Event Harvest Festival

Discussion in 'Archive' started by [CM]NineArts, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    What would have been a copious harvest for Herb Village, quickly turned into misfortune after a neglectful villager ate food from the offering table meant to appease the spirits who once tended to the lands. But is that all there is to it? Come to the aid of the Herb Village, solve the mystery of the Hidden Valley, and save the Thanksgiving bounty from ruin!

    Nov 26, 2024: Black Friday Update

    Black Dragon Gold Medal
    From now until Dec 2nd, you will be able to purchase Black Dragon Gold Medal (10) from the in-game Marketplace. You can use these items to exchange at Collector Wan Daye NPC for limited Black Friday Items. Black Dragon Gold Medals can be traded until the scheduled maintenance on Dec 10th at 17:00 PST.

    Wan Daye Black Friday Resource List
    Wan Daye BF 1.png
    Wan Daye BF 2.png
    Wan Daye BF 3.png
    Hefei Women Accessory Pouch contains one of the following items.
    • Seo Lu Hwa's Jade Brooch
    • Three Princesses's Jade Brooch
    • Seo Hwarang's Jade Brooch
    • Hu Yinling's Jade Brooch
    • [Epic] Seo Lu Hwa's Jade Brooch
    • [Epic] Three Princesses's Jade Brooch
    • [Epic] Seo Hwarang's Jade Brooch
    • [Epic] Hu Yinling's Jade Brooch

    Golden Dragon Scale Bag 1.png Golden Dragon Scale Bag 2.png

    Note: These items are limited to 10 per account per month until Dec 2nd.​

    Thanksgiving Day Buff
    In celebration of everything we are thankful for, the following buffs have been activated.
    • Maximum Life increase by 25000
    • Maximum Vital Energy increase by 15000
    • 10/1000 of Damage absorbed into Life
    • 10/1000 of Damage absorbed into Vital Energy
    • Increases Exp gain by 20%
    The Thanksgiving Day Buff will last for 180 minutes. When the buff expires, you can relog in Hefei to receive the buff again.

    Herb Village Hidden Valley Event Quests
    With the Harvest Festival ruined, the Village Chief of Herb Village calls forth any heroes willing to uncover the mystery behind the sickness of the farmers and crops. While they are weary of the crops, Turkey Meat is in high regard. Will you help Herb Village in time to save Thanksgiving?

    Road to Karma Quest: [Event] Thanksgiving Day in Herb Village (1)
    NPC: Herb Village Chief (Kunlun)
    Condition: Lvl 91+, Speak to Herb Village Chief
    Reward: N/A

    Road to Karma Quest: [Event] Thanksgiving Day in Herb Village (2)
    NPC: Herb Village Chief (Kunlun)
    Condition: Discover the mystery of the Herb Village Hidden Valley Dungeon
    Reward: Dim Magic Lantern

    Heroic Quest: [Event] Thanksgiving Day in Herb Village (Daily)
    NPC: N/A
    Condition: Lvl 91+, Accept Windgram
    Reward: Shaman Amulet (3)

    Heroic Quest: [Event] Roast Turkey (Weekly)
    NPC: Herb Village Tavern Jin Yeong Hye (Kunlun)
    Condition: Lvl 91+, Acquire 20x Turkey Meat from [Event] Escaped Turkeys.
    Reward: Turkey Feather (15)

    Herb Village Hidden Valley Dungeon
    Investigate the Hidden Valleys of the Mountains of Kunlun through a cave that was recently uncovered by a landslide in Herb Village.

    Herb Village Hidden Valley Dungeon.JPG

    The Herb Village Hidden Valley Dungeon entrance can be found in Herb Village in Kunlun, at coordinates, (804,36)

    Dungeon Entrance.JPG

    Herb Village Hidden Valley Dungeon (Normal)
    Entering this dungeon will require 3x Shaman Amulet, which can be acquired via daily quest.

    Herb Village Hidden Valley Dungeon Normal Reward: Black Dragon Supply Cache

    Black Dragon Supply Cache contains two or more of the following items.
    • Wooden Black Dragon Emblem (100%)
    • Sealed Bead (Large) (5) (100%)
    • Bead of Storm (3)
    • Option Switch Rune (5)
    • Option Add Rune

    Herb Village Hidden Valley Dungeon (True)
    Entering this dungeon will require 3x Shaman Amulet (True), which can be obtained by resource from Festival NPC Seo Hwarang in Hefei.

