LMFAO still crying for blue box revamp ? if no one buying them why kunlun relics price going down ? before blue box revamp any kunlun relics level 5 is over 40b gold and now under 10b. now every one can buy relics level 5 and 2 slot jades . so i tell you, you need to fill something in your empty head . also i remember you , @Cytrix and some player said kunlun map is dead, blah blah blah before blue box revamp. you know what kunlun map is dead almost 2 months for you guys . and kunlun map is dead Nov 13, 2018 to Jul 28, 2020 for 95% ppls [ cos they don't have chance to kill any KL bosses] read what i write and go more cry at any corner for blue box revamp. also don't forget to fill something in your empty head .
Kunlun is way more empty since blue box revamp. Means less people for me to pk > Less fun ingame > Missing readiness to buy CC > Less money for RF. I never spent as less money as the last couple of months. It's all due to RF messing it up. So you can cry all you want, but fact is currently RF is couple of thousand dollars poorer each month from me alone, and I know other big spenders are also avoiding to buy CC and that's a fact. I dont care I have my end gear already so I don't have to login day and night, for me it's enough to login for BvW. But can RF survive this in the long term? I doubt it very much.
Excuse me? If you check the time of my post, you see it was right after the update. Anyway, I don't need/have to give you any explanation. Your opinion doesn't matter to anyone. Do you start an argument by saying that we have empty heads? I suggest you go to school and learn manners on how to reach people. After, you can come to me and address me in a correct way. I'm not crying for anything my dear colleague, I got everything I need and it was not because of you And if you want my opinion, I can give it to you. For me is frustrating to see a KL lvl 4 relic being sold for 700~900kk. Why? because I spent more than a few months to have enough materials to craft a lvl 4 relic. I was needed to gear myself to be able to farm those freaking bosses and now anyone can do it by buying them this cheap. But yes, I understand where you come from with this kind of judgments and for sure you don't even know where the spots of the KL bosses are. Let the storm rides you, my dear colleague. Happy farming! I look forward to seeing you in-game (if you are courageous enough )
So maybe a noob hainan question.. Now that is out for a okeish time, I was hoping someone can tell more about the dragon weapon box. U need some iron lood essence I get that. But does the box give u an raw white dragon weapon? Like give u mats to make ur own flying white dragon weapon?? As well the box is not tradeable but what about the stuff that comes from the box?? Would be nice info if someone can share it. As well maybe if that is tradeable sellable. I know u would still need 2 UT to make a flying drsgon weapon.
well 95% of ppls don't care you log in or not and also me . if you don't like this situation you can leave any time, no one care about you
LMFAO you said you are not crying but you still crying for blue box revamp . AGAIN kunlun map is dead almost 2 months for you guys . and kunlun map is dead Nov 13, 2018 to Jul 28, 2020 for 95% ppls [ cos they don't have chance to kill any KL bosses] 95% of ppls write here KUNLUN IS DEAD KUNLUN IS EMPTY KUNLUN IS BLAH BLAH BLAH before blue box revamp ?? they didn't write here like you and @Cytrix . Shame on you and @Cytrix .
You talk too much which is not proportional to the contributions that you did to the game. I also didn't have the chance to kill any KL boss, but guess what... I worked on myself to be able to do it and I farmed for months to be able to craft a LVL 4 relic. I don't cry and in this forum there are a lot of people who cried for the freaking KL relics inside the blue boxes and they don't even appear in the game. Besides, everyone was selling CC for expensive items, that's so funny (if I remember well, it was 5k CC for OP deco? ). You guys talk too much but you don't do anything important. Go back to your cave. It is always easier to point out someone else, it's the normal behavior of the average population. We understand you my dear colleague.
I used to be a KL boss farmer for about 1 and a half years, and now people throw the "you mad about blue box" taunt in my face, but in reality, what do I have to be mad about? I farmed and made 100s of billions of gold and purchased 8 UTs among other items. This is was off lvl 3 and 4 relics and now I get to watch those very relics go to dust. Honestly, I could not be any happier with the whole revamp of Blue boxes. Now I can focus on Hainan and LLGC.
Now, after many months, are many changes on Yin because of some important changes. I see the situation all day at different time zones. I can attach a lot of screens. Changes : -monopoly is over, now not only a hand of people organized can farm the bosses; -KL relics in boxes double by ban for some players and erase of dupe items, change the power balance in server; -in event time people farm from noobs, maps like Tibet, Hz, Icy are more animated; -only few people can farm Hainan, but don't do it, they are not on the map; -at KL bosses still some people take time and teleport to noobs dead at KL bosses spots, now KL 10 relics that were dupe are hunted, but will take time; -another hot spot to get money is BM, farmed. I saw some farmers there in week day and weekend; -op items are check and double check, Hefei is not flooded with those now; there are some catchy eye stands to follow up and see from there they have the items and some characters; - many hide their op items now on noobs from the GMs eyes, but it is only in few time we will see if they still have them, because many eyes are on them. Change came in Yin, same with Tao and was mandatory. Some lost, some win, the law of nature!
