Golden Time Event: St. Patrick's Day Bonus Rates!

Discussion in 'Golden Time' started by [CM]NineArts, Mar 15, 2018.

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  1. gangg

    gangg New Member

    Feb 9, 2018
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    GM help me my deco was bugged and it disapire like a bubble please help me to bring it back please:(:(:(:(
  2. Kiesa1234

    Kiesa1234 Member

    Jan 31, 2017
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    You do realise that all the time acclaim hosted weeked only had x2 for 2 hours right? GC-->HG lvl takes less than 12 hours to grind back in acclaim you couldnt even reach FC in single day. The base xp is way too high grinding is easy as it is.

    Aww baby is in denial because the game will get wiped and he will have to start again from scratch for like 5th time :)
    Face it, since acclaim the publisher lasts 2-3 until they dry all fatcat vn wallets and move on. They even said item mall WILL NOT have overpowered items in Yin and they added +2 scrolls and other boxes.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
  3. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Send in a support ticket so we can help you out.
    giupviecnha21 likes this.
  4. gangg

    gangg New Member

    Feb 9, 2018
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    what should i send GM :(
  5. Photoshop

    Photoshop Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    What server is it that you're playing 9D on ? Must be any private one and you're in the wrong forums dude, cause you're overexaggerating by a lot here. This is just not true at all.

    One more thing - Don't say things as if they were a fact when they are, in fact, your personal opinion.

    By that, I mean...

    This is your opinion.
    Which you are entitled to, sure. But I don't agree with it. And honestly, I think many others here will disagree too.
    I played in Acclaim as well, also enjoyed it at the time, but I still disagree with you.

    (By the way you're wrong about the weekend events there, they were also like it is here now, lasting for the whole weekend. The 2 hour events you talk about happened in the middle of the week, every Wednesdays and on some special dates in the week.)

    I do enjoy grinding in this game quite a bit, always did. But even then, after a certain level, grinding without an event feels awful and you don't feel like you're progressing at all. Having events like these certainly feels refreshing and are very welcome. In my opinion, they make you enjoy the grind more, want to keep playing more and get stronger.

    To close this out, I don't think they will change the game in any way in your behalf while there are many others like me who enjoy the game the way it is now rather than how it was before. I love it!
    But hey, if you enjoyed acclaim rates so much or if you're afraid that the server can close at some point, you don't need to stay around. You've always got the option to leave or play something else, you know? :p
    Revered likes this.
  6. Kiesa1234

    Kiesa1234 Member

    Jan 31, 2017
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    lvl1-217 in less than 7 hours if you cant do that in 12 hours ur opinion, matters and ur own being is irrelevant since ure pathetic
    oh and btw events were only frid-sat-sun you probably live in some poor country that is behind not only in economics but in time aswell :D
  7. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    1. First of all it`s not GC times but RF
    2. You got there: L4 deco, 124kk gold, +11 and +15 weapon, 14 days premium, black banner 30d, blue banner 30d, black banner ex, blue banner ex, Flag, RBK, BoF, BoFFM, Inner Pants, MKC, a few stack of herbs, clothes ready to wear, elixirs and suplements, Loulan dmg pills, Kunlun Epi,
    3. You was so fast to find League and shared party in Kunlun to powerlevel You. Amazing luck.

    So for me You only proved that:
    By RF exp rate with premium + league buff + Anniversary gifts+ 3x event + 5x cards + shared party + full geared +I M user can reach 217 in 7 hours.
    Are You proud of Yourself?
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
    Photoshop and BlondICE like this.
  8. gangg

    gangg New Member

    Feb 9, 2018
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    GM i already send a ticket please help me :(:(
  9. gangg

    gangg New Member

    Feb 9, 2018
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    GM i already send a ticket last week but nothings happen ?? >.<
    please help me to bring it back please :(:(:(
  10. Photoshop

    Photoshop Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    Those videos don't prove anything other than the fact that you (or whoever recorded that) already have a rich, high level character, that already did the main grind and took a lot more than just 7 or 12 hours to get to a high level. Then you just transfered the strong gear over to the new character. And then, you also have your friends ready to powerlevel you in Kunlun since CS levels, if not earlier.
    OF COURSE grinding is easy that way !!! Anyone could do that with their hands strapped on their back.

    If anything, those videos just invalidate your own argument that "the base xp is way too high grinding is easy as it is".

    That would actually be something impressive if you did so picking up a fresh account, starting from scratch, with no outsourced items and no party powerleveling and doing so only by yourself. Then you'd actually prove your point.
    What you showed us in those videos tho is easy and irrelevant to what you said, it's actually more like "cheating the system".

    I chose to ignore the rest of your bla bla bla, typical of a troll who ran out of arguments and resort to insulting as if that change anything. You invalidated your points all by yourself and you're the only one making yourself looking pathetic in here, dude lol

    Get yourself some actual facts to back up what you say and then you can come back.

    This, on the other hand, is spot on ! ;)
    KaMiguel, Revered and Junky91 like this.
  11. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    We have replied to your support ticket.
    giupviecnha21 likes this.
  12. megotanan123

    megotanan123 New Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Thanks GM ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  13. BlondICE

    BlondICE Active Member

    Nov 5, 2017
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    explain why u need new? if u dont have enough population in 2 servers? :D :D :D

    We need merge Yin + tao so we get more online people and more fun!
    Junky91 likes this.
  14. BlondICE

    BlondICE Active Member

    Nov 5, 2017
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    u already can buy a CC.. for that u dont need new server!
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