    Herb Village Hidden Valley Dungeon True Reward: Black Dragon Supply Cache (True)

    Black Dragon Supply Cache (True) contains three or more of the following items.
    • Wooden Black Dragon Emblem (3) (100%)
    • Sealed Bead (Excellence) (5) (100%)
    • Turkey Feathers (5) (100%)
    • Bead of Storm (Gold) (3)
    • Option Switch Rune (10)
    • Option Add Rune

    Thanksgiving Turkey Field Event

    Thanksgiving Turkey.JPG

    For the duration of this event [Event] Escaped Turkey will be spawned in Liaodong, Loulan, Tibet, North Sea, Kulun, Qingdao, and all clan maps and can be killed for a chance to drop Turkey Feathers. Trade them in to Festival Merchant Seo Hwarang for some great rewards.

    Jeoksam Resource
    Jeoksam Resource.png
    Shaman Amulet Box contains 1 or more of the following items.
    • Shaman Amulet (3) (100%)
    • Shaman Amulet (3)
    • Magic Lantern
    • Silver Ornament of Abundance Exchange Coupon

    Seo Hwarang Resource
    Seo Hwarang Resource 1.png
    Seo Hwarang Resource 2.png
    Seo Hwarang Resource 3.png
    Kunlun Harvest Box contains one of the following items.
    • Earth God's Magic Lantern
    • Gold Ornament of Abundance Exchange Coupon
    • [Rank 5] Black Flame Phoenix Guardian
    • United Spirits Bead
    • Ultimate Tablet
    • Golden Dragon Elixir
    • Silver Ornament of Abundance Exchange Coupon
    • Half Moon Jewelry Exchange Coupon
    • Black Dragon Clan Elixir Pouch
    • Kunlun Harvest Ornament Pouch
    • Nine Dragons Silver Badge

    Seo Hwarang Create
    Seo Hwarang Create.png

    Wan Daye Resource
    Wan Daye Resource 1.png
    Wan Daye Resource 2.png

    [Rank 4] Turkey.png

    [Rank 5] Black Flame Phoenix.png

    Marketplace Item: Blue Splendor Stones
    From now until further notice, you'll be able to purchase Blue Splendor Stones from the Marketplace!

    Sale Items:
    • Blue Splendor Stone
    • Blue Splendor Stone (11)
    • Blue Splendor Stone (33)
    • Blue Splendor Stone (55)
    Properties: Can Trade, Cannot Sell, Can Store, and Cannot Discard

    Event Notice:
    • The event begins on November 12, 2024, after maintenance, and will run until December 10, 2024 before maintenance.
    • Any accounts found abusing the event will be permanently banned.
    • Reward items are obtained at a fixed probability -- there is no guarantee that you will get them.
    • The event schedule and details are subject to change without notice or compensation.
    • Click the [?] icon at the top-right corner to open the Resource and Create window.
    • Place your cursor over the magnifying glass to check the properties of an item.
    • Event items and Resource lists will be deleted from the game. Be certain to use/open them by December 10th's maintenance.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2024
  2. NukerFromBardo

    NukerFromBardo Member

    Jun 25, 2024
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    oh cool another pay2play event. It's not even pay2win now you cannot even play the event properly without spending real $$$
    Suikun and bengie22 like this.
  3. displayname00000

    displayname00000 New Member

    Mar 6, 2024
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    why did redfox not fix wanted system? can still get wanted from pking in Kunlun and other maps
    pum9d likes this.
  4. raonyn

    raonyn New Member

    Aug 22, 2017
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    A entrada para a masmorra é cheia de bugs, você tem que ficar procurando a posição para conseguir entrar.

    E quando eu entro no último chefe, ele não aparece!? Então eu perco meu tempo, e itens que eu não ganho.
    pum9d likes this.
  5. Arturia

    Arturia New Member

    Mar 2, 2024
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    If you check carefully, it's not a pay-to-play event. Everything can be farmed in this event. Of course, there is an option for those who spend real money to get a head start, but this is totally a farmable event.
    7hech0isen0ne likes this.
  6. pum9d

    pum9d Member

    Aug 21, 2024
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  7. pum9d

    pum9d Member

    Aug 21, 2024
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  8. raonyn

    raonyn New Member

    Aug 22, 2017
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    Why do I kill 40 chickens and get 1 Turkey Feathers?
    GM. What happens to the drop rate of items, is it -100.00%?
    Wow, with a PAY TO WIN/PLAY event like this, it becomes difficult to get things, and it even makes you discouraged to make an item. Everything is simply driven by CREDITS.
    Actually 15 that I got from the mission in the event of killing 20 chickens.
    and 1 that I got after killing between 70+ chickens.

