and where did u learn your Korean? who told you its Chinese?? its Korean not Chinese.. Have you ever played the Korean version? Please at least learn the ethnicity and language before you type... you do not pick 1 character and traslante from there.. its this 內 (내) also means mind, air tolerance except it work as aoe damage reduce... Next time comment after getting facts ty.. when 9/10 translators say it can means maximuh air tolerance also.. it means it is correct.. and it is taken for that in Korea version and works like that..
@Sirme this word "내공" isn't a new word. It means Vital Energy in Nine Dragons. Since you insist, please provide us the source. Note: using a translator is not the source. We need to know where you are getting this information and the proof that there is a mistake in the option in question. Thank you!
1) There are Sino-Korean words where the word is in Korean but it's based on the Chinese characters. 2) Of course I know that it's Korean. i don't need you to tell me. 3) Such arrogance! So, people that haven't learnt the ethnicity or language cannot or are not allowed to type what they want to say? Also, when I type up my post, I would naturally do some research and thinking before i type. 4) As stated above, I don't just post my comments carelessly. Naturally, I would do some research, refer to various sources to help support my comments. 5) If it was intended to work as "aoe dmg reduction", GMs would have already listed it as "aoe dmg reduction'. Why would they mistranlate as vital energy? Just some thoughts.
1, 2, 3) What you said made you sound ignorant... and you DID need me to tell you.. considering how you phrased your whole ill-put response.. If you are going to try to correct something make sure you are correct.... First of saying Korean alphabet is based on Chinese character is ignorant.. Hangul does not equals kanji or zhuyin / hanzi... Modern Korean has several roots.. there is a reason its called Hangul... not hanzi so if you are going to correct someone make sure you are correct... also I never addressed the post to you. they would wrongly the word translate as vital energy because 1 word can mean different things based on context... And I am sure you have not played the Korean version.. since what you are spouting is ignorance... I will will make pictures and post the Korean version in a way that proves that it does not increase vital energy... you want to act all scholarly like you actually know what you are talking about... first learn the difference between the cultures and how words came to be before you interject... Also do not bother replying to this post.. I am done talking to you.. (내) === my, can also mean within using 1 part of a fragment of word to confidently infer the meaning of anything Korean is ignorance...
Any sneak peaks how hard it will be to get those items to call Guardians when Guardian Update Event ends?
I have no prob picking up drops with my guardian except elixirs and passes. The only time I have problem is when my bags are full it will not pick stuff up even if if I dont have full stack. That needs fixed.
After keeping my characters hours and hours and hours online I finally got my level 1 Guardian. First mission, and here it is: one no-tradeable roar. I`m so thankfull
So now - because there is no [Rank x] Spirit of Guardian Shard at the Search list, the only way to get a Guardian is to buy some Wandering Souls and a huge package of Soul Stones (not counting pets and shards from past events).Then trying to upgrade Level 1 to decent Level of Guardian. Am I right?
Does the Rank 5 Guardian refine buff (+100% success) apply to refinement over +15? Or is it same like tenderstone which only applies for refinement from +1-+15 but not to +16,+17,+18.
[QUOTE = "[CM] NineArts, bài đăng: 471506, thành viên: 53385"] Vì nó được coi là một buff, nó chỉ áp dụng khi tinh chỉnh vũ khí +15 trở xuống. [/ QUOTE] Haha, noop pet