis Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    thanks ill look into this

    btw when you said the finisher couldve been the kG

    I was wondering what a kG is ?

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