    Last edited: Nov 14, 2024
  9. pum9d

    pum9d Member

    Aug 21, 2024
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  10. pum9d

    pum9d Member

    Aug 21, 2024
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    Hello, my friend!
    I’m able to drop the event item without any issues, even without the event.
    But for that, you need a very high drop rate.
    In my case, I’m using approximately 1.8k~2k drop rate.
    What’s your drop rate?
  11. raonyn

    raonyn New Member

    Aug 22, 2017
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    Entendo, mas ainda não faz sentido que o evento tenha uma taxa de queda absurdamente baixa.

    Para adquirir um drop set de 300% preciso ter 40/50B, talvez mais.

    Voltei ao jogo há 2 meses.

    Eu só tenho o conjunto Fiery Silk = 40%

    As relíquias adicionais = 7%

    Estou correndo para melhorar os conjuntos de roupas mais fortes para poder subir de nível e atacar em eventos mais fortes e fáceis.

    Para novatos ou aqueles que estão retornando, não é possível continuar comprando créditos e BSS para trocar por itens poderosos.

    Vi que preciso investir cerca de 70B só para melhorar os conjuntos de relíquias. E não há lugar no mapa onde eu possa farmar 1B ou mais por dia.

    A RedFox poderia equilibrar um pouco esses pontos para que jogadores antigos e novos possam voltar a jogar de uma forma mais justa e divertida.

    Mas essa é só a minha opinião, certo?
  12. XXzzzzXX

    XXzzzzXX New Member

    Mar 20, 2022
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    Bro if need to have that much drop rate, I feel RF need to increase their drop rate for the masses. Just saying.
  13. Josef

    Josef Member

    Nov 29, 2016
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    Drop rate without event is very very low. I dont have 2k %drop but more then 1k%drop.
    drop card dont work in events with pet buff, you dont see any diference.
    Yeah, need make change on drop! ^^
  14. pum9d

    pum9d Member

    Aug 21, 2024
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    raonec likes this.
  15. raonec

    raonec Member

    May 15, 2017
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    Man, it's almost a joke for other players who don't have a 1.9k - 2k % chance of dropping.
    It seems to be making a fool of other players.
    1 - Not everyone has the END SET to farm billions of gold. And buy items with a maximum % chance of dropping.
    2 - There are players who charge around 100 billion for a 300% drop set.
    3 - I could see that the events are garbage that only benefit those who already have the EndGame Set. And billions of gold in the account that can make the event dungeon level (true).
    4 - To manufacture the event items, in addition to requiring X amount of items, there is still an irrational amount of value between 5 million to 1 billion. Each level 1 / 2 / 3 or 4 for example to improve still has the chance of failing and losing everything.

    I still wonder here, why I insist on going back to playing 9dragons. As much as I like the game and the mechanics, I feel like it's not worth killing myself to get the TOP END items in the game.
    The YIN server is a community that doesn't help much, and when there are newbies or returning players like me, few of them are willing to help, even if it's correct advice.
    For example: "If you grind in X place, you'll level up faster" or "you have a chance to get this item to make another one"
    I started playing this game in 2005 and after Acclaim went bankrupt, and the game was sold and resold to companies without any commitment, I went back and forth playing.
    But I think RF outdid themselves in ruining the game, turning it into PayToWin, or as the friend above said, PAY TO PLAY.
  16. raonec

    raonec Member

    May 15, 2017
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    Now tell me, what chance do I have of competing equally with you?

    There's no way, bro.
    bengie22 likes this.
  17. Bagarid

    Bagarid New Member

    Feb 20, 2024
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    I think the items event must be classify with 4 level and at least the lvl3 is enough good for 80% player, not nearly high-end items & hopeless price with low-mid players.
    For example: Lvl 1, be given after finish quest, option 700 YYBS. Lvl 2, after 10-15 normal dungeons + gold + ..., option 1500-2000 YYBS. Lvl 3, can be create with 20-30% chance, can use MCG, option 4000-5000 YYBS. And lvl 4 for high-end players, can be create with 10% chance, without MCG. And then, when the lvl 3 items are selling from high-end players, its prices can be around 3-4b/ each, not hopeless price with a lot of BSS-golds.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2024
    bengie22 likes this.
  18. displayname00000

    displayname00000 New Member

    Mar 6, 2024
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    thank you for adding jades for blackfriday event :)
  19. 7hech0isen0ne

    7hech0isen0ne Active Member

    May 11, 2022
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    Gm,please list below an items wich drops from "Hefei lady accesoary pouch,please!
    Also,will be realy nice if you make
    "Crouching Jade" tradable or "Refined dragon jade" to be tradable!
  20. Suikun

    Suikun New Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    yeah!! we need
    "Crouching Jade" tradeable!!

    and wich drops from "Hefei lady accesoary pouch"

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