LMFAO you are the only one who talking too much here and in game, i am not . you didn't have chance to kill any KL bosses and what you farmed for months to craft level 4 relics ? nvm i know already, you have empty head . i am not selling any credit coins, i playing black clan character only and i am not white SR player like you think. i don't care any of them and i still playing everyday in kunlun. if some stay in cave , maybe that is you because i saw you everyday in SZ like SR player . i got some fun with you here but enough for me. so you can cry more if you want no more reply for you. btw don't forget this is important fill something in your empty head . bye and thank you for fun.
The only change I saw is people leaving the game due to unrealistic objectives. -monopoly is over, now not only a hand of people organized can farm the bosses; There was never a monopoly in Yin (you can pm me if you need more information, you are just guessing). -KL relics in boxes double by ban for some players and erase of dupe items, change the power balance in server; No power balance has changed. The ones with higher relics befor have the highest relics right now. And few of the new people got relics from blue boxes. I don't see any balance my colleague. -in event time people farm from noobs, maps like Tibet, Hz, Icy are more animated; There is not a realistic objective for high-end players to farm Hainan. Things are YEARS away. So, why not farming with noobs to try to sell some items to get gold (more realistic and feasible objective)? -only few people can farm Hainan, but don't do it, they are not on the map; I can farm Hainan easily but I just don't because of the unrealistic state of Hainan objectives. Change my mind my overpowered colleague. -at KL bosses still some people take time and teleport to noobs dead at KL bosses spots, now KL 10 relics that were dupe are hunted, but will take time; I do bosses hunt time to time. At least can help people doing the Purify quest. -another hot spot to get money is BM, farmed. I saw some farmers there in week day and weekend; Again, farming BM is nothing special, you jsut need time and eventually you will have it. Of course, not everyone has the amount of time wanted to be spent in the game. -op items are check and double check, Hefei is not flooded with those now; there are some catchy eye stands to follow up and see from there they have the items and some characters; I would like to see any official statement for this. I see a lot of people talking about this but no official statement. That would be cool to show. Otherwise, is just sand to my eyes. - many hide their op items now on noobs from the GMs eyes, but it is only in few time we will see if they still have them, because many eyes are on them. Goes with the same comment I mentioned above. In summary, nothing has changed. I don't even see any member from the SR in the server, so yes, it confirms that nothing has changed. And just for the record, I'm not complaining or crying as some people wanted. I'm just giving facts. The game is like it is and if I want to complain, I just quit.
I didn't say it wasn't nice work from your side. However, I don't understand your pictures tho.. The game itself asks us to be connected 250 hours per month, so obviously, most of the people will stay AFK in order to be able to reach that goal. You don't need to think that much to get it I guess. People are on the low lvl mapts because RedFox obliges us to be there.. Is not because we want to be there. KL drop table is fucked up and is NOT worth it to farm there during event (supposed to be the high-end map for the players). So, the any place to farm is creating a freaking low lvl toon and exploit the events... Thanks RedFox. PS: I am not in those pictures? Damn, that was an evolution!! Many thanks!
Are you going to say that I want to buy this for real money? Or just want to stalk everything I buy? I guess I could report you for harassing/stalking on people. Also got some screenshots that I can use. (for the record, no one pmed me ) A demonstration of what? Oh my dear god. You just collect random pictures of people without any context. What do you want with them? BTW, can you spot me in those pictures?
I think you are in the pictures. The pictures demonstrates one point to you and the rest : SR is24/24 on server and that is a fact. We know pretty well who is who and who made new noobs, what items they hide, what damage they have when they pvp and pve, who wants to cheat, who is selling what, who is farming what at what hours, who is on KL bosses and farm them and who duped what. As I said we wait patience the investigations to be over. I can show more SR power vs black market but I will stop now, we have patience.
No, I didn't say it, just show we have many roars transactions screens, see who sells what. We didn't accuse nobody, just monitor the situation.
Maybe yes, maybe no. Only god knows. I can also press the "PRT SCN" button randomly during the day. Want to have access to kpz then? For sure you won't find anything you think I have I mean, it is up to people who create them, no? Or is there any conspiracy?
You can do much, but you don't it or don't want to do it, this is the difference between SR and the rest : TAKE ACTION, MAKE THINGS HAPPEN ! We are not going on maps for nothing and make print screens, we make reports and so on. We are not in this game to make money out of it, we don't have that interest, consequently we act differently. We are here to stay as legit players and that is another fact about SR. Our goal is to improve the game for everyone, meaning a clean game, a game where everyone has equal chances to resources and try give guidance on solving the game problems. Hainan is not attractive to farm it ? Why ? It is hard to be farm, players don't have items, the items there are bad to be farm, the time is too much ? Is there a root cause ? Let's solve it with RedFox.