For the love of idk what....Please turn off the annoying announcements when someone gets repel weapon, summons a mythic illusive boss, recieves other items from opening boxes , succeeds in refining etc. WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO BY KNOWING THAT THEY SUCCEEDED IN REFINING OR GOT A NEW WEAPON OR SUMMONED A BOSS? HUH??!?!!?!?!?
Depending on your luck, the mobs/ boss drops the bead. You don't need to collect that many to make one.
@[GM]Ahri .. Could you check the Hefei's craft list of the Blue Dragon Bead (excellence) and Black Tortoise Bead (excellence).. the material for both of them is switched, Black Tortoise Bead for Blue Dragon Bead (excellence) and.. Blue Dragon Bead for Black Tortoise Bead (excellence)
Why you added Illusive stones to game ? Just delete that . Wtf are you thinknig somebody will pay 600$ for 1 relic ? You can t be serious ....
Notice how GM only replies to posts that they wanna fix and take into consideration. If you don't get a reply, your post is irrelevant to them.
I suppose we can include that literally every mob has a chance of dropping relics, with the lowest being a Banner Excellence or BOF.
Yeah the chance being 0.0000000000000001 % yeah? Just like how low the chance to drop KL beads are from their respective bosses, maybe even lower now for these new items
can GGM answer me this/ when u kill arcane and high illusive bosses do you get all the drops under the list of the stated boss or drops are random? i killed 5 arcane bosses and al i got were kg and yybs dmg pills
as i didn't get any replay from gm, can any player post levels of mobs they fought? how hard where they to kill and the level of players killing them.
hello idk lv's but white tiger boss is hi 5-6 and fox is hi9+ bec red to hi4 don't do them if ur low lv get ur friend to help.
The last and highest level bracket is heavenly immortal, after heavens gate. I am HI10 and well geared (beads and +10 - +15 weps and clothes ) And I can drop mythics like spider queen and fox in around a min, taking little to no damage.
i see. i used the information in the auction npc. it only goes up to hg. so the branch,even the small fry mobs, is for max(or close to) level characters? thx for letting me know. as a casual player who likes to take his time leveling i'll know to avoid it for the while.