Missing ITEMS 1. There is no Search Scope in CASH SHOP 2. There are no [Rank 4] and [Rank 5] Empty Stone in this post, Which mean you can not trade pet lv4 and lv5 once you registered them. Only [Rank 1-3] Empty Stone mentioned (Guardian Search Loot), the problem is you have to use Search Scope (not exists in Cash Shop now) to search them in Ancient Valley. It means all those Empty Stones are unobtainable, and all pets are untradable now (when registered)
So in short: Death Valley: Trash Valley of Hell: Trash Vault of Death: Trash Vault of Double Dragon: Trash The School of Rising Sun: Trash 1. Buy a ticket to Ancient Valley from IM and try to drop: Demigod Mystical Creature Box Guardian Soul Plate - Death Valley (3) Guardian Soul Plate - Valley of Hell (3) Guardian Soul Plate - Vault of Death (3) Guardian Soul Plate - Vault of Double Dragon (3) Guardian Soul Plate - The School of Rising Sun (3) Advanced Black Soul Iron Nugget Box Advanced Black Soul Iron Nugget (Low) Advanced Black Soul Iron Nugget (Mid) Advanced Black Soul Iron Nugget (High) 2. Try to make "Vivid Guardian Soul Plate" 3. Go to 1 and repeat Do I miss something? UPDATE: Yes, I do. Rank 5 with Pulse's Treasure Box looks ok.
I can already forsee Ancient Valley will be a IM ticket you will need to buy everytime you want to go into AV.
We have found an error in the Ancient Moonlight set stats, in which we have already reported to our developers to be fixed. Regarding the Imperfect Costumes, they are only cosmetic items for your character.
Will it be a onetime purchase or an item that you'll havea to consume each time you want to enter that ancient area? Because if tha latter is the case i'm done with pets.
Considering the rewards I'm guessing 1 each time you go but if you keep getting **** rewards I would not buy. It's like the blue boxes and u keep getting KG or EM lol gotcha sucka
Well it's not like such an expedition already costs a ton of gold. Because you'll have to recharge your pet everytime. Stack of lv4 lost pouches costs 2b. lol. Basically you're already spending millions of golds for useless items. This will definitely not work out economy wise if they request a ticket for each ancient area search.
Question 1: Do Create Chance Increase Scrolls/Buffs help in increasing your chance to create guardian (since, Rank 1-5 create chance is not 100%)? Question 2: Do Guardians (Rank 1-5 upgrade) disappear on failed attempt to upgrade? is there chance that they don't disappear (in similar to clothes refinement) ?
Question one, unlikely. They refer to upgrading as awakening,not crafting for guardians. Question 2. There is a chance it wont disappear. Trying to make lvl 2 or higher comes with risk. If it fails it will either change to another pet of same rank eg if you fail to make lvl 2 your lvl 1 pet will change to another random lvl 1 pet. OR you could lose lvl 1 pet completely. I've lost a few lvl 2 & 3 pets
Thank GM, but too much information, cannot read all. Could you made a clip or short video, please? I think watch a clip is easy to understand. Thank you. PS: I dont know how to made a pet until now T_T
reading their patch notes made absolutely no sense to me, I just had to give it a go. I've made a bit of a video about it if you would like to watch
it doesn't die but I think it unsummons. Cant remember what happened due to self inflicted temporary memory impairment , but pretty sure it just went back to pet list
Thanks for the info. Well i've tried it myself and the pets did not die at 0%. So it's all fine. Btw. another question: What do the [Rank 4] - [Rank 6] Refinement Boxes contain?