Hero War is a battle system in which Hero Bands can declare war against one another in order to reap rewards and gain an edge over a rival league. There are four stages in the Hero War process: Declaration, Grace Period, State of War, and End War. 1st Stage: Declaration Only the Hero Band Master can declare war on another Hero Band. Users will be unable to declare war if: Either Hero Band is in another Hero War. The opposing league is currently in a grace period of any Hero War. 3rd Hero Band that made an Alliance with the opposing Hero Band is in Grace Period. A defeated Hero band is in Hero War cooltime (7 days). War can be declared at the NPC Hero Wars Manager, Kilyoung Li, located in Hefei next to the SvS Board. Select “Declare War” Enter the name of the Hero Band you wish to declare war on in the pop up UI. Upon payment of the required fee: A message will appear in All chat, displaying your war declaration. A Pigeongram of your war declaration will be sent to all members in both Hero Bands. As soon as war is declared, both Hero Bands will enter the Grace Period Stage. 2nd Stage: Grace Period Both Hero Bands under war declaration will have 2 days (48 hrs) of Grace Period. Both Hero Bands can either make alliances, or surrender. No points will be counted during Grace Period. Penalties will be applied to Hero Bands battling during Grace Period. Alliance: Alliance request, accept, or cancel can only be processed by the leader or vice leader of the Hero Band. Either Hero Band can make up to 2 alliances regardless of which clan they are in. The current alliance status can be verified via shortcut key (Y) once the alliance has been made. Alliance Chat can be made used between allied Hero Bands. Surrender: The leader of the targeted Hero Band can surrender during the Grace Period via NPC Hero Wars Manager Kilyoung Li. The war will end once the targeted Hero Band has paid the Surrender Fee, in which the previously paid declaration fee will be refunded to the declaring Hero Band. Battle score will be recorded for both Hero Bands, and the declaring Hero Band will receive the rewards for victory. No battle score will be recorded for allied leagues if the war was surrendered. 3rd Stage: State of War Once the Grace Period has ended, the actual war will begin and last for 7 days (168 hrs). During the State of War period, the status of both Hero Bands will be turned into Hostility Mode. (A Hostility Mode icon will appear at the end of the name of any Hero Bands involved in the war.) During the State of War period, no penalty will apply towards PVP battles between players within the same Hero Band. 2 points will be given each time a member of the opposing Hero Band is defeated. In order to win the war, each Hero Band must score a minimum of 100 points and have a higher score than the opposing Hero Band. All scores will reset once the battle results are determined. All participants are restricted from using Spirit of the Conqueror during the State of War period. Hero Bands aren’t able to withdraw during the State of War period. 4th Stage: End War Winning Hero Band and Alliance will receive rewards. The Hero Band that loses the war will be restricted from joining another Hero War for 7 days (168 hrs). Winning Hero Band: “Hero Band A has won the war against Hero Band B” title will appear in-game for 7 days. Losing Hero Band: “We’ve lost the Hero War” title will appear in-game for 7 days. A penalty will be applied to the losing Hero Band for 6 hours. All Attributes and Movement Speed will be reduced by 20% for 6 hours.
About rewards. What if a band has a smurf band to war with to get rewards? Please consider adding band level requirement in order to participate a hero war. Thanks
You get a title that says you laid the smackdown XD Just kidding . But you get a title saying you were the winner.
ok so basically nothing. I think if they were more like rewards how ever small it may be(like some pills would motivate more people in band to participate)
Hey Nine, been a while haha. No disrespect but I feel like nothing changed in the War System. War is fun and all but there's no real reward for trying to win. Also no real penalty for losing; really makes people not want to fight each other ha.
Ok, Lets say you just got into game, bamboo stuff etc, and suddenly you suffer a debuff cause the league you got into just recently lost the war?Wouldnt it be discouraging them from playing the game? Will we keep a ladder of winning leagues somewhere to let it be competitive? Could we think about a level requirement in order for a kill to count? Or are we fine with end game players one-shooting newcommers for their league affilation? Dont take it personal, its my thing to always seek something to improve, I know that prolly all of them are a no-no because of a simple reason that its for devs to decide... Cheers
The war system should be taken out on tao its nothing but viets harassing white leagues with jokes or just one person in league with op relics. The wall system hasn't been used right on tap since I've been on the server. I mean you can log on and check the board and see the leagues calling war on other leagues. If I wanted I could pick every league on tap into a war with joke leagues but sadly you guys can't do anything since you don't do anything about it
Doesn't come from the right person, killing every lowbie and afk he spots. Don't be like this Europe...
Best option for this feature is to be able to "Opt Out!" of being in a war! This gives PvE leagues that chance. LD is the only map this is on that I remember and it is pointless! Or just make LD on Tao PvE!
Hy I have a question. You say above I receive a penalty of 6 hours reduced movement speed and attributes, but when I check the penalty is 7 days. So please can you check why the two penalty times